Amazon Selling Tips Proven To Boost Sales in 2023

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
14 min readJan 10, 2023

For the quarter that began in the beginning of 2020 more than half of Amazon’s sales were generated by third-party sellers as well as Amazon seller in the US making greater than $50 billion in sales across the US.

Despite the Amazon seller statistics the competition is getting more intense, with ever business-minded people recognizing the benefits being an Amazon seller can bring. If you don’t take advantage of Amazon third-party selling the right manner and you don’t have a well-informed and flexible plan in place it is possible to be making little or none of a profit on the platform.

Amazon Seller Central is an excellent way to get up and running, but in order to expand your Amazon business, you’ll require a greater knowledge. To ensure you’re in a position to continuously increase sales , we’ve compiled the top ten tested Amazon selling strategies.

1. Optimize Your Listings to Rank

The majority of product searches begin at Amazon. Therefore, knowing how to be at the top of the list could be the difference between success and failure for the success of your Amazon business.

You might be selling directly through the Amazon platform However, it’s vital to improve your listing so that they rank well in the search results. A few of the essential Amazon selling strategies is creating a website that easily recognize keywords and know the products you offer to ensure that you rank appropriately.

Watch the below video to know Amazon Listing Optimization — The Science Behind Amazon SEO & Product Listing Explained!

Finding Profitable Amazon Keywords

There are numerous free and paid tools to research keywords available for Amazon sellers to profit from to find keywords with significant search volumes and aren’t overly competitive, and possess the proper intent for search behind the keywords.

To increase sales on Amazon it is essential to know the two most effective methods to make your product to be on the first page of the results.

Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO is the process of enhancing your product listings to are highly ranked in Amazon search results using relevant keywords. If you can optimize your listings for your products with the appropriate keywords, you’ll see better rankings and greater visibility, which results in greater sales. Plus, more sales equals more cash in your pocket!

Your products should be listed on the first or the second listing of Amazon listing for the particular category of product. If your item is listed on the third or even further down it’s unlikely to earn a lot of money from the sales of your product regardless of how good the product is. If it’s not visible near the top of the page It’s highly unlikely that they’ll to be able to view it in any way. So, they won’t be purchasing it.

The position of your product is determined through an algorithm that is known as A9. When an Amazon buyer types in keywords to Google’s search feature, they will be immediately directed to pages with products that match their search. What is the best way to help Amazon help shoppers navigate to the appropriate pages? This is where Amazon’s algorithm comes into play.

Amazon is looking to sell products to ensure that the company receives its share of the profits. The algorithm was developed to improve the amount of transactions that succeed. There are two steps in the A9 process: keyword filtering and purchase probability.

The algorithm starts by looking at keywords you have entered and will target your product if those keywords are in your listings. After that, Amazon looks at how your products are in the past. The items that have both keywords and also have a an excellent track record of performance will be more highly.

If you choose the appropriate keywords in your listing and make the information appealing, it will assist in improving your rankings in accordance with the algorithm.

After you’ve come up with the list of keywords that are relevant for your product, be sure you include them in the title of your product as well as in other sections of your page. Think about your brand’s name, the name of your product and color, as well as the material and size, the amount, and much more to ensure that you’re using all the appropriate keywords.

It’s vital to ensure you’re using keywords in the right places in, don’t try to use them everywhere at any occasion. Your content must be well-written and provide information to customers.

Amazon PPC

Amazon provides marketing and advertising solutions for sellers. You can focus on keywords and put your products placed in front of your desired customers.

If you have funds to spend on marketing, Amazon offers multiple types of advertising campaigns, depending on whether you’d like Amazon to automatically display your ads in the location they consider to be relevant or you prefer to design manually-crafted campaigns that target specific keywords.

There are many types of amazon advertisements available, regardless of whether you want to design creative customized ads or stick with display ads. Furthermore it is only necessary to pay per click which means you’ll get lots of brand exposure and exposure without having to pay for each individual who views your advertisement.

If you’re new to the concept of sponsored advertising, you may want to begin small and utilize the information from your advertising campaigns to help you improve and educate your strategies for the future.

2. High-Quality Photography

Your image is among the most important factors that determine whether the customer will decide to buy or not. Brands selling on the internet need to put a lot of time and money to get your images right for you to get the attention of customers and make a splash.

A blurry or grainy image can instantly turn an individual off and give an unflattering first impression of your company. Do not neglect your photography. ensure that you offer your visitors many photos that show different angles, details of your product and the product as it is used. Don’t just rely on having the lowest cost, you require a solid name.

Always make sure your photos are taken on a clean, clutter-free background to make them easy to see. The more difficult a buyer’s brain has to think about them using and wearing the item in their real reality and in real life, the less likely it is that you’ll be able to make a sale. It should be simple the potential buyer to visualize the product within their homes and comprehend how it can help them in their daily lives.

If you’ve got the funds for hiring professional product or ecommerce photographers take advantage of it. You can even opt to provide 360-degree images that allow buyers to see your products from all angles.

Amazon Image Guidelines

Amazon offers certain guidelines for product photos. The images you upload should look attractive and attractive, but you must follow the guidelines.

Below are some guidelines regarding images to remember when selling your items on Amazon:

  • Main image should be professional or cover art
  • The image needs to be sharp, in focus and realistic in color
  • The image of the product must cover at more than 90% of the frame and the background should be white.
  • The image shouldn’t include any irrelevant text or graphics for example, watermarks
  • Amazon suggests images be bigger than 1000 pixels a single side
  • 500 pixels minimum, and 10000 pixels on the highest edge of the image
  • A good image size is 1:1 with dimensions of 2,000 x 2000
  • Maximal zoom ratio of 5:1.
  • Max file size of 10MB for each image
  • JPEG images are preferred , but TIFF, PNG, and GIF files are accepted also.
  • sRGB color mode or CMYK color mode
  • The specific product identifier as well as the extension of the file must be specified in the file name
  • The images must be compressed.

If you follow these guidelines In doing this, you’ll not only follow the Amazon guidelines, but you’ll also use photographs that accurately portray the product. It’s well worth it when the sales begin to come into.

To know more about Amazon Product Photography — Read this detailed guide

3. Get Into Amazon’s Buy Box

The following of our Amazon selling suggestions is to do your best to get your products to show up on the Buy Box. Nearly all retailers that can get their products included in the Buy Box see this reflected in sales.

What Is The Buy Box

It’s the Amazon Buy Box is located in the upper right corner of a listing of products and contains information that makes it simple for customers to purchase the product. This section of the Amazon product page lets buyers decide how they’ll buy the item.

The Buy Box includes features for shoppers to pick items like used or new shipping speed, gifts. Amazon customers can also select the quantity. After all the information has been completed, the customer clicks “Add to cart” and the item can be bought.

It is the Amazon Listing feature is very vital as it’s the way to get your items sold. When the item is added to the Buy Box, it’s likely that it will result in money in your bank account.

How To Win The Buy Box

Now that you are aware of about what Buy Box is, you need to work hard to convince shoppers online to utilize it. Buy Box in your product catalog and then put those items in their shopping carts.

However in contrast to Walmart Marketplace that provides sellers with a specific plan for winning this Buy Box, Amazon keeps their cards close to their chests. There are ways to increase your odds of winning the Buy Box by:

  • Competitive pricing
  • Stock availability
  • Make use of Amazon FBA, or Prime that is fulfilled by seller
  • Speedy shipping time (2 more or less)
  • Seller ratings
  • Reviews of products
  • Bundles of products
  • Excellent tracking rate and complete details about tracking
  • On-time delivery
  • Rates of cancellation and refunds are extremely low.

It is recommended to integrate some of these aspects in your sales strategies so that you not just appear within the Buy Box but elevate your image and position yourself to dominate the Amazon market.

Watch the below video to know How to Win the Buy Box On Amazon We Reveal Powerful Amazon Buy Box Strategies For New Sellers

4. Get the benefit of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Fulfillment through Amazon (FBA) It is an option that lets sellers transfer a substantial amount of the burden of fulfillment of order to Amazon themselves. Your inventory can be stored in their warehouses, and Amazon will select, package and deliver all orders on your behalf as and as they are received.

While using FBA program isn’t the sole option to become a successful Amazon retailer, the program does allow you to provide Amazon Prime to consumers and take advantage of the extremely rapid time to deliver that comes with it.

Amazon Prime originally launched over a decade ago , in the year 2007, however in the UK it has more than 15 million subscribers, and they generally spend more each year than those who are not Prime Amazon members.

Utilizing FBA and the FBA program and placing the Prime badge displayed on your listings, you’ll be able to build instant trust with the consumer and differentiate your products from those that do not offer Prime delivery.

Of obviously, there will be higher charges associated with FBA and a broader range of other services, but your marketing along with your general strategy reap an increase in revenue, leaving your company with an opportunity to focus on different areas of your brand.

5. Use Automation To Get More Reviews

Achieving positive reviews for your website is crucial for gaining steady revenue stream by generating Amazon sales. Review reviews are often the primary source customers look at when buying on the internet, with a positive review being all you require to get consumers to purchase.

In order to begin creating a solid base of reviews about your products Contact your customers right after your product has been shipped to request reviews and feedback. In this way, if customers have anything negativity to share, you will be able to deal with the issue prior to it is a negative review on your listing.

You can also use Amazon to ask for reviews from your clients and solicit an “A” rating.

Amazon Review Software

Amazon Review Software is a different method of getting reviews from customers. Third-party software makes it simple to collect reviews from customers and boost your reputation on Amazon or find out the areas of your online company should improve on.

SellerApp software can assist you to get a positive review by following the steps below.

Give sales a push

Reviews affect sales, and more sales will bring more reviews. You might possess the most fascinating and helpful product. However, you must make sure that it is heard by the attention of those who need it. Most people will not just be able to stumble across your product.

The goal is that you give your product a bit of push to make sure you see it grow. It is possible to create promotional campaigns for your product. utilize social media sites, Amazon PPC.

Create a mailing list , and then ask customers to write reviews

One way to gain more product reviews is to send an e-mail after sales. It’s totally acceptable to send out emails and ask your customers to submit reviews to your company.

The mail should be sent within an appropriate time after an purchase. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to not make yourself appear pushy, rude or irritating in your email messages.

Make use of the Keyword research tool

There’s no need to be you used a pencil and paper, or the Excel spreadsheets to narrow down the keywords you want to use to use in you Amazon product.

The SellerApp Amazon Keyword Research tool assists you in identifying the top keywords that are relevant to your product, based on the 10 filters available. You can also monitor the effectiveness of these selected Amazon keywords.

Make use of social media

Social media has the potential to increase the amount of opinions from customers. For instance, you can periodically send out messages to your followers and fans via Twitter or Facebook to share their experiences and opinions.

Amazon Review software can be extremely beneficial as it’s customized to your specific selling style and allows you to get reviews from customers quickly.

6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Do not sit in a slumber after your Amazon listings have been optimized and ready to go, there are numerous other factors of becoming an extremely successful Amazon seller. One of them is customer service. You have to be a step above when dealing with potential as well as returning customers.

Reacting to customers with professionalism, kindness and relevant manner can decide whether they choose to purchase from you again or choose to shop at your competition instead. If you respond to a client question, try to resolve every issue with your reply and eliminate any obstacles that could prevent someone from purchasing.

If you have some negative reviews or comments on your products, dealing with them with professionalism and positivity can turn the negative feedback into a profit-making one.

How To Manage Amazon Customer Service

You are able to manage the customer service aspect yourself or let Amazon handle the work for you. Its Customer Service by Amazon (CSBA) function allows for you to delegate the responsibility of customer service over to Amazon and let their representatives become the primary customer contact point for customers to talk to for any questions, concerns and concerns. At present, CSBA is only available for select sellers, and on invitation only. But, be patient for this feature to be made accessible to many sellers in the near future.

If you manage customer service functions for your company, you should know the fact that Amazon feedback is a valuable source to utilize. The comment section and the five-star rating scale makes it possible for customers to provide comments about the performance of the seller.

These are the things that can be the difference between a seller’s success or failure. When buyers are comparing products from different sellers and brands, they usually check the feedback section to view the comments and ratings prior to buying from a particular seller. This is why it is important to monitor Amazon feedback closely and respond in a manner that is appropriate.

Customize your customer service by keeping Amazon feedback with an eye on Amazon feedback. If there is anything that has to be addressed regarding your delivery date, time of delivery and shipping method. You should respond quickly. You must respond to your customers quickly, courteously and in full. The way you handle customer service and make changes to your business will demonstrate your commitment towards customer care. This will also aid in selling more of your items.

7. Keep Your Amazon Seller Account In Good Standings

If you’re selling your product on Amazon Be sure to keep Amazon’s guidelines and specifications in your mind. Amazon has specific policies for its program that sellers have to adhere to. They include a codes of conduct and selling guidelines as well as listing and product specifications, shipping policies and much more.

If you want your seller’s account to stay at a good state, it is essential to make sure that the guidelines and rules set forth by Amazon are adhered to. They may seem daunting initially, but once you’ve sold for a time, you’ll know the right way to go and what you shouldn’t be doing when you sell on Amazon.

8. Proactive Inventory Management

Selling products through different channels can be messy if there isn’t proper inventory management. While you may profit by using the FBA scheme, it is must manage your inventory efficiently. Amazon makes use of the inventory of brands as its principal ranking factor when selecting the location and time to showcase certain items.

The risk of letting your inventory get to a low level or having a product entirely out of inventory may affect your sales in more ways than just that but also affect the general ranking of your product’s overall performance.

9. Content is Key

The most important Amazon selling advice to keep in mind is to remember that the content of your product is the king. If your product descriptions are not properly written and clear nobody will purchase from your. When writing about your products it is important to create a narrative for your brand. Be creative and use bullet points to explain the key characteristics of your product.

Writing Product Descriptions For Amazon

It is important that the Amazon product listings must be designed in a way that they leap from the pages and make customers buy the product. When you write your product descriptions Don’t simply add details, but make the content engaging and creative. The goal is to make your customers envision their own experiences using your products, and anticipate with excitement when the new Amazon items will arrive at their doorstep.

Don’t limit yourself to the product listings, as you can make use of creative content across your channels to create an image of your brand that is positive. Posting blog posts to your site as well as Guest posts published on websites in your niche can help to get the word out about the items you offer on Amazon. This can help in putting your name in the minds of a lot of people.

Social media can also be an unpaid tool that you can use to your advantage With Facebook and Instagram providing plenty of visually appealing ways to showcase your product and direct your customers into the Amazon listings. Amazon recognizes the importance of social media promotion so you are able to make your own discount codes that you can use and give your followers incentives to click through to your listings of products.


When it comes to Amazon selling strategies, your selling strategy will depend on the way you use it. More time, effort and money you are able to put into it, the greater visibility you’ll get and the higher revenue you will earn.

In essence You can increase your inventory as you go till you’ve got a broad, knowledgeable, and highly successful Amazon marketing strategy.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.