Weddington White Stars

Weddington, NC

Zac Hines
3 min readSep 13, 2020


Not going to lie to y’all, I had trouble finding inspiration for Weddington. The town is the third richest town in the state and was formed as a reaction to the city of Charlotte trying to annex the unincorporated land. It has an overwhelmingly low diversity demographics, sporting a 98% white population and less than two percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Weddington is the 50s white-Americana suburban dream.
With so little to work off of, I tried to keep the crest simple. I turned to the town’s seal and decided that the inner inverted star could be a good place to work from.

The name comes directly from the object — a white star, which is doing the heavy lifting. The container and lettering I kept simple for that reasoning. Colors for this crest don’t pull from anything in the town. I just thought the soft purple and dark grey would be unique to the series.

The club would have two potential home venues. Hellenic Park is an isolated sports park with a couple of fields. It doesn’t seem to have lighting and does not have any infrastructure. Siskey Field at the local YMCA on the other hand has the infrastructure to build upon to have lighting and seating with a little work.

Left: Hellenic Recreation Park; Right: Siskey YMCA Soccer Fields

The mock-up isn’t anything to write home about. With so little to go off of I wasn’t motivated to try and do something too unique. It does feature a sublimated pattern on the soft purple from the crest.

Special thanks to Russell Varner for his help editing.

About me
First and foremost I am an amateur with no formal training. My hope is that this series will spark other creatives to make their own versions. Learn more about the series here. I was born and raised in Middlesex, North Carolina and have spent most of my adult life living in Raleigh. I am a fan of the beautiful game who wants to see it grow at the grassroots level.

