25 Must-Follow Australian Mum Blogs

Cynthia Zepeda
Amazing Home Designs and Improvement
5 min readApr 3, 2015

Being a mummy is a tough job, but no doubt so very rewarding. Day in and day out, any mother can chronicle the details of her children’s lives in her brain or note every milestone in a little journal or a creative scrapbook. But with the emergence of the smartphones and progress of the internet, ol’ mum also became tech-savvy. Hence the countless mommy blogs there are in the cyber world.

Nevertheless, here are our most favorite Australian Mum Blogs that you seriously should bookmark and must follow:

1. Mummy to Five

Ah the joys of raising a child — what more, 5! Kirsty chronicles her daily adventures raising her five kids, all under the age of seven. She shares candid stories about how crazy but happy having 5 kids can be, all while she tries to keep her sanity with a cup of coffee.

2. How We Montessori

We love this blog because it provides great tips for mums who would like to apply the Montessori-way of learning to their children. And reading how her kids develop is just so inspiring that you want to immediately try the activity with your little one.

3. The Organised Housewife

Don’t we all want to keep the house clean and in order (why that’s what HomeHello is all about)? This mummy blog shares practical tips and ideas to keep the home tidy as well as disclose the reality of motherhood in an inspiring way.

4. My Mummy Daze

Fi, the mummy behind this blog, honestly shares her experiences in keeping motherhood down pat. She blogs to release the tension of raising kids and to provide support to other mothers experiencing the same. This mummy blog can become a good kind of therapy for any tired mum.

5. Squiggle Books

This blog is a wonderful resource of many things vital to motherhood. Catherine is a writer and teacher, and no doubt an amazing mum. Her thoughts on parenting are very notable that she even shares it regularly on Brisbane’s 96Five.

6. Three Li’l Princesses

This mum was a former journalist who wrote the successful newspaper series “Mum’s the Word”. Kellie wittingly writes about life with her two princesses and also occasionally gives away exciting treats for every mum like winning stuff, recipes and even photography tips.

7. Mummy to Twins

Previously worked as a content and website producer, Suzanne felt overwhelmed and disconnected after being a hands-on mom to twin girls. Her insights about raising children are a must-read, especially the article Making a Safer World for Kids, which went viral.

8. The Camera Chronicles

An online diary, Cathy writes about her life in a testosterone-filled home. You will also love her posts on food, music, and home decorating among others.

9. Crash Test Mummy

Being a mother is hard and even when you’ve been doing it for many years, it can still be challenging. Let alone the feats a newbie mom has to face. This is what Laney does, scouring the WWW to make mummyhood easier, happier and healthier for her and her family.

10. Itty Bitty Greenie

If you love all things eco and green, then you will definitely fall in love with this mummy blog. Donna shares her knowledge about healthy lifestyle and eco-fabulous finds for you and your precious ones.

11. Laughing Kids Learn

This mummy blog is authored by Kate where she shares so many ideas how you can make learning fun for your children. It helps that she was a primary school teacher, so what she imparts on her blog is legit.

12. The Parenting Files

Tahlia is not only a mum but also a family therapist and counselor. Her blog is an inspirational place where parents can be guided how to make parenting much easier and more effective.

13. Bubs in Tow

Many mums love stories, DIY and photographs. This blog is exactly that. Rebecca opens up her life by sharing her motherhood adventures, creating lovely things with her hands and shares those in pretty photographs.

14. Mother Natured

A different take on mummy blogging, if you and your kids love the great outdoors, you will find this blog wonderful. There are arts and crafts posts to do with the children and other ideas that will make motherhood enjoyable with Mother Nature.

15. The Modern Parent

This blog is a collection of vital details on issues facing many parents today — from anxiety to cyberbullying. We recommend that you have this on your daily read for more effective parenting.

16. Essentially Jess

This blog is as real as it can get. Jess writes about motherhood with much hope, inspiration but keeps it real. Reading her posts feels like you are talking to a girlfriend over a cup of tea.

17. And Then There Were Four

She calls herself MultipleMum who mothers four children, including a B/G twins. She chronicles her household antics and practically everything that is going on with her family as it happens. Her blog is such a fun read as you’ll definitely relate to most of her stories.

18. Searching for Sanity

We all know that motherhood can get crazy, but no one blogs it funnier than this mum. A single mum who discovers the madness and joys of parenting, her take on mummy blogging is something new that you will definitely take pleasure in.

19. Move Fuel Love

Previously known as Dear Baby G, Sarah’s blog have stemmed from being a pregnancy blog into a health and wellness site, in her effort to be more efficient in her role as wife and mother. It has now become a blog dedicated to encourage others to be more healthy and mobile through sharing fitness and nutrition tips for the family.

20. Adriel Booker

Adriel is like the mummy friend you want to have. Her blog is so charming that spending me-time reading her posts can already rejuvenate any exhausted mum. Her blog has become a go-to source for empowering women and encouraging faith-in-action.

21. Feather and Nest

Kim shares her life in the countryside with her family. She writes about the establishing of their gardens and the unschooling journey of her 14-year old boy. It’s fun reading how Kim is slowly turning their new place — an old vineyard — into a nesty space of her own.

22. Life, Love and Hiccups

This blog is all about authenticity. Sonia vulnerably shares her mothering journey, albeit flawed, to becoming the perfect mother to her 3 boys.

23.Planning with Kids

This blog is truly a life-saver as mummy blogger Nicole Avery imparts valuable tips and tricks in making family life a little less complicated. She is a mother of five and also the author of the book Planning with Kids. So include this one in your blog roll as you will definitely discover amazing ideas that will make parenting so much breezier.

24. Teapots and Tractors

Annaleis is a trained Primary School teacher who is now hands-on with her youngest children. She shares helpful tips how to stimulate learning at home as well as provide reviews about basically anything that any mother will encounter in her mummy journey.

25. MammaJoy

Amanda, who is a stay-at-home mum, chooses to celebrate the everyday by journaling it on her blog. A mum of 5, she openly shares her story in battling Post-Natal Depression and how she is coping daily while embracing the wonderful life she has.

Originally published at homehello.com.au on April 1, 2015.

