No matter how popular your blockchain project is, these 3 strategies will boost your exposure.

Jonathan Amazix
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2022


How do you break into a market that is teeming with new and exciting projects?

In an industry begging for attention from its own community and marketplace, how do you stand out? Markets are saturated with advertising for a myriad of other familiar and existing products and services.

Breaking through the clutter can be difficult, especially when you consider that the average person scrolls through 300 feet or 90 meters of online content every day! The average consumer in the US in the 1970’s saw between 500 and 1600 adverts a day — pre-online advertising. By 2007; 5000 ads per day.

Today an estimate is at between 6000 and 10,000 ads per day! This bombardment has led to both blockchain and traditional audiences utilizing ad blockers.

In the face of these challenges, it may seem like getting any exposure for your blockchain project could be a major challenge. AmaZix has been around since 2016, and we have the knowledge and experience to point you in the right direction so that you don’t waste your time, energy, and money, on the wrong avenues.

Here are three foolproof methods to put you on the map and get your blockchain project the exposure you need and deserve.

1. Community Building

If you have been following our blog, you will know that community building is essential to any blockchain project’s success. We can’t emphasize this more, and we’ve shared several reasons why community is so important, so check those posts out. Further to this advice, here are some more tips and tricks about how to build your community:

  • Establish a presence where your community exists and listen to their inputs — blockchain communities usually exist on Telegram or Discord. Social media, especially Twitter, is a great cross-over platform for both blockchain and mainstream audiences. Your project, purpose, and team members on LinkedIn add additional kudos in a traditional business setting.
  • Connect with blockchain associations and mainstream associations that are linked to the services your project offers.
  • Attend blockchain conferences and exhibitions and broader industry-related events — virtually or in-person when we are given the opportunity once more, and Covid19 becomes a distant memory.
  • Make connections with institutions open to and favor blockchain interventions like universities, retail or financial institutions that support blockchain technology.
  • Build a database of all your connections with details of their email addresses and affiliations

2. Build High-Profile Partnerships

Put together proposals on how you would like to work with the following groupings of people. Having a detailed and high-quality white paper is critical. It is important to outline how working together can benefit both parties and work on fulfilling the promises made in the partnership.

3. Earned Media Exposure

By providing your community or followers with content that is useful, educational, and thoughtful, users are more likely to share it. Thought leadership pieces also build trust and authority. Then, listen to your community and audiences and answer their questions, whether on social media, blogging, or earned media.

Over time your enhanced authority or reputation will position your project so that 3rd party sites will want to refer to the content you ‘ve produced. This translates to more traffic to your website and more sales leads.

These three strategies will get you results quickly. Remember, you must consistently nurture your partnerships and community and provide them with content with clear purpose and intent.

AmaZix offers a full range of services for including content strategy, copy development, and community management to paid social media and PPC advertising. We can help.

