The Latest Lagoon Updates

Michael Schmid
Open Source Hosting
3 min readJan 28, 2019

At we are always building and contributing to improve our container-based hosting solution. Here are the latest updates to Lagoon.


Our UI will now refresh in real time while processes run. This means you can see the progress of a deployment or a backup restoring without manually refreshing.

Introducing Tasks

In the Lagoon UI you’ll see a new section called ‘Tasks’ where you can run common Drush commands. Use these tasks to synchronize environments, clear caches, or create backups all right from the dashboard.

drush sql-dump

Have an idea for a task that would make your life easier? We are planning to add additional features and we want to hear from you. Open a ticket in Github or email us directly.

drush sql-sync
Deleting an environment

Shared Databases

Databases keep users, content, and everything else a Drupal site needs to run, unfortunately, they don’t always play perfectly with a containerized system. Kubernetes automatically rebalances containers across servers during scheduled maintenance. This sometimes meant downtime for the sites if the database container was being rebalanced.

One solution to this would be to run a Galera cluster for the databases, but doing this for each individual project would require many more resources and result in higher costs for our clients.

Instead, we’ve created a single Galera cluster with the database for each site. When we do maintenance on that Galera cluster, its high available setup, with at least three cluster nodes, will prevent downtime. The result is that all customers will experience significantly better uptimes without any increase in cost while still being separate and secure.

You’re welcome to opt out of the shared Galera cluster. For customers that need a special config, we can still build an individual Galera cluster that will prevent downtime during scheduled maintenance times. Simply get in touch with us to talk about what suits your needs.

Other Improvements

We’ve added support for Solr 7.5 and fixed an issue where you’d have to completely remove and redeploy Solr every time you changed the config.

We now support PHP 7.3 — you can read more about why we suggest updated your PHP here:

We’ve expanded and refreshed large sections of our documentation

We’ve solved a problem where IPv4 addresses were displaying as IPv6



Michael Schmid
Open Source Hosting

CTO @amazeeio & @amazee, #SchnitzelCopter Owner & Pilot, Geek — he/his/him