How Amazon SEO Differs from Google SEO: Key Differences Explained

Prateek S
Amazon Selling Strategies
5 min readAug 2, 2024

In the world of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving visibility and sales. While most people are familiar with Google SEO, Amazon has its own unique search ecosystem that requires a different approach. This blog post will explore the key differences between Amazon SEO and Google SEO, helping you understand how to optimize your product listings for success on the world’s largest e-commerce platform.

Understanding the Basics: Amazon vs. Google

Before diving into the specifics, it’s important to understand the fundamental differences between Amazon and Google as search engines.

Purpose and Intent

Google is a general search engine designed to provide users with information on a wide range of topics. Its primary goal is to answer questions and connect users with relevant websites and resources.

Amazon, on the other hand, is an e-commerce platform. Its search engine is specifically designed to help users find products they want to purchase. This difference in purpose greatly influences the way SEO works on each platform.

User Behavior

Users approach Google and Amazon with different mindsets:

  • Google users are often in the research phase, looking for information or solutions to problems.
  • Amazon users typically have higher purchase intent, actively searching for products to buy.

Algorithm Focus

Google’s algorithm considers hundreds of factors, including website authority, backlinks, and user experience.

Amazon’s algorithm, known as A9 and the latest Amazon A10 algorithm, focuses primarily on factors directly related to product listings and sales performance.

Key Differences in SEO Strategies

Now that we’ve established the basic differences, let’s explore how these translate into specific SEO strategies for each platform.

1. Keyword Optimization

Google SEO

  • Focuses on long-tail keywords and natural language queries
  • Emphasizes semantic search and topic relevance
  • Requires strategically placed keywords throughout website content

Amazon SEO

  • Concentrates on product-specific keywords
  • Prioritizes exact-match search terms
  • Requires keywords in specific fields like title, bullet points, and backend search terms

2. Content Structure

Google SEO

  • Values well-organized, informative content
  • Emphasizes headings, subheadings, and structured data
  • Rewards in-depth, authoritative content

Amazon SEO

  • Focuses on concise, product-specific information
  • Prioritizes bullet points and short paragraphs
  • Rewards clear, benefit-driven content that aids purchase decisions

3. Backlinks and Off-Page Factors

Google SEO

  • Heavily relies on backlinks as a measure of authority and relevance
  • Considers social signals and brand mentions
  • Values diverse, high-quality backlink profiles

Amazon SEO

  • Does not consider external backlinks
  • Focuses on internal factors like sales history and customer reviews
  • Values product performance metrics over off-page signals

4. User Experience and Engagement

Google SEO

  • Prioritizes overall website experience, including page speed and mobile-friendliness
  • Considers user engagement metrics like bounce rate and time on site
  • Rewards websites that provide comprehensive information and keep users engaged

Amazon SEO

  • Focuses on product page elements like images, videos, and enhanced brand content
  • Considers conversion rate and customer reviews as key engagement metrics
  • Rewards listings that efficiently guide users to make a purchase decision

5. Indexing and Crawling

Google SEO

  • Relies on web crawlers to discover and index content
  • Requires technical optimization like sitemaps and robots.txt
  • Indexes entire websites and individual pages

Amazon SEO

  • Automatically indexes product listings on Amazon within its closed ecosystem
  • Does not require technical crawling optimizations
  • Only indexes product pages and related content within the Amazon platform

Advanced Amazon SEO Techniques

To excel in Amazon SEO, consider these advanced techniques that go beyond basic optimization:

1. Optimizing for Amazon’s Choice Badge

The Amazon’s Choice badge can significantly boost your product’s visibility. To increase your chances of earning this badge:

  • Maintain a high sales volume and positive customer reviews
  • Ensure competitive pricing and Prime eligibility
  • Optimize your listing for relevant keywords

2. Leveraging Amazon’s Advertising Platform

While not strictly SEO, Amazon’s advertising options can complement your organic efforts:

  • Use Sponsored Products ads to boost visibility for specific keywords
  • Implement Sponsored Brands campaigns to increase brand awareness
  • Utilize Product Display Ads to target complementary products

3. Enhancing Product Listings with A+ Content

A+ Content on Amazon (formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content) allows brand-registered sellers to create rich, multimedia product descriptions:

  • Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your product
  • Create informative comparison charts and feature highlights
  • Tell your brand story to build trust and credibility

4. Optimizing for Voice Search on Amazon

With the rise of voice-activated devices like Amazon Echo, optimizing for voice search is becoming increasingly important:

  • Include natural language phrases in your listings
  • Focus on question-based keywords (e.g., “What’s the best bluetooth speaker under $100?”)
  • Ensure your product titles are clear and descriptive

Measuring Success: Analytics and Reporting

The metrics used to measure SEO success differ between Google and Amazon:

Google SEO Metrics

  • Organic traffic
  • Keyword rankings
  • Click-through rates (CTR)
  • Bounce rate
  • Page views and time on site

Amazon SEO Metrics

  • Best Sellers Rank (BSR)
  • Conversion rate
  • Unit session percentage
  • Customer reviews and ratings
  • Total sales

The Role of Customer Reviews in Amazon SEO

Customer reviews play a crucial role in Amazon SEO, far more significant than in Google SEO:

Impact on Rankings

  • Higher-rated products tend to rank better in Amazon search results
  • The number of reviews can influence ranking, with more reviews generally favoring better positions

Strategies for Encouraging Reviews

  • Use Amazon’s “Request a Review” button
  • Provide excellent customer service to encourage positive feedback
  • Include product inserts that kindly ask for reviews (while following Amazon’s guidelines)

Handling Negative Reviews

  • Respond professionally to negative reviews
  • Address customer concerns and offer solutions
  • Use feedback to improve your product and prevent future issues

The Importance of Inventory Management in Amazon SEO

Unlike Google SEO, inventory plays a significant role in Amazon’s search algorithm:

Stock Levels and Search Rankings

  • Products that are out of stock may see a decrease in search visibility
  • Consistent inventory availability can positively impact your search rankings

Strategies for Effective Inventory Management

  • Use Amazon’s inventory management tools to forecast demand
  • Implement just-in-time inventory practices to maintain stock levels
  • Consider using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) to improve stock consistency

Amazon’s A9 Algorithm: Key Ranking Factors

Understanding Amazon’s A9 algorithm is crucial for effective SEO:

Sales Velocity

  • Products with higher sales tend to rank better
  • Recent sales history is particularly important


  • Keyword matching between search queries and product listings
  • Relevance of product category and attributes

Customer Satisfaction

  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Order defect rate and customer service metrics

Price Competitiveness

  • Competitive pricing compared to similar products
  • Price history and stability

The Future of Amazon SEO

As Amazon continues to evolve, SEO strategies must adapt:

Emerging Trends

  • Increased importance of video content in product listings
  • Growing influence of social proof and user-generated content
  • Potential integration of augmented reality (AR) for product visualization

Preparing for Future Changes

  • Stay informed about Amazon’s algorithm updates
  • Continuously optimize and test your listings
  • Diversify your marketing strategies to reduce dependence on organic search


While Amazon SEO shares some similarities with Google SEO, it requires a unique approach tailored to the e-commerce environment. By understanding the key differences and implementing platform-specific strategies, sellers can significantly improve their product visibility and sales on Amazon.

Remember that Amazon SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjustment. Stay up-to-date with Amazon’s best practices, analyze your performance metrics regularly, and be prepared to adapt your strategy as the platform evolves.

By mastering the nuances of Amazon SEO, you’ll be well-positioned to outperform your competitors and achieve long-term success in the world’s largest online marketplace.

