Impact FC

Statesville, NC

Zac Hines
2 min readJun 28, 2020


Statesville has an established youth program called Impact FC that I wanted to carry forward for this proposed team. I wasn’t a big fan of their logo though, so I took a completely different take on it. First up I changed the container into a pentagon — a shape that isn’t regularly used — to help it stand out. The name ‘Impact’ reminded me of the font of the same name, so I made sure to use a typeface that was tall and narrow.

From impact I thought strike, which led me to the sword. I didn’t want the sword to be just resting on the crest however, so I added diagonal bars behind it. For one, it gives the emblem a sense of depth, but the fading colors into red are also to invoke the sword making impact onto an armored target.

Statesville Soccer Complex

There are two locations Impact could call home. First is the Statesville Soccer Complex, a location with multiple fields and lighting, but no stands. One of these fields could be turned into the main field with bleachers as a quick upgrade. The other option is to play at Statesville High School’s American football stadium.

The mockups for the home kits I wanted to keep it streamlined and “clean.” The jersey does feature a bit of flair on the sleeves to help stand out, with the colors matching those on the diagonal stripes on the crest.

Special thanks to Russell Varner for his help editing.

About me
First and foremost I am an amateur with no formal training. My hope is that this series will spark other creatives to make their own versions. Learn more about the series here. I was born and raised in Middlesex, North Carolina and have spent most of my adult life living in Raleigh. I am a fan of the beautiful game who wants to see it grow at the grassroots level.

