WTF is HOT Apps?

How the radest design newsletter ever came to be...

Michael Horton
HOT Apps


This publication will serve as the archive for content from the righteous design newsletter HOT Apps (launching TODAY!).

HOT Apps is a newsletter for designers, entrepreneurs, developers or tech enthusiasts of all kinds. Each week I choose a couple apps to examine and go to work. I’m not necessarily looking for apps already on everyone’s phone or, ironically, what’s “hot” in the app/google play store right now. What I’m looking for is great and/or unique UX & UI that I can share with you, break it down and discuss.

As a product designer, I am always searching for apps that exemplify great UX and/or UI and dissecting them. Now I have decided to write up and share my discoveries with you folks. Alright, enough chit-chat, sign up below and prepare for some totally bitchin newsletters!


