HIPSTORY in the making

I would like to interest you in a new series of illustrations I have recently created — HIPSTORY.

HIPSTORY wishes to reimagine the great leaders of modern history and to place them in a different time and culture — ours.

In our time and culture, the ‘big’ ideologies are lost — we have grown tired, or perhaps too smart, to follow big systems of absolute ideas and beliefs. But have we lost something in this process? With nothing to hold on to, we are becoming global beings — focused more on our individual selves and less on society and ideology.

HIPSTORY wishes not to criticize, but to shed new light on the way we think of ourselves and the figures who inspire us.

It is my hope that this series will encourage us to reflect: upon our leaders, our society, and ourselves. And if nothing else- I hope HIPSTORY will at least make us smile.

For more information about the series and the ideas behind it, feel free to contact.

Amit Shimoni

Facebook: Amit Shimoni Illustration

Nuvango: Amit Shimoni

E-Mail: amitshimoni87@gmail.com

