Amazon Prime Day 2021: What You Need to Know

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
7 min readMay 3, 2021

With its delayed date and logistical difficulties, Prime Day 2020 broke custom. This year, Amazon appears to stir up its Prime Day routine once more.

While an authority 2021 date hasn’t yet been announced, Prime Day FBA inventory remove dates for the U.S. are scheduled for late May. That is about a month earlier than expected, indicating the probability of a June Prime Day, moved up from its standard July date.

A Q2 Prime Day occasion could mean huge changes for consumers and businesses the same. We’ll clarify what these may be, and how sellers can plan for a profitable Prime Day.

Four reasons Prime Day 2021 will be different

Absurd year, U.S. consumers cut their general spending and to a great extent moved from face to face to online shopping. Amazon has remained the top shopping destination in the U.S. all through the COVID-19 pandemic, leading in-store retail goliaths like Walmart and Target and ecommerce mainstays like eBay and Etsy.

This was valid in October 2020, when Prime Day finally occurred following quite a while of COVID-19-related delays. What’s distinctive now is that, while shoppers are considerably more conscientious about their spending than they were prior in the pandemic, they’re finally closer to a generally vaccinated public, and every one of the opportunities to shop and mingle that accompany it. By shifting Prime Day into Q2 (just on schedule for summer), Amazon is in an incredible position to capture consumers’ renewed spending on gatherings and travel.

1. Amazon is the top destination for online product searches

Ludicrous year, we’ve watched Amazon displace Google as the top destination for consumer product searches. Presently, Amazon has extended the hole: in our latest survey of more than 1,000 U.S. consumers, 74% say they search for products on Amazon, though 49% start on search engines like Google and Bing.

What’s more, consumer outlook on Amazon is very favorable, with a huge portion of U.S. shoppers previously dedicated to participating in Prime Day.

  • 74% of U.S. consumers have increased or maintained their spending on Amazon in Q2 of 2021
  • 62% had the option to discover things on Amazon that they couldn’t discover somewhere else during the pandemic
  • 42% arrangement to shop on Prime Day 2021, and another 32% say they may participate.

2. Consumers are more serious about saving money

Numerous Americans experienced huge monetary strain in the previous year, and have changed their spending habits to adapt to vacillations in pay, work misfortune, and the economic vulnerability brought about by COVID-19. This could make Prime Day bargains considerably more attractive than they’ve been before.

  • 75% of U.S. consumers are searching for approaches to set aside cash with coupons, deals, and promotions
  • 68% search for the product with the lowest price when shopping online
  • 40% are saving more than they were prior to COVID-19

3. Consumers want to resume their pre-pandemic lives

People have been cooped up for longer than a year because of lockdowns, veil mandates, and social distancing measures. Presently, the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is well in progress in the U.S., and consumers can hardly wait to resume their pre-pandemic activities.

As of April 2021, countless U.S. consumers are as of now open to attending indoor, in-person events and activities, and by far most say they’ll be prepared to do as such by September.

In like manner, we can expect Prime Day buys in the classifications that were “affected negatively by COVID-19 — party supplies, formal attire, high fashion apparel, and travel accessories and luggage.

What Amazon Sellers Can Do to Prepare for Prime Day 2021

Sellers: to completely reap the rewards of Amazon Prime Day, it’s imperative to make strides presently to prepare your business for the potential uptick in sales.

Send your FBA inventory shipments on time

Amazon has now delivered Prime Day FBA inventory cut-off deadlines for 2021. To keep away from stock outs when the occasion comes around, FBA sellers should ensure any new inventory arrives at fulfillment centers by the following dates:

  • May 30: India
  • May 31: U.S. and Canada
  • June 1: Australia and Mexico
  • June 6: U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Turkey
  • June 7: U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia
  • June 13: Japan

Offer customers multiple ways to save

In the past, sellers could add a “list price” and “sale price” to their listings — if it was Prime Day. At the point when you ran a sale on a product, Amazon would strike out the list price and highlight the sale price on your product detail page, so customers realized they were getting a deal. That functionality does not exist anymore. All things being equal, sellers need to apply their own deals and discounts on Prime Day.

A few sellers don’t run Prime Day deals by any means, and see a knock in sales basically because of the increased traffic. Be that as it may, it’s a smart thought to offer customers ways to save. Here are three ways to do it.

Use Amazon Coupons. A coupon is the best way to tell customers you’re offering discounted Prime Day prices, since it appears as a radiant orange tag close to the rundown price on the product detail page — customers can’t miss it, and they don’t need to go hunting for deals on a separate page. May 28 is the cutoff time to submit Prime Day coupons for the U.S. marketplace.

Offer Lightning Deals. Lightning Deals are discounted prices accessible for a couple of hours all at once as a flash sale. Prime Day shoppers can peruse accessible Lightning Deals on Amazon’s Prime Deal page, so it’s a decent method to make your product more visible during the event. The catch is that they’re somewhat more expensive to run during Prime Day than during different seasons — however they can truly pay off. Make certain to apply for eligibility by April 16 on the off chance that you sell in the U.S. marketplace.

Adjust your list price. You can likewise manually change your item’s list cost to generate more sales. Lamentably, customers will not have the option to tell that you’ve lowered your prices for Prime Day — yet on the off chance that they nibble at any rate, it’ll in any case save you from long haul storage fees that unsold inventory can accumulate after some time. Furthermore, it could boost your Amazon’s Best Sellers Ranking (BSR) organically.

Optimize your listings

Sellers ought to likewise zero in on listing optimization ahead of Prime Day. While discounted prices are imperative to today’s shoppers, your item listing should be just about as attractive as conceivable to clinch those conversions.

Please Watch the Below Video to learn How to do Amazon Product Listing Optimization for Increasing Visibility & Conversions?

Audit your listings: Check your title, bullet points, images, and descriptions to ensure they’re up to date.

Split test your A+ content: In the event that you are brand-registered, consider utilizing Amazon’s split-testing feature to maximize your posting’s conversion potential.

Boost your marketing strategy

Ensure customers discover your postings on Prime Day by boosting your image’s visibility, here and there Amazon. Start now, so when Prime Day moves around, you can tempt your broadened audience with incredible deals.

Review your Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns. Consider bidding all the more forcefully for your item’s most important keywords to increase your organic ranking by Prime Day. In case you’re a brand-registered vender, present’s an ideal opportunity to exploit your access to Amazon’s advanced PPC advertising solutions. These incorporate Sponsored Brand, Sponsored Brand Video, and Sponsored Display ads.

Learn more about Sponsored brand Video.

Run off-Amazon ads: Drive external traffic to your Prime Day deals to increase sales. Take a stab at utilizing Facebook and Google ads’ sophisticated targeting capabilities, and make sure to follow your off-Amazon traffic and conversions with Amazon Attribution.

Utilize social media to make customers aware of your forthcoming Prime Day deals. Consumers are increasingly interested in finding products on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube , catch their advantage with posts, Instagram Stories, and short videos telling them the amount they can save money on your products on Prime Day. You can even reuse a portion of that content through Amazon Posts.

How you prepare can also depend on your Amazon business model

Private Label

With regards to private label products, your most significant Prime Day consideration is your inventory. There’s still an ideal opportunity to stock up so you can fulfill additional need on Prime Day, yet you’ll have to get going to make the current year’s deadline (May 31 for U.S. marketplace sellers).

To help accelerate the way toward getting your stock into Amazon’s fulfillment centers, you might need to search for a supplier closer to the U.S. than China.


Since Prime Day encourages high-volume traffic, it’s an extraordinary opportunity for amazon retail arbitrage sellers to offer products that don’t regularly sell well.

This is likewise the ideal opportunity to review your present inventory and price old stock to sell. You can likewise do some research and sourcing of new products presently, to develop your inventory for the big event.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

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