Intimidate FC

Kannapolis, NC

Zac Hines
2 min readSep 20, 2020


It would be hard not to associate any sports in Kannapolis without its hometown icon, Dale Earnhardt aka The Intimidator. As a wise person once said, “Raise hell. Praise Dale.”

For Intimidate FC I wanted a bold simple crest that gets the message across. I landed on a cross with the name centered with a bold typeface. The color palette is ripped straight from number 3 himself. The shadow of red under the name I think helps reinforce the aggressive feel of this brand.

Atrium Health Ballpark; Kannapolis

I know I won’t make many friends saying this, but Intimidate FC would play their home games at Atrium Health Ballpark. I feel it is important to utilize as many existing stadiums for multi-sport purposes as possible, even if the sight lines at baseball stadiums aren’t great. In a perfect world the stadium would be retrofitted to a soccer specific stadium.

The mockup kit features the white cross from the crest on a black kit with red and white highlights that shows the same bold intensity that the number 3 car had on NASCAR tracks. For an away kit I imagined the team could inverse the colors, but only outline the cross.

Special thanks to Russell Varner for his help editing.

About me
First and foremost I am an amateur with no formal training. My hope is that this series will spark other creatives to make their own versions. Learn more about the series here. I was born and raised in Middlesex, North Carolina and have spent most of my adult life living in Raleigh. I am a fan of the beautiful game who wants to see it grow at the grassroots level.

