DrupalCon Seattle 2019

Felix Morgan
Open Source Hosting
2 min readMar 27, 2019

We’re proud to sponsor, attend and present at DrupalCon 2019. Here’s where to find us, and what we’re looking forward to in Seattle this year!

Monday and Tuesday will be a great time to join a summit or a sprint or find your community of choice for a BoF. Michael Schmid will be part of the Performance and Scaling Summit, and you should be sure to come by the amazee.io booth in the exhibit hall to see demos, grab swag, and talk to us about how we are changing the world of web hosting with entirely open source solutions

If you’re new to DrupalCon, you can join the First-time Attendee Networking Breakfast on Tuesday morning. There’s a number of community social events and parties to join every evening after your days full of learnings and community.

On Wednesday the annual DriesNote will be an opportunity to hear about the current state of Drupal from Dries himself. In the evening, the first global Splash Awards will honor the best Drupal projects from 2018.

On Thursday Michael Schmid will present Best Practices: How We Run Decoupled Websites with 110 Million Hits per Month at 13:00 in Room 6C. This session will lift the curtain of the biggest Decoupled Website that we run at amazee.io including:

  • How the project is set up in terms of Infrastructure, Code, Platform and People
  • How it is hosted on AWS with Kubernetes and what we specifically learned from hosting Decoupled within Docker & Kubernetes
  • How the infrastructure looks for such a big website
  • How we leverage auto-scaling to handle traffic spikes
  • How we can use the newest container technologies to provide a better developer experience
  • How technology is great, but in the end the people behind the processes, operations and code matter the most

You can also check out talks by Amazee Labs, including Maria Comas talking about GraphQL 101: What, Why, How as a primer of GraphQL and John Albin Wilkins discussing why Amazee Labs uses CSS modules as their go-to CSS-in-JS solution in his talk CSS-in-JS and Drupal sitting in a tree…

We can’t wait to be part of all the amazing learnings, discussions, and community at DrupalCon this year. See you in Seattle!

