Top 5 Enlightening Books to Read if you are in your 20's

Sieved through a plethora of books to present you these enlightening books to read today

Saundarya Tyagi
Amateur Book Reviews
5 min readJun 26, 2021


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Tell me how well acquainted are you with your tween, have you got it all figured out. Don’t worry no one has and that’s the beauty of it, the endless questions, dreadful decisions, and the long wait for finding a purpose.

If I could divide this age into conceivable parts it will be — mental peace, relationships, financial freedom, and productivity, this is not an exhaustive list for sure but is something to focus on as everything is more or less related to understanding these aspects of our roller coaster ride.

When the world seems clueless that is when I find solace in a book, changing my perspective of viewing a problem as a mere situation that needs to be dealt with head-on.

Here is a stack of good ol’ books that you will never regret reading

Psychology Of Money


Genre: Finance

This book is precious in every way, and if you haven’t yet started investing you would be bound to do that after reading this masterpiece.

The author tried to debunk the mystics surrounding money in a way that relates to your mind, experiences, geographical locations, and luck.

One excerpt from the book reads

Few people make financial decisions purely with a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a company meeting. Places where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together into a narrative that works for you.

I finished this book in two sittings, it keeps your brain hooked as it slowly unveils the truth about finances. I want to write a separate article just dedicated to this book.

Make Time


Genre: Productivity

We all strive for balance in our life, to better manage our priorities, and be satisfied with our current selves. This book deals with increasing your chance to further this dream by using a system that the authors co-developed and is suitable for everyone.

One thing that differentiates it from the book in this category is its plain candidness and the way it is structured, giving due importance to relapses, burnouts, and setbacks.

The below are the basic steps to achieve any goal be it long term — writing a book, learning a new language, gaining new skills, or short term — meditating, getting up early, or excelling at work.

  1. Highlight: Make one thing your highlight(achievable goal) each day, and then schedule some time for it by blocking it in your calendar.
  2. Laser: After scheduling time for your goal have laser focus by removing all distractions (devices), and get into the zone of getting some work done.
  3. Energize: This system will only work if you energize yourself in between because you will be doing it every day, for that exercise, walk, stretch, meditate or socialize do things that make you more connected with your inner self rather than being focused on the outer world.
  4. Reflect: As with any system, a feedback loop is very important to keep the system running and evolving. The best way to do that is to reflect on things that worked and didn’t work out.

With this, I leave you be with a small teaser and hunger for reading the book.

Let’s talk about Hard Things


Genre: Relationships

In our quest for attaining a good life sometimes we leave our emotions behind, not giving them importance or ignoring them altogether.
When I picked up this book I was having mixed feelings as to would I need this advises-Death, Sex, Money, Family, Identity? Half of the things written in this book seem like abstract concepts.

But as I said it follows the story of inner feelings and we all have them, hence I recommend this book to people in their twenties.

It will surprise you and give you answers to the questions either you were too afraid to ask or deemed irrelevant.

Austin Kleon’s Books

Austin Kleon’s Page

Genre : Inner Creativity

These books are life-changing little jewels, you would want to binge read in a single day.

But don’t, it is intended to be read slowly, apply the tactics and assimilate them into your being. Things will suddenly start to make sense, and before you know it you will be laser-focused on your highlight.

Yeah, I just referenced one book from other, everything seems related once your know the bigger picture of things.

Some quotes that would make you pick these books up are

“Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use — do the work you want to see done.”

“Be curious about the world in which you live. Look things up. Chase down every reference. Go deeper than anybody else — that’s how you’ll get ahead.”

“You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life.”



Genre : Business

This book is an absolute gem, one of the key themes of Rework, is business, how you can build one and grow one or, not.In our 20’s we all are driven by success and the risk factor is at its minimal, such books help ignite the passion fire.

It is filled with surprises for everyone, the takeaway after reading this book would also differ from person to person depending upon their current mindset and the skills they wish to master in the near future.

Here is my take on Rework

It is extremely rich with material, and that is what makes it a fantastic read.

