Havelock FC

Havelock, NC

Zac Hines
Nov 19, 2020


To me, Havelock is synonymous with the Cherry Point military base and fighter jets. For this design I used a fairly simple jet silhouette with the name of the town running down the half of it. There isn’t much to this concept, but I liked the unique shape it made. I did add “FC” to the tail wing as a small touch to keep the aircraft from being completely blank.

Havelock Parks and Recreation

For a home location I would look to Havelock Parks and Recreation. There is ample room in that area to create a nice home venue for a team if some of the baseball fields were removed.

Camouflage is a pattern that I don’t use often, but I imagined this team to be comprised of active-duty service members from the base mere minutes away. Instead of shying away I decided it was better to lean in with the military drab color scheme and camo pattern. The logo on the chest gets lost in the pattern in this mock-up, but in-person I think that black border will help it pop.

Special thanks to Russell Varner for his help editing.

About me
First and foremost I am an amateur with no formal training. My hope is that this series will spark other creatives to make their own versions. Learn more about the series here. I was born and raised in Middlesex, North Carolina and have spent most of my adult life living in Raleigh. I am a fan of the beautiful game who wants to see it grow at the grassroots level.

