AMAZON SEO | Optimize & Update Your Amazon Product Listings to Rank Organically

Vidyullatha Matcha
Amazon Selling Strategies
5 min readFeb 1, 2021

If it comes to rank highly on Amazon’s search engine results page, then there is no silver bullet plan. But some understood ranking things determine if an “ergonomically designed dog leashes” end up on the very top of the page — or buried in the bottom of page 5.

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon search engine optimization (Amazon SEO) is the process of optimizing your product listings to rank more highly in Amazon searches for applicable keywords and phrases. If you maximize your product list, you make it a lot simpler for Amazon to discover your list and reveal it to shoppers that are searching for something such as your merchandise.

Amazon SEO

How Does Amazon’s Ranking Algorithm Work?

Amazon has become the principal destination for merchandise search, a lot of surveys and studies have revealed. And where there is demand, there is competition. More manufacturers are competing to look at the peak of these Amazon hunts than ever before. That is why understanding how Amazon’s A9 algorithm functions are essential to your success at this stage.

A9 is the machine accountable for rank product outcomes on Amazon, and even though it shares several similarities to classic search engine algorithms such as Google’s, many differentiators will affect your listing’s visibility.

Amazon’s A9 algorithm requires all the following into account when determining merchandise rank for any particular product search. In CPC Strategy we now call them” direct facets.”

  • Revenue Performance History
  • Text Match Relevancy
  • Cost
  • Stock

Then there are items that Amazon does not necessarily consider in research results, but they also help determine the direct facets.

  • Fulfillment Method
  • Reviews (amount of testimonials & inspection score)
  • Pictures
  • EBC / An + Content
  • Advertising
  • Promotions

However much you maximize your record, the reality is that Amazon content possession is shared.

To put it differently, there’s not any guarantee your information will be surfaced within an Amazon detail page since Amazon algorithmically brings that which it deems are the very ideal content to exhibit for your shopper.

The sole exception for this rule would be for brands that are a part of this Amazon Brand Registry. This system permits sellers that manufacture or market their own branded goods to possess higher authority above their product list content.

The Main Parts of Your Product Listings

Amazon’s A9 algorithm includes some fairly clear preferences concerning content rank aspects. The next influencers are plotted in a sequence of importance, 1 being the most significant, 4 being at very least:

  • Titles
  • Feature Bullet Points
  • Product Descriptions
  • Backend Search Conditions

Amazon Product Titles:

Ordinarily, Amazon favors the founder of an item detail page if picking names to reveal, so merchandise titles are particularly important once you’re the only seller or there is a low contest to an SKU.

Create a record of the main keywords for your names — such as name variants your clients are using (ex. “bedsheets and also” bedsheets”). This does not mean that you ought to keyword stuff that your names. It is a lousy customer experience, and Amazon’s bots will probably grab on and curb your listing.


  1. Spell out quantify words like oz, inch, and also pound
  2. All amounts must be numerals
  3. Ampersands (&) Shouldn’t Be Utilized in names unless a part of a new name; spell outside and lowercase” and”
  4. If the size is not an important detail, then don’t record it at the name
  5. If the item Doesn’t come in several colors, the color Shouldn’t Be noticed in the name.

Product features

Product features will be the 2nd most significant element in creating your merchandise. Normally, product attributes are formatted as a bullet point listing.

Some manufacturers believe this section that an afterthought and toss in a couple of regurgitated lines in the name, but Amazon requires this part badly, and it might crack or break your ability to appear around the SERP.


  1. Emphasize the top five attributes which you need your clients to Think about, like measurements, guarantee info, or even age appropriateness
  2. Begin each bullet line with a capital letter
  3. Compose in fragments and Don’t include end punctuation
  4. Separate phrases in 1 bullet with semicolons
  5. Spell out dimensions, for example, inch feet
  6. Don’t compose obscure statements; be as unique as possible using product attributes and characteristics
  7. Don’t input company-specific info; this segment is for merchandise attributes only
  8. Don’t include pricing and promotional Details
  9. Don’t include shipping or business info.
  10. Amazon policy prohibits such as the vendor, business, or sending information.

Merchandise descriptions

Merchandise descriptions are generally several sentences long. They need detailed attention and a few mild HTML.

If you are selling goods in an aggressive or heavily controlled category like health nutritional supplements, there are limitations on which it is possible to write. Ensure that to read all prerequisites before you place your product descriptions.

All this is achievable in case you’ve got a couple of SKUs, but it can get complicated if you are working with tens of thousands. If that is you, then you might choose to think about outsourcing this component.


  1. Consider utilizing light HTML to split up sentences and” bold” particular essential words or phrases vendor, business, or sending information.

Backend Keywords / Terms

Amazon permits you to extend a listing of invisible keywords on the backend to directly boost merchandise discoverability.

Bear in mind, the order will matter for all these keywords. If you are utilized to keyword plan for conventional PPC, consider them as” word game” keywords.

Again, customers never find these search phrases on the actual search results page — they’re the invisible force that pushes your listings into the very best. Since they are not visible on the front end, hunt engines are a fantastic prospect for you to find creativity.


  1. Include alternative spellings
  2. Insert in related research phrases
  3. Think about inventive, out-of-the-box queries

You must now have a good comprehension of how the A9 algorithm functions, which usually means you are ahead of the knowledge curve (and ideally, before your opponents ). You also understand the ramifications content may have in your position in the research results and the most effective practices about optimization.

