How To Increase Sales Using Amazon Product Variations

Vidyullatha Matcha
Amazon Selling Strategies
7 min readOct 11, 2022

Every day, more people register with Amazon to launch their businesses on the world’s most popular e-commerce platform. Because it is constantly expanding, standing out from the crowd is critical for generating sales. That is made possible by a well-presented listing.

What is a listing?

A listing page is a section on a website that offers specific information on the product. It includes descriptions, images videos, reviews, and all the elements that aid customers in making their purchase decision.

For any seller on the internet, an item listing provides a window that allows buyers to see the product. If the description is appealing people will want to visit the site. If all relevant information is included and the product meets the features customers are looking for the result will be conversions.

What are Amazon Product Variations

Sellers have a range of choices for buyers, which include products in various dimensions, colors, and sizes as well as other variations. Thus, Amazon products with variations are products that are related to each other and are placed together into a single listing. People are looking for variety, and providing additional options is an excellent way to appeal to a broad public.

Let’s suppose that someone wishes to buy a pair of black socks on Amazon. They search for that product and then choose the listing. You can see that this particular brand has socks available in a range of colors, sets, and sizes.

The seller has included multiple variants to the listing instead of creating an individual listing for each product. Buyers are able to browse and select their preferred items much more easily. This helps improve the rate of conversion for the auction.

We now know the various variations and what they are, let’s get into the details.

What Factors Make Up The Product Listing

An Amazon product listing includes a variety of elements. They are:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Backend Keywords
  • Images
  • Reviews & Ratings

How Can You Improve Your Listing By Using Variations

One of the most important factors in ranking high organically is including accurate product information. Conversions are more likely if your Amazon product detail page contains all of the information a customer needs to make a purchase.

Remember to only include information that will assist people in making a purchasing decision. It is best to avoid including unnecessary details.


The title must include your brand name and relevant keywords. Although the title can contain up to 200 characters, 80–100 characters are preferable. Potential customers will be able to find your products more easily this way.

Backend keywords:

These keywords are associated with your keywords and are hidden in the Seller Account’s backend. It informs Amazon’s algorithm that your products are targeted toward specific keywords.


Each variant should have engaging descriptions that highlight its distinguishing features. It should include features, dimensions, color, size, and applications, among other things. Adding A+ content can also significantly increase sales.

A+ content on Amazon refers to brochure-style product descriptions. It includes images, videos, graphs, brand logos, and copies in high resolution.

Three points that were mentioned earlier are the main reasons for your page being found and gaining a high ranking.

Check out this video to know the benefits of Amazon A+ content:


Images are a vital aspect of the sale of products. They must be high-quality and show off the best attributes. To allow potential buyers to see the entire range of features your product has to offer, ensure you capture images of your product from a variety of angles.


Make sure you include an advertisement video that explains the products’ USP. Additionally, the video should assist customers in understanding the reason why they should purchase your product.


Amazon includes reviews and ratings for every one of your variants in one place. Better ratings are likely to increase the likelihood of selling your products.

Take a look at our free Amazon Listing Optimization tool to increase the value of your listing, and get more sales.

Features of Listing Variations

There are three elements of the product’s variations, according to Amazon.

Parent ASIN:

It is also known as a non-buyable entity or the base ASIN, indicating that customers cannot purchase these items. It is hidden from buyers and only visible on the Seller Central page. For instance, “Adidas Black running shoes” is a parent ASIN.

Child ASIN:

The child ASIN is used when a product has multiple variations such as color, size, design, and so on. These are for sale and are linked to other items in the parent ASIN. “Adidas Black running shoes size 10” is an example of a child ASIN.

Variation themes:

This refers to the parent-child ASIN relationship and emphasizes the differences between related items. In the previous example, size and color are two Amazon variation themes.

What categories allow variations

Before you begin to learn how to make variations to your products you must confirm that it’s available since not all categories provide that option. This list lists every major category that permits variations.

  • Groceries
  • Shoes, clothing, and accessories
  • Toys and Games
  • Health and Beauty
  • Sports and Outdoors
  • Pet Supplies

When is it appropriate to make an additional listing?

Before you begin creating variations, you should ask yourself these questions.

  1. Is this the same product?
  2. Do the product’s titles and descriptions are same?
  3. Are they serving the same purpose, and only are there minor differences?

If you answered yes to each of them, you are free to make the variants.

Steps to Create Product Variation

  • Log into Your Amazon Seller Central Account.
  • Click on the inventory Tab and click Add an item.
  • Then, choose I’m Adding an item that is not available on Amazon.
  • Choose the product category you prefer.
  • Complete the fields for the Product Name, Manufacturer as well as Brand Name excluding the Product ID.
  • If you’re selling multiple kinds of the same product such as color, size, or quantity, include the details in this section.
  • Click on Add Variations.
  • After that, you must enter your Product ID. Type of Product ID Price, Condition, and Quantity.
  • Click on Save and Finish.

How Can You Add a New Item to an Existing List?

There are two options to add variations to a list that is already in place. Find out how to do it.

Manually add variations using Seller Central Dashboard

  • Log into Your Seller Central Account.
  • Click on the Inventory Tab and then click one of the options, i.e., Manage Inventory.
  • You can view all listings here. Choose the item you wish to list. On the right, there are options to Edit. Click that, and then choose Copy Listing.
  • Click on the Variations tab, and then select the themes.
  • Fill in the necessary information and then click Add Variation.
  • Click on Save and Finish.

Create an inventory and upload it to the internet

  • Log in to Your Seller Central Account.
  • Click on the inventory Tab and click Add Products via Upload.
  • Select your product, then click the correct category and click Generate Template.
  • In the lower part of the page, there is a template tab. You can input the details of your product here. It is important to complete the entry without errors.
  • Input the details and proceed to add a product via Upload. Once you’re done, you’ll be done.

How to Remove Variation Listing on Amazon

  • Visit Manage Inventory and select the list or listing you wish to remove.
  • Click Edit on the right. A drop-down menu appears, and you can select Delete Listing and Product.
  • Select OK to remove the list.

Amazon Product Variation Listing Benefits:

Simplified shopping experience:

If you sell a product that comes in multiple sizes and colors, it’s a good idea to offer variations under one listing rather than creating separate pages. It is also more convenient for customers because they do not have to navigate through multiple pages.

Increased visibility for child ASIN:

If you are introducing a new product or have products with low ratings, you can group them with high-performing ones. This saves time and makes the child listings more visible.

Increased conversions:

When there are more options available, people are more likely to stay on your listing for a longer period of time. It prevents them from visiting your competitors’ websites. The longer they stay on your listing page, the more likely they are to consider purchasing the item and converting.

Increased sales:

More visibility and conversions will eventually increase your sales. When the number of people viewing your listing increases, so will the number of purchases.

Improved organic ranking:

When your products receive positive feedback, Amazon will automatically move your listing to the top of the search results. Improve your product’s organic rankings by using Amazon listing variations.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve made it this far, you should be familiar with variations, parent-child listings, and how to add and remove product lists.

While the process may appear difficult, including it will undoubtedly increase brand visibility and product sales. When creating product variations, make sure to avoid any mistakes. Giving customers options will increase their trust in your brand and keep them loyal.

