Integrating LoRaWAN with MQTT and REST APIs: A Seamless Approach to IoT Communication

Sajjad Hussain
God Hardware
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2024


Did you know smart cities completely transform our live? We will have more comfortable life. OK, lets move to main topic, did you know MQTT, and rest APIs. Why these technologies used in and what are the advantages.

LoRaWAN: A network protocol for long-range communication between end devices such as sensors.

MQTT: A communication channel between devices, and operates on a publish-subscribe model.

REST APIs: Its help transfer message over the internet using standard HTTP methods.

How Integration Works

Step 1: Sensors are used to collect data from the environment.

Step 2: Gateways are prepared to collect data from sensors and forward it to a network server, or application using MQTT or directly via REST APIs.

Step 3: When messages reach the network server, forward them to application servers via MQTT or REST API calls.

The Simple Data Flow Example



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