How To Rank High On Amazon | Enhance Your Search Rankings

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
9 min readJan 31, 2023

Amazon is the largest and most competitive market. At the time of writing there are more than 1.11 million sellers who are on the platform. Of obviously, you’ll be competing against the majority of them. However, unless your product is extremely niche, you’ll be competing against hundreds or even thousands of sellers.

Of those just a handful actually make sales. The majority of transactions on Amazon occurs at the beginning, and 70 percent of buyers don’t leave it! First page results are the prime real estate that every seller should strive for which is extremely exclusive. Amazon only displays around 48 items on its page.

Naturally, the main issue for sellers everywhere is how do they climb the ranks of Amazon and be one of the 48 sellers?

The answer is easy: improve the quality of your Amazon product Rank. But anyone Amazon seller who has been confronted without any external traffic after writing stellar content and taking gorgeous images of their products will be able to tell you how difficult it is to discover the secret of the best way to rank higher on Amazon.

What is Amazon Product Rank?

Amazon Product Rank is the ranking that listings for products take on search results that are organic. If someone types “Lavender Essential Oil” on the search bar and your listing appears as the third search result, it’s your ranking on the search.

How do I place on Amazon I’m sure you’re wondering.

This is contingent on the search terms you’re trying to target. Listings for products can have different ranking, just as customers might have different motives for looking for your product. The Lavender Oil bottle’s Amazon search rank for “gift for mom” can be quite different from the rank in the search results for “aromatherapy oils”.

Why is Product Ranking Important?

When you walk into a store to shop, finding the item you’re looking for is just as easy as asking the store attendant.

On e-commerce websites customers search is done differently. Software can’t process speech in like we do. Amazon utilizes algorithms-basically an array of criteria to comb through its vast array of listings for products. At present, Amazon is using the A10 Algorithm to power search rankings.

The rank of your Amazon Product Rank is a representation of whether your listing conforms to these guidelines. The algorithm determines the. When the A10 algorithm determines that your product meets the criteria the customer wants It then moves it towards the top of results for searches. As a seller you’ll want your customer to believe that your product is exactly what the customer requires.

How To Grow Amazon Search Results

As with any other e-commerce platform purchasing is the main thing on Amazon. However, to improve the rate of conversion, Amazon has to constantly enhance their Amazon search engine. In the end, the quicker users find what they’re looking for the less likely they will go to the next retailer. Happy customers also increase retention of customers.

Therefore the Amazon search engine algorithm is continually being refined to enhance the shopping experience. Amazon doesn’t make public statements about the precise method of calculating relevance, however through tests we can at least say that it’s a blend of various aspects like reviews, SEO as well as competitive pricing and Amazon PPC campaigns.

The latest update, not officially called “A10”, doesn’t introduce any new innovations. We’re instead seeing an improvement in the way these variables are evaluated. The importance of customer searches has been given more weightage in the past, which means that metrics that impact organic search results and satisfaction with customers are more crucial than they ever were. What are the most significant ranking factors and how do you utilize them to improve Amazon results for searches?

Amazon Sales Rank & Sales Velocity

Amazon Sales Rank also known as”Best sellers Rank (BSR) is the amount of items you sell over a certain period of time in relation to your competitors. The exact length of that period of time is nobody knows for sure.

There are some things we know. For instance, like your Amazon Product Ranking, Sales Rank differs by subcategory or category. Amazon will also take into consideration the history of your sales in making your rank. An item that has consistent, long-term sales will rank higher than a product that’s sales fluctuate and drop. Why?

All boils down to boosting satisfaction with customers. A dip in customer satisfaction could mean that you’re struggling to meet the need, or that negative reviews are affecting sales. Whatever the reason it’s what Amazon finds could be that there is something making customers to quit buying from them and they dock points accordingly.

It’s also important to remember how Sales Velocity can play a crucial part in ranking. It is the amount of customers who purchase your product via a specific keyword each day, when compared to competitors already placed on the first page for the keyword.

In the simplest terms, if your business is able to generate more sales each day by using one specific keyword than competitors, Amazon understands that your product is relevant to that phrase and will place it more highly.

We also recognize the importance placed to sales that have recently occurred It’s important to ensure your site goes live at a high speed from the beginning. One way you can begin with a strong foundation is by using Amazon PPC campaigns or lowered prices. However, many sellers don’t have the funds for advertisements or the capacity to decrease profits any more.

One method of increasing Amazon searches that any seller could do is to use Amazon SEO.

Watch the below video to know about Amazon Sales Rank — What it is & How to Improve Best Seller Rank (BSR)?

Listing Search Engine Optimization

In the past, we discussed the ways that Amazon employs certain criteria to review your product’s details page and compare it to the buyer’s search. It is the practice of altering various elements of your website to increase the visibility of your product and convince that the algorithm that your product is exactly what the customer you want to target is searching for.

There are a variety of factors that sellers should be aware of when it comes to Amazon SEO if they want to boost their amazon search engine rankings.

Amazon SEO tools like SellerApp let you fully optimize your product’s page and help your product rank better. However, you must know the best ways to optimize your listing correctly.

Watch the below detailed webinar to understand How to do Amazon Product Listing and Ranking Optimization | Step By Step Tutorial

Title Optimization

Amazon SEO places your Product Title on the top of a pedestal. The company has been warned that Titles that don’t meet specifications will not appear on the results of searches on Amazon. You may have a fantastic product yet without an optimal title that’s optimized Product Title, you’re doomed even before you even launch.

Amazon provides a complete checklist of Do’s and Don’ts that includes which characters to not use as well as the recommended length and the words to stay clear of. Every seller should follow these guidelines and produce a good Title. Concentrate on the user experience. Make sure that your Title is simple to read and informative and incorporates relevant keywords naturally in the text.

Do not use search term stuffing. This is an old strategy that dates back to the very beginning of SEO when algorithms weren’t as sophisticated and didn’t really care for user experience.

Optimize Image Quality

Images of product images have a significant impact on user experience, particularly on online shopping platforms. Users aren’t allowed to touch or test the product, but customers are influenced by what they see.

Amazon will ensure that the customers are well informed prior to buying, since this decreases the rate of return and the losses in sales. This means you must use high-quality, professional images that present the products clearly. There should be no blurry or dim images The product has to fill an 85 per cent of your frame.

Images for certain categories such as Books and Music have specific guidelines, so ensure that you’ve met them so Amazon will not penalize you for non-compliance.

On that note, let’s comprehend idea behind professional Amazon product photography guidelines and how to optimize so that it also accomplished higher organic rankings on the Amazon SERPs.

Incorporating bullet points

Following you’ve added your Title and Photos Following your Title and Pictures, your Bullet Points are your customer’s next step on your list. This is where you have an opportunity to persuade potential buyers to pick you over other sellers by highlighting important product features.

In addition, they have a crucial role to play in improving your organic traffic as they are classified. That’s right, the A10 algorithm is able to scan the text to determine the product’s rankings. Together with your Keywords and Title The Bullet Points offer the chance to tell the search engine exactly what your product is via key words.

Product Listings Description

In contrast to Titles, Bullet Points, and Backend Search Terms Product Descriptions aren’t fully indexable (in some instances, they may be, however it’s best to avoid it). It is located at the bottom of the page for desktop users , and on top for mobile customers, some customers might be able to scroll past it.

Don’t underestimate the value of well-written Product Descriptions. A well-written description could be the final factor that convinces a buyer to purchase your product over one of your competitors, thus generating sales and impacting your organic ranking. This is also a fantastic area to share specifics that you do not need to include in your Bullet Points.

If your brand is listed in Amazon’s brand registry you could even get an enhanced description called Enhanced Brand Content , or A+ content. It is known to increase the conversion rate of your listing, which in turn will allow you to achieve higher ranking on the pages of results.

Don’t use misspellings or synonyms

In an e-commerce site like Amazon Typos and misspellings could cost you more revenue.

The mistakes in your copy can affect the user experience. Instead of being focused on the product, consumers are distracted by mistakes. A clean and well-written copy helps your business build trust and credibility. Incorrectly written words and phrases could also indicate that the algorithm isn’t correctly indexing your page and could seriously harm you Amazon Product Rank.

Avoid Negative Feedback

About 93 percent of customers review reviews before making a purchase. Our brains also concentrate on the negatives. A single negative review can make a prospective customer fall to the arms of your rival. It’s easy enough. Amazon buyers aren’t spoilt with options.

A low rating is also an indication of poor quality, which makes you appear less in Amazon’s rating system. Naturally, you’ll want to stop negative reviews from being a thing at all. One of the ways you can achieve this includes maintaining a minimum stock and taking professional pictures which clearly show the product and writing up detailed descriptions of the product to establish expectations for customers.

Speed up order processing

Anyone who’s placed an order for an item on the internet knows the excitement of waiting for products and then being disappointed when it does not arrive in time. It can take weeks.

In an age where same-day shipping is seen as an advantage over other sellers it is not a good idea to be left in the race. Although many sellers aren’t capable of offering same-day shipment, they can make sure that you keep customers satisfied by delivering when they expect to ship.

Amazon also has strict 4% late Shipping Rate (LSR) rule. Infractions to this policy could result in having your seller-fulfilled account removed.

Reduce Order Defect Rate

An Order Defect rate (ODR) is the measurement Amazon uses to assess the experience of the buyer following the purchase. It is available in your sellers central accounts. It is determined by three factors Negative Feedback Rate A-to-Z Guarantee Claim Rate and Credit Card Chargeback Ratio.

The Negative Feedback Ratio is the proportion of two or one-star scores you receive according to the quantity that you’ve placed orders. A-to-Z Guarantee Claim Rate is the quantity of pertinent return requests you receive in 60 days. Finally, Credit Card Chargeback Rate represents chargeback claims that could result from customers not receiving their product or received a damaged item or aren’t receiving their refund.

A low ODR will tell Amazon that customers are content and content. Because of Amazon’s dedication to improve the customer experience sellers must keep an ODR not exceeding 1percent.

Answered Questions

The Customer Questions section on your listing is that potential buyers can ask questions. Customers who have previously purchased from Amazon as well as the Amazon seller are able to answer questions, which highlights the importance of describing a product in a clear and precise manner.

While your Customer Question will not be included in Amazon’s algorithm for ranking, they could nevertheless affect an Amazon product Rank. Sellers who offer pertinent and accurate information earn authority and trust, thus increasing the likelihood of converting.

Exit Rate

The Exit rate is the percentage of people who visit your page and quit Amazon due to any reason. It is natural that Amazon is keen to ensure this number at a low. If you see customers constantly moving away from your page The algorithm could interpret it as a signal that they should not recommend it.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.