How to Accurately Estimate Amazon PPC Costs in Advance

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
11 min readMar 20, 2023

Anyone who sells on Amazon must be aware of the possibilities to increase visibility and growth which come from running successful PPC advertisements. Many are still confused about the expense of running these ads. This results in many sellers not making the most of their potential benefits for their businesses due to the uncertainness.

Every cost can have a significant impact on your profits Knowing that much will aid you in figuring out ways to enhance your products so they remain competitive and sell.

Although it can be difficult to anticipate the exact amount you’ll pay for your PPC advertisements, it’s possible to get a realistic estimation. This is achieved by knowing the different elements that influence the cost and also understanding how to interpret the information the dashboard displays.

What is Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC ads are paid ads on Amazon’s Amazon platform. It’s a proven and tested way to increase your visibility and keep you ahead of the competition. It’s also a great marketing strategy that will assist both new and experienced sellers on Amazon remain afloat and grow.

As Amazon continues to experience rapid expansion and dominates the world of online shopping and dominates the market, the competition in the market get tougher. The battle is now one of pricing and strategy and strategy, however Amazon has platforms and programs (like its PPC Platform) to aid. Many even claim they feel that Amazon sellers are being spoiled excessively due to all the possibilities and tools that are they have available.

However, you will need to put in the effort to win your customers. Amazon is, in the end an online marketplace. It offers assistance, but ultimately it’s all about your product and your strategy.

Auction-style Advertising

Amazon PPC, also known as pay-per-click, follows an auction-based system to determine the time and place where your advertisements will appear. The basic idea is to target specific keywords that match the search terms they are corresponding to or queries, make bids for them and then win which means your advertisement will be noticeable to more potential buyers.

Traditional digital advertising you be charged for impressions or the amount of people your advertisements are shown to. The same logic applies for offline or traditional advertising , which includes placing billboards in highly-traffic areas or placing commercial advertisements on television.

In Amazon PPC, you pay for clicks, or when someone clicks on your ad. Simply being on Amazon is like placing an advertisement on a popular platform, but only paying those who take the time to take the time to read your ad, not everyone who passes by it. This can be more economical since clicks be a sign of interest and an active buying intentions, which can lead to the possibility of a higher conversion rate.

What Can I Get Out of PPC Ads?

Amazon PPC is one of the strategies you can employ to bring prospective customers to your website. However, it doesn’t end when they click the ad. you must guide them through the customer journey, until you make the sale, and hopefully make them regular customers. Additionally, PPC campaigns can help you in that regard.

The benefits of PPC advertisements include:

  • Cost-effective as you cost for each click
  • Clicks are more likely to convert than impressions and Amazon doesn’t charge you for impressions.
  • You can set your highest ad budget or budget
  • Increases your organic rank
  • Improves your visibility
  • Launches of new products are encouraged (hello honeymoon!)
  • This can increase your income (an overall effect)

Amazon Algorithm and PPC

Another major benefit of Amazon PPC is the impact it has on rankings along with the algorithm for search.

The Amazon algorithm considers sales as a key factor in determining the ranking of products. It also influences its appearance on the marketplace. It also indicates credibility and trustworthiness — something buyers are looking for when looking for a retailer to purchase from.

Naturally, the more sales you earn as a result, the more reviews you will get that buyers will look at when making an purchase.

If you’re a brand-new seller or have something that is not competitive in the beginning (which may be expensive or not essential) the chances of making organic sales are much lower.

Here is Amazon PPC to the rescue.

PPC advertisements can accelerate the effects from months’ organic rankings efforts by displaying your advertisements in the most prominent spots on search results pages. Additionally, your PPC ads could even appear over your most popular and best-selling rivals.

To maximize the advantages of PPC for your business It’s all about making sure that two things are optimized — keyword selection and ad spending. The keywords you choose to focus on and the amount you invest in them are crucial in determining the effectiveness of your advertisements.

What Is a Daily Budget in Amazon PPC?

Finding the right balance between ad spending and profits is essential so you get the most benefit of your PPC advertisements. One of the best ways to achieve this is to establish the daily budget for your ad spending.

In your campaign each click is weighed against the daily budget limit that you have set. When you’ve exhausted the budget, your advertisement won’t be shown until the budget is reset the next day.

Watch the below video to know about How Much Should I Spend on Amazon PPC? The Complete PPC Budget Guide for FBA Sellers

Why Is It Important to Set an Amazon PPC Daily Budget?

Amazon lets sellers take greater control over their advertising spending and limits per day. This allows you to stay within your budget, take advantage of possibilities, and also track the effectiveness of your advertisements more effectively.

Ensures Profitability

Setting a daily budget spending limit will also ensure that your ad budget remains within the TACoS ( total advertising cost of sale) which considers your overall budget. This should allocate to your PPC ads to ensure your products are profitable.

Tracks Your Ad Performance

Setting a daily ad spending limit lets you monitor the trends of your sales. You can also determine the days or times of high demand. You must make the most of every chance to profit by raising your limit or altering the bids you place.

You may also be able to spot the differences between different metrics and analyze the data they offer more efficiently since you’ve establish a stable base. The definition of a daily limit will assist in calculating your cost per click as well as conversion rate. Both are crucial to understand the effectiveness of your advertisements.

Allocates Your Budgets to Different Campaigns

You can establish different budgets for your daily campaigns, based on their performance. This will allow you to increase your budget by allocating more of it to the most profitable campaigns and less time to experimentation. A daily limit prevents unnecessary expenditure and increases your return on investment.

Allows you to be flexible in a world of opportunities

Like how it’s an advantage to decide how much you spend on ads in accordance with the campaign’s performance having a daily budget can allow you to make the most of the many opportunities your PPC dashboard could present to you with.

Monitoring where your budget for the day is spent can assist you in forecasting and making decisions. This is also true for identifying opportunities such as new competitive but cheaper keywords to target , or changing trending in the field of keywords.

How to Set Your Amazon PPC Budget

Making the Amazon PPC budget requires careful evaluation of various aspects.

First of all, you must determine your profit margin, and make sure you don’t spend more than. It is not advisable for you to invest your entireof your earnings on advertising and you should be able to save some of the profits to cover contingencies.

So, your ACoS which is also known as the advertising Cost of Sale, should be lower than your total margin.

In order in order to maximize your advertising budget it is essential to stay conscious of your PPC ads’ performance. This is done by monitoring and understanding what each measurement means and then acting accordingly to reduce losses or make the most of opportunities.

This will allow you to constantly improve your advertisements particularly in the area of choosing keywords, bids and daily budget allocation.

Watch the below video to know Six Essential Amazon PPC Strategies by SellerApp: Budgeting, Keywords, ACoS and More

How Do You Allocate a PPC Budget?

Once the ACoS and your overall profit margin determined, the process of determining the budget for each campaign follows.

You might want to consider grouping your ads on your objectives so that you can get the most value from your budget. These are the advantages of this:

  1. You can adjust your budget for each campaign according to the results or the immediate opportunities without impacting other campaigns.
  2. You will be able to have more precise analysis of the campaign’s performance. You can also monitor the keywords that are performing well and identify new ones you could include in your next campaign.

Additionally, you can combine ads into a single campaign that have an identical CPC. This will allow you to improve your ACoS for each and also for TACoS in general.

Watch the below video to know about Adjusting Bids By Placement On Amazon PPC: Get 10X Sales Using This Amazon PPC Strategy

Here’s a step-by step guide for allocating the PPC budget for every campaign.

Step 1: Identify Your ACoS

Like any other business it is essential to be aware of your financials. With Amazon selling ACoS as one of the most crucial to understand and comprehend.

What is ACoS?

ACoS is an acronym for advertising cost of Sale or the amount you spend on advertising PPC as compared to the sales you earned from the ad(s).

It is important to calculate your desired ACoS prior to launching campaigns. It is important to determine your chosen keywords and spending on your ACoS in order that you’ll remain successful on Amazon.

It is important to reduce your ACoS, without impacting your sales, which indicates an increase in sales due to your enhanced visibility that comes from your PPC advertisements.

What is the best way to determine my ACoS target?

Target ACoS is basically your PPC budget for advertising. It is expressed in percent.

To translate, it’s the percentage of your revenue that can be used for your PPC advertisements.

You’ll only have your earnings to use for your PPC advertisements. So, it is important to take into account how much profit you earn when setting the goal ACoS.

What is the best way to calculate my profit margin , and Break-even ACOS?

Thus, determining your goal ACoS is taking into consideration all costs associated from your product and subtracting them from the price you have set. The remainder is your profit, which when expressed in percentage that is what you call your margin.

Be aware that, aside from costs per click Amazon doesn’t charge any other charges for your PPC advertisement.

Here’s the breakdown of normal costs associated with the sale of a product on Amazon:

  • The cost of capital of the product per unit
  • Amazon FBA fees (shipping, referral, storage, etc.)
  • Miscellaneous

Then, subtract the costs of selling price, and you will have the amount of profit.

Now, to calculate your profit margin %

Your profit margin % is the same as your break-even ACoS. If the ad spend is equal to this level, you will do not have any losses or profits.

So, if you’d like to make money then you must set your ACoS lower than the profit margin.

What’s the best ACOS recommendation for Amazon PPC beginners?

It’s actually quite difficult to establish the exact amount you can define for “good ACoS”. It’s dependent on many variables, including your product’s type or the industry you work in overall.

Step 2: Understand Your CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

Let’s explore the basic principles of PPC advertising costs. One of the most significant aspects is cost-per click or CPC.

The CPC refers to the cost that you pay each time your PPC advertisement is clicked. It is easy to look this up on your dashboard for ads. However, it’s better to understand the significance of this number for the performance of your ads.

Alternately, you could calculate the cost by dividing the cost of advertising with the quantity of clicks that your advertisement receives.

A high CPC could indicate an issue in your strategies for focusing on keywords. It could be that you are targeting keywords that are not sufficiently difficult to compete with and simply don’t achieve enough exposure to make a splash.

The goal is to reduce your CPC without affecting your product’s brand’s visibility. It is possible to accomplish this through:

  • Reduce your bid
  • Adding negative keywords
  • Auctions on keywords with long tails (which are more affordable and indicate a higher likelihood of purchase)

Step 3: Determine the Duration of Your Campaign

Amazon PPC campaigns are not specifically designed to be setup and later forgotten about. It takes time to collect sufficient data as well as provide reliable measurements. They require constant monitoring and improvement to be effective in reaching your goals but you have to allow them the time they need to get to work.

It will take some hours to create a complete campaign and make it live. It takes around 48 hours to begin receiving data from your ads performance.

But, it takes around 14 days to provide enough information that you can get real-time insights from the data, and around 3 months to present you with an accurate view of the performance of your ads.

If you want to see outcomes from your PPC advertisements, such as increased sales or a boost in brand awareness It can take anything from the time the ads went live until months following.

The setting of a lengthy time frame for your campaigns will help you determine the effectiveness of your campaigns more precisely. Furthermore, it will allow you to make the most of your profits. There is the time collect the most data you can to allow you and the algorithm to learn how to improve your product or service and increase its competitive edge.

Step 4: Find Converting Keywords

Keywords are at the core to any PPC campaigns. They assist the algorithm to understand the product’s characteristics and the reason it’s the most effective product to display to a consumer’s search.

You can choose to let Amazon to find terms that are relevant to your products (with automated campaigns) or you can assign them to yourself (with manual campaigns) Based on what you have found from your keyword study.

Keyword Analysis

Converting keywords implies that they are matched exactly to the search query of a buyer and that you get the maximum number of sales from the clicks that you earn.

Utilize the Sellerapp’s Amazon Keyword Tool to find Top Converting Keywords.

Converting keywords can assist you in optimizing your bids and , ultimately, the total amount you spend on advertising. It is possible to research precise, broad and phrases that match to find the most effective combination for your business.

What Performance to Expect Based on Budget

In the end, there’s no standard approach that works for everyone in the allocation of an amount for your PPC advertisements. If you are spending within your budget (break-even ACOS, or margin of profit) You will not be able to make loss.

There is no any direct link between budgets for advertising and sales growth. However it is possible that there is an obvious relationship between the amount of money spent on advertising and higher IMPRESSIONS. This can indicate that a bigger budget can result in more sales, if everything is optimized to the best of its ability.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.