
Jaime Pond
Amazingly Amazing
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2016

Anglonerd magazine

Anglonerd.com began in 2013 as Across the Pond TV, a blog dedicated to British television. Today, in 2016, it is a quarterly online magazine dedicated to nerdy British entertainment — television, film, audio, books, standup, etc. — geared toward an American audience. That is, which British comedians are touring the States right now, when are British films released in American cinemas, and when’s the next episode of Doctor Who on anyway? In 2017, Anglonerd.com will make a shift — one that will take all of 2016 to implement — toward being both entertaining and educational. There will be more about science, art, history, and travel, but all stemming from British entertainment.

Amazingly Amazing

Amazingly Amazing is Anglonerd.com’s behind-the-scenes blog. Here you will find a lot about the process of illustration, as one of Anglonerd.com’s 2017 goals is for the magazine to be entirely illustrated, rather than using found or licensed images. Therefore, it’s a great blog to subscribe to if you are an illustrator or aspiring artist.

Besides illustration, Amazingly Amazing discusses the successes and failures of Anglonerd magazine: goals that were reached, not reached, or changed; methods of publishing quality content with regularity; notes on social media and web design; and product/software testing for making Anglonerd better. Therefore, it’s a great blog for startups, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.

Jaime Pond

The name’s Pond. Jaime Pond. I write, illustrate, design, and do social media for Anglonerd.com, and I do it on top of family life and a separate full-time job. I’m located in New York City. I do accept pitches for reviews on Anglonerd.com. You can contact me at anglonerd@gmail.com. But mostly, I’d like to hear from you — about your illustrations, your blogging or startup processes, and your nerdiness.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

