Guide to Amazon SEO and Tips to Rank Organically on Amazon

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
10 min readAug 23, 2022

If you think of SEO and general search engines, Google is likely the first thought that comes to mind, as well as its mysterious SERP algorithm. Google is the primary search engine that we utilize nearly exclusively. Except, of course, we’re trying to purchase something.

Amazon has come up with one of the largest and most searched for search engines around the globe. With more than 2.5 million sellers and a huge number of competitors to rank top on Amazon is extremely high.

Making use of Amazon SEO strategies is one of the most crucial actions that a business can do to increase the number of units on Amazon.

However, there’s a bright side. In comparison to search engines like Google or Bing its algorithm is simpler and therefore, there are several steps you can take to naturally improve your Amazon search engine ranking.

Understanding A9, Amazon’s Search Engine Algorithm

With millions of items to search through the Amazon’s ability of curating the search results pages is crucial to its overall success. The answer is: Amazon the search engine’s algorithm called known as A9.

The algorithm, called A9 is named in honor of the search engine company, and a subsidiary of Amazon which handles SEO and product search. In simple terms A9 is Amazon’s own product ranking algorithm , which displays results according to keyword and search terms and also on a user’s previous purchases as well as a range of other variables.

What are the most effective methods to boost your rank on Amazon? The elements that influence the A9 algorithm that displays results for searches can be divided into two buckets of importance:

  • Listing Optimization
  • Performance Metrics

The act of taking an couple of key steps to improve the performance of the performance of your Amazon product page to meet the two most important ranking factors is an excellent method to increase the conversion rate of your page and sell more items.

To understand about Amazon SEO Optimization (A9 Algorithm) — Measure and Improve your Keyword Ranking watch the below video

Listing Optimization to Improve Your Amazon Ranking

If you know how to utilize keywords effectively and making tiny investments in your listing, you’ll dramatically boost your earnings potential on Amazon.

In this article, we’ll discuss four ways to enhance your Amazon product’s listing and get it to rank higher from the moment you publish it. The four categories include:

  • Title of the listing for the product
  • Bullet points and descriptions of products
  • Backend keywords
  • Product images

It’s important to be aware that Amazon’s algorithm will not favor “keyword stuffing”, or loading listings with excessive keywords. It is important to incorporate relevant keywords in the various areas of your page Repeating the same keyword over and over or inserting keywords in an unnatural way into a sentence may hurt your rankings.

But this doesn’t alter the fact that keywords are one of the most important factors when it comes to making and improving Amazon listing of products. Naturally, weaving keywords into paragraphs of your listings is the most effective method to utilize Amazon’s algorithm.

Watch the below video to understand Amazon Listing Optimization 2022 — The Science Behind Amazon SEO & Product Listing

Optimizing Your Product Listing Title on Amazon

The element of your listing that can have the biggest positive or negative impact on how well you perform in Amazon searches is your product title. The good news is that Amazon gives clear guidelines on how to integrate the following in your Amazon product titles for maximum success:

  • Company name
  • Product category or function
  • A key feature, material, or ingredient
  • Color
  • Size
  • Quantity

You should be able to naturally incorporate crucial keywords and information by including the aforementioned parts into the product listing title.

The most crucial aspect of your title is that it contains keywords and reads organically from the buyer’s point of view. It need to be informative and both clear and succinct.

Another significant aspect that can impact the reader is length. Short, generic-sounding product titles are often avoided by Amazon customers. To make your title easier to read, don’t be scared to utilize your brand name first or to use unique characters.

This is a great illustration of an Amazon product title. All of the Amazon recommendations are there, but it is also succinct and simple to read.


Writing Amazon Listing Bullet Points and Product Description

It’s crucial to understand that the product description is less relevant in terms of Amazon SEO than the bullet points.

Amazon Bullet Points

The purpose of composing your Amazon bullet points is to draw attention to the top features of your product and the ones that your buyers value the most. Analyzing the top three selling items in your category is one technique to discover what appeals to potential buyers the most.

There is a 200 character limit per bullet point, therefore it’s critical to make each one succinct. Instead of using a list structure within your bullet points, we advise using each one to focus on a single feature or aspect of the product.

It might be difficult to determine which claims to highlight on product description pages in a market where customer preferences are continuously shifting. Utilizing Reviews & Ratings analytic tools, businesses may precisely adapt their claims and callouts to satisfy consumers’ demands and desires.

Product Description

Although most Amazon shoppers look to the bullet points for information about the product itself, there is also a lot of room for differentiation in the product description.

It’s crucial to understand that Amazon customers don’t want to read lengthy passages of text. Keeping your product descriptions brief or dividing them into paragraphs of no more than three lines each can improve their readability.

You can also use the formatting options that are offered to you, such as bold, italic, underlining, bullet points, and lists, to draw the customer’s attention.

Repeating keywords or rephrasing your title, as we previously discussed, won’t improve your search rating, thus it can be helpful to use your product description to appeal to your customers’ emotions.

Your product description is a fantastic opportunity to tell a tale or offer a customer testimonial since you’ve already given detailed product information through the product title and Amazon bullet points.

Utilize Amazon Backend Keywords

You’ll have no trouble understanding Amazon Backend Keywords if you’ve ever heard of or used meta tags, or underlying keywords that Google uses to better grasp what your web page is about.

Additional keywords, search terms, synonyms, or even common misspellings that are not included in your title, product description, or bullet points are known as “Amazon Backend Keywords.” Although your customers won’t be able to view these terms, Amazon’s A9 algorithm will still index them and use them as criteria for search results.

Backend keywords should take into account translations into other languages, additional synonyms or slang terms that customers might look up, keywords that you were unable to put into your title, and often occurring misspellings or pronunciations.

Consider Investing in High-Quality Product Images

It has been repeatedly demonstrated that a product’s conversion rate and the quality of its photographs are directly correlated. Although Amazon’s ranking system does not index or directly take into account image content, the image quality has a significant impact on customers.

Customers react favorably to a wide selection of expert-looking images exhibiting various aspects and perspectives of your product.

However, image size is the aspect of imagery that actually has a direct impact on how well your product ranks in search results. To enable zooming on Amazon, a product image must have a resolution of at least 1000 pixels in either length or width. If this requirement is not met, your product’s search ranking will suffer.

High-quality, professional Amazon product photos can yield a sizable return on investment when used for eCommerce listings, social media, marketing, and other purposes. In order to not only comply with Amazon’s criteria but also naturally increase your Amazon conversion rates, we advise giving priority to product photos.

Part 2: Performance Metrics that Impact Your Amazon SEO

It’s time to grasp your performance indicators as they relate to boosting your SEO now that you’ve optimized your Amazon product listing based on the requirements of Amazon’s search engine algorithm, A9.

While listing optimization is crucial, Amazon also considers performance measures like sales velocity, Reviews & Ratings, and price to determine how popular a product is.

It’s critical to realize that Amazon’s top objective is its bottom line, or sales, above all else. Therefore, what they first recommend to their consumers is mostly determined by purchasing popularity.

Sales Velocity, Also Known as Conversion Rate

The phrase “sales velocity” used by Amazon for conversion rate. The definition of a successful Amazon conversion rate varies depending on a number of variables, but tracking your conversion rate over time is crucial to monitor growth.

The information that is given to you makes it relatively easy to comprehend how to determine Amazon conversion rates, even if this measure isn’t directly displayed on your sales dashboard. Simply divide the quantity of units ordered by the quantity of visitors.

Amazon analyses this data to determine how well-liked your product is and incorporates that into the search page ranking. Additionally, you may utilize this data to assess your satisfaction with product sales and, if not, to continue improving your listing and the subsequent performance factors.

What if you could alter your conversion rate as simply as you could correct a typo on your PDP? Sometimes it can be, if you have the correct information at your fingers!

Businesses might learn about misaligned client expectations as well as useful features they had never thought of before by evaluating customer feedback. Brands may significantly enhance their sales velocity with little extra work by adjusting messaging to reflect customer sentiment.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

If you’ve ever looked up a product on Amazon, you’ve probably noticed that the number of reviews and star rating are clearly displayed on the search results page as well.

This information is clearly presented for a reason: one of the main criteria consumers use to compare similar products is ratings and reviews. With this in mind and a focus on the needs of its customers, Amazon also makes use of reviews and ratings as a significant deciding factor.

Although reviews and ratings may appear to be difficult to manage, there are two crucial steps you can do to get the rating closer to five stars.

The first is to contact buyers again via email and ask for a review. If you ask your consumers, you’ll be astonished by how many of them will submit reviews!

The second is to genuinely take into account your critical comments and implement the necessary changes to enhance the qualities with which customers aren’t happy.

Utilize customer reviews to help you decide which steps to take to improve your product because they are the most straightforward and affordable source of customer input.

Competitively Price Your Product

It’s undeniably possible to feel tempted to price your goods more or lower than the competition as a way to stand out for a number of different reasons. Amazon, however, believes that it is preferable to follow the competitors rather than to stand out significantly.

As buyers tend to flock toward the lower-priced items first, undercutting your competitors with a lower price is normally the greatest strategy. In a similar vein, the quickest way to lose business is to charge significantly more than your rivals.

Amazon’s algorithm will probably predict that your product will sell for less money if it is priced higher than comparable goods, which will result in a lower search ranking on Amazon. Therefore, there needs to be a very good justification for your price to be greater than that of the competition.

Keeping Your Products in Stock

Product stock availability is the last performance metric that we’ll discuss.

Having your product frequently run out of stock is one of the easiest ways to fall in the Amazon search rankings. To constantly maintain supply, it’s crucial to keep an eye on your inventory.

You might be able to set reminders and receive an automatic notification when it’s time to refill depending on the order fulfilment services you use, like Amazon FBA. Otherwise, be sure to stay in touch with partners or suppliers who may help ensure that your product is always available.

However, in some marketplaces, fluctuating prices or particular fulfilment problems like low supply are the norm. In these situations, it might be challenging to choose between prioritizing this as a problem to fix and concentrating on other issues.

Analyzing client feedback is crucial for setting corporate priorities in e-commerce.

In Summary

In other words, there isn’t a concrete trick to understanding Amazon’s SEO system and ranking first. Having said that, investing the time and energy necessary to optimize your product listings can significantly boost your Amazon sales.

As we’ve already covered, there are a few crucial factors to concentrate on if you want to improve your Amazon search ranking:

  • Title of a product description
  • Amazon’s product description and bullet points
  • Backend keywords
  • High quality product pictures
  • Sales volume (conversion rate)
  • Reviews and ratings by customers
  • Pricing
  • Product availability in stock

Raising your goods in the rankings of Amazon is a simple and doable process by applying these fundamental components.

While growing sales by appealing to Amazon’s SEO algorithm, A9, is significant, understanding the voice of your customers is just as crucial for the long-term survival of your company.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.