Find the Best Selling Amazon Products for Your FBA Business in 2024

Prateek S
Amazon Selling Strategies
8 min readJun 14, 2024

You’re ready to dive into FBA, but first you need to find the best products to sell on Amazon. With thousands of options, it can feel overwhelming trying to determine what will actually turn a profit these days. The good news is that with a bit of research, you can identify winning products in popular niches that fly off the shelves. In this article, we’ll explore strategies to find hot selling items on Amazon, analyze top products, and uncover profitable opportunities for your FBA business in 2024. You’ll discover key factors like demand, competition, and sales volume to assess when sourcing potential products. With the right approach, you can launch your Amazon selling business this year with proven bestsellers that attract buyers and drive sales. Let’s get started!

How to Find the Best Selling Products on Amazon

So you want to start an Amazon FBA business but aren’t sure what products to sell? Finding best selling items is key. Here are some tips to uncover hot products:

Check Amazon’s Movers and Shakers

This shows products flying off the shelves in each category. See what’s trending and consider selling something similar. Look for gaps in the market Notice any popular categories lacking certain types of products? That could be an opportunity. For example, a category full of phone cases but no wallet cases could be a good niche.

Use a product research tool

Tools like SellerApp Amazon products research tool to find opportunities. They show metrics like demand, competition, and revenue potential to help you find winning products.

See what your competitors are selling

Check out other FBA sellers in your niche and see what products they offer. If they’re selling lots of a particular item, it’s probably in demand. You can then source your own version.

Analyze customer reviews

Look for products with lots of positive reviews mentioning things like “high quality” or “great value.” This indicates customers are loving the product, so it’s worth considering.

Consider seasonality and trends

Some types of products sell better at certain times of year or are trendy. Ride the wave of trends and seasonal product demand. For example, sell gardening tools in spring or virtual reality headsets when new tech releases.

With the huge range of products on Amazon, finding ones with high sales potential can feel overwhelming. But by analyzing data, monitoring trends, and understanding your market, you’ll discover best selling products on Amazon in no time. Then you can start sourcing and selling, and build your own FBA business!

Using Product Research Tools to Identify Winning Products

These days, finding a profitable product to sell on Amazon isn’t as simple as picking whatever catches your eye. You need data. And for that, you’ll want to utilize some powerful product research tools.


One of the most popular tools for FBA sellers is SellerApp. Their web app and Chrome extension provide metrics like estimated sales, revenue, reviews, and seasonality for millions of products. You can filter by category, price, weight, and more to find opportunities in your niche. SellerApp tools are invaluable for spotting trends so you can get in early on the Next Big Thing. Analyze bestsellers, spot rising stars, and see what’s declining so you know what to avoid. Their sales estimators even factor in variables like seasonality and promotions so you get a realistic projection of a product’s potential.

Helium 10

Helium 10 is another robust set of tools for product research and analysis. LikeSellerApp, they offer sales metrics, trends, and keyword tools to help you find high-potential products. One useful feature is their listing analyzer which evaluates your competitor’s listings to show you how to optimize your own.

Other Tools

There are many other tools that can aid your product research like Viral Launch’s Market Intelligence, Sellics, and AMZ Scout. Each provides sales estimates, trends, keyword data, and competitor analysis to help you make confident decisions about what products to pursue. With the insights from these tools, you’ll have a huge advantage over sellers just guessing at what might sell well.

Leveraging product research tools is key to finding winning products that will thrive on Amazon. Do your homework, analyze the data, and you’ll discover profitable opportunities that could transform your FBA business.

Evaluating Product Demand and Competition

When deciding on a product to sell on Amazon, you need to make sure there is enough demand and not too much competition. Check the Amazon Best Sellers Rank See where your potential product ranks in the best sellers list for that category. The lower the rank, the more demand. Aim for a rank of below 5,000. Be aware that ranks can change quickly, so a low rank today may not mean high demand forever.

Evaluate the number of reviews

More reviews generally mean higher demand and more competition. Look for products with at least 20 reviews, showing steady demand, but not thousands of reviews, indicating major competition. However, a new product with few reviews could also represent an opportunity to get in early!

Analyze the pricing

Check the price of comparable products. If most are priced low, that category may be too competitive. Look for a range of $20 to $50 for the best chance of good margins. Higher priced products, $30-$100, often mean less competition. Be very wary of entering a category where most products are under $10.

Search for the product keywords

Do a search on Amazon for the main keywords of your potential product. If thousands of results come up, that may indicate too much competition to be profitable. Niche products with only a few hundred results could be a better bet.

Check seller reviews

See what other buyers say about the top sellers of that product. Lots of negative reviews could indicate an opportunity for you to provide better service and value. However, established sellers with a loyal customer base may be hard to compete against.

By evaluating these factors, you can determine if a product has the right balance of high demand and low enough competition to give your Amazon business the best chance of success. With some smart product selection, you’ll be well on your way to finding winning products to sell on Amazon.

Sourcing Profitable Products to Sell on Amazon FBA

To build a successful Amazon FBA business, you need to source products that will sell at a profit. But with millions of products already listed on Amazon, finding the right ones can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you uncover profitable products to sell on Amazon FBA.

Look for Trends

Pay attention to trends in popular culture, social media, and current events. Products related to trends often experience a boost in search volume and sales on Amazon. For example, products like fidget spinners, Instant Pots, and DNA test kits were once hugely popular. Try to identify trends early and source products to take advantage of the hype.

Check Sales Rank and Reviews

When researching a product, look at its Amazon sales rank and customer reviews. A sales rank of 20,000 or less in a product category indicates strong demand. And products with mostly positive reviews, especially recent reviews, suggest satisfied customers and likely good sales. Of course, you still need to make sure you can source the product at a low enough cost to profit even after Amazon FBA fees.

Find Gaps in the Market

Look for gaps in the market that you can fill. Maybe a popular product is missing a certain size, color, or feature that customers want. Or a product with few competitors is experiencing increasing search volume. Creating or sourcing a product to meet that demand could lead to strong sales and profits. You can use tools like Jungle Scout and Helium 10 to analyze markets and uncover opportunities.

Choose Lightweight, Shippable Products

For your first few products, choose something lightweight and easily shippable. Bulky, fragile items are more difficult and expensive to source, store, and ship. Stick to products that weigh 2 pounds or less and aren’t easily breakable. Things like kitchen tools, phone accessories, clothing, toys, and beauty products are good options. Once you get the hang of the business, you can consider expanding into larger products.

Following these tips will help you identify profitable products to source for your Amazon FBA business. Do some research, find trending products with opportunity for growth, choose items that are lightweight and shippable, and make sure the numbers work before investing your money. With the right products, you’ll be well on your way to success selling on Amazon FBA.

Launching and Marketing Your Top Selling FBA Products

Once you’ve identified some potential top-selling products to sell on Amazon FBA, it’s time to launch and start marketing them. The key is to gain visibility and traction quickly so you can start making sales fast.

Build a High-Quality Product Listing

Your product listing is your digital storefront, so spend time crafting an eye-catching listing for each product. Include professional photos showing your product from different angles. Write an engaging product title and description highlighting your product’s key features and benefits. Select relevant search terms to help customers find your product.

Run Promotional Offers and Coupons

Offering promotions like coupons, giveaways and bundle deals is a great way to gain exposure for a new product launch. You can offer launch discounts of 10–20% off for the first week or month. Give away some products to influencers, bloggers and deal sites in exchange for an honest review. Bundle multiple products together at a discount to increase the perceived value.

Drive External Traffic

Don’t rely only on Amazon’s search to drive traffic to your new product listings. Promote your launch on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Pitch your product to bloggers, YouTubers and podcasters in your niche. Run advertising campaigns on Amazon to target potential customers. The more people click through to your listing from outside sources, the higher it will rank in Amazon’s search results.

Optimize Your Listing with Reviews

Product reviews are hugely important for sales and search ranking on Amazon. Encourage happy customers to leave a review on your product listing. You can also run promotions offering discounts or free products in exchange for reviews. Aim for at least 50–100 reviews in the first few months to give your new product credibility in the eyes of customers and Amazon’s algorithm.

With the right launch and marketing strategy, your new top-selling products on Amazon FBA can gain momentum quickly. Keep optimizing and promoting over time, and you’ll establish your products as bestsellers, driving steady sales and profits.


So there you have it — some of the hottest products that are killing it on Amazon right now and likely to keep flying off the shelves in 2024. Remember, trends come and go quickly online, so keep researching new opportunities. And don’t just chase what’s currently popular — find a balance between proven sellers and new innovations. Most importantly, choose products you’re passionate about selling and find your unique angle. There are always opportunities out there for savvy FBA sellers like you. Trust your instincts, do your research, and you’ll be well on your way to finding the next big winners in 2024!

