Quick Introduction to Amazon Pricing Strategies

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
9 min readDec 12, 2022

Selling on Amazon is a great way to earn money for sellers. However, as all retailers are trying to create the maximum amount of sales there is plenty of competition. Amazon is famous for reducing prices regularly particularly during the holiday time. What are the most effective ways to increase sales on Amazon sales?

How do you ensure you stand out from your competitors to secure you the Buy Box?

Let’s learn the way Amazon pricing functions and the best methods to handle your sales.

Amazon pricing

Prices on Amazon is extremely competitive. This is not only affecting your chances that you will win your Buy Box, it is an important elements that influence a buyer’s final decision about whether to buy from you or a different seller.

Let’s take a look at the issues of pricing your products competitively on Amazon.

How do you price items on Amazon?

Pricing products competitively at a competitive price on Amazon isn’t as easy as it appears. The principle behind most marketplaces is: if the sales are high , then prices are increased, and If sales are lower, the prices drop.

But Amazon’s algorithm is complicated and cutting your margins with price reductions won’t always boost your standing on the market. This is why it’s important to know the variations in pricing as well as the different pricing strategies.

There are two kinds of prices available on Amazon that every seller should be aware of, which are the price of the item as well as the price for all items.

Price is the price of a product. This is the price the customer will pay minus shipping charges and other variables that could affect the final cost.

The total price or landed cost is the price that has everything included. This is the amount that the buyer has to pay at the end of the purchase process. The following items are included in the price total:

  • Charges for handling and shipping
  • Discounts, rebates, or other special sales or promotions
  • Shipping method
  • The business practices of the company, for instance, the reduction or elimination of shipping costs associated with orders, as well as any other charges associated with orders and costs
  • Low-price guarantees

If your item is listed under the “Other Sellers on Amazon’ section (where you do not own access to the Buy Box yourself) you must be aware Amazon places products on its shelves according to the price of the product and shipping costs.

If you take everything into consideration, you’ll discern why a tin-pot price reduction will not always improve your standing. Pricing items competitively on Amazon isn’t an easy feat.

Always consider all of the above aspects in consideration before listing or repricing your item on Amazon. An unintentional change in any aspect from shipping costs to discounts can result in an enormous difference to the product’s Amazon position.

What is Amazon’s pricing model?

Amazon’s pricing structure is built on making the prices at the lowest they can for the customer. This means that the price of products can vary a lot in a single day. Low prices create loyalty among their customers which ultimately leads to Amazon profiting from other retailers competing to win their place in the Buy Box.

Amazon’s pricing model is also taking things one step further by utilizing ease of use. We’ve all experienced the ease purchasing on the internet. But when there are many sellers fighting to be the top-selling item, you will always have a wide choices for your customers to choose from, which is almost never out of stocks. This, in turn, drives loyalty. improves sales and keeps clients and sellers returning for more rapid rolling sales and profits.

Being a seller and striving for an opportunity to use the Buy Box is a massive element of success when using Amazon to sell. However, even if you do not always have access to the Buy Box, there is some silver linings. In addition to it, the Buy Box, products are ordered by the price of the item, which is then combined with the cost of shipping. That means being a lower-cost seller can get noticed at times.

What are pricing tactics?

Based on Business Dictionary, the definition of a pricing strategy is ‘a quick-term effort to alter the cost of a service or product to accomplish the desired business goal’.

The pricing strategies that are used on Amazon don’t differ too much from the exact definition. For Amazon the goal is to achieve the most trusted and efficient position to create sales, and that is through The Buy Box.

Amazon sellers must employ a variety of strategies to achieve the top spot and drive sales. Many of them opt to increase price by offering discounts, while others alter their shipping rates or the kind of shipping they use.

Amazon repricing

A lot of sellers prefer to lower their competitors, typically in the amount of $00.01 (or PS00.01 so that they can gain an advantage on the market. Sub cutting their competitors is known as “repricing,” and it is done by:

Manual Repricing

As an Amazon seller, you are able to opt to reprice your products. This means that you can change the price by hand through Amazon Seller Central — or on other sites when you manage your items through an external third party.

This is only applicable to companies selling a limited number of items, since it’s costly. But it will help you gain a better comprehension of your own products and the products of your competitors and their pricing.


  • Complete control
  • A hands-on approach helps you comprehend your own product and your competition


  • This is useful only for catalogs of smaller products.
  • Time-consuming and extremely expensive
  • Based on your experiences depending on your experience, you might miss certain things

The 4 types of pricing strategy for Amazon

When it comes to pricing on Amazon, there are four basic types of strategy. There is a lot to play for because Amazon doesn’t always award the buy box to the lowest-priced vendor. When selling on Amazon, you can employ the following 4 strategies:


A technique known as economy uses modest profit margins and cheap advertising expenditures. It intends to open up the goods to a sizable market. It rarely relies on sales prices and typically has minimal to no transportation charges. Detergents are a good example of a product that would benefit from using this tactic.


The premium strategy follows a different course than the economic strategy. The price is typically high, and brand names are frequently used to attract more interest. Due to the fact that brand recognition often has less of an impact on Amazon, companies utilizing a premium strategy frequently offer discounts on expensive goods to draw attention. When it comes to recognized brands in their industry, like Gillette or Lynx/Axe, this tactic typically works well.


Pricing strategy is approached with flexibility in the skimming strategy. An Amazon vendor would frequently employ this tactic, starting with a higher price until the competition did the same. The price would then be reduced to remain competitive at that point. This kind of approach is perfect for business owners that have a distinctive product but expect to face competition in the future. This is due to the strategy’s goal of maximising profit as soon as possible before the competition catches up.

Sony and Microsoft are two companies that frequently price their gaming consoles (PlayStation and XBox) higher when they are first released and are examples of businesses utilising this type of tactic. When the rival debuts their console, they first lower the price with a sale before permanently lowering it to the sale price.


When you set prices lower than rivals, you are using a penetration approach to take market share. New brands and established brands that are releasing new products frequently use this. The majority of the time, this takes the shape of a promotion, with pricing increasing as goals are attained. Over time, this tactic is not profitable. Nevertheless, obtaining the Buy Box sooner rather than later may be beneficial in order to spur interest in your particular product through brand loyalty.

This approach typically performs better for more distinctive products on the marketplace because Amazon does not always give the Buy Box to the lowest alternative.

Getting Practical with Amazon Pricing Strategy

Choosing the appropriate price is crucial for every business, but it’s extremely crucial for Amazon and e-commerce. It’s difficult to choose a price at which to sell your goods. If your prices are too high, customers will buy from your competitors and similarly you will end up eating your profits if your price is too low. You need to really understand, and more importantly, calculate your profit margin before setting up a pricing strategy.

I firmly believe that Amazon does not always employ the “lower prices to get sales” method. Determine your minimum and maximum sales prices before setting your product’s price. You can achieve this by making a reference out of your sourcing costs. To determine a minimum sales price, now include all administrative and advertising expenses.

Now, in order to increase sales, conversions, or profits, you employ this minimum and maximum price number in your pricing plan.

Also take into account these advice:

1) Decreasing Price may be used to boost daily sales

Small price cuts have a big impact on conversion rates and daily sales.

Higher conversion rates lead to:

  1. Higher daily sales
  2. More money was made since more units were sold.
  3. In addition to raising the price, increasing perceived value can boost conversion rates and daily sales.

2) Increasing Price may result in higher daily profit

  1. Rising pricing resulting in more daily profit
  2. A slight rise in the conversion rate

3) Increasing Price Can Decrease Sales but Increase Profits

Even if sales are reduced by an increase in price, extra profit generated per sale, can yield higher daily profits overall.

Mastering the Amazon algorithm — The Buybox

The quickest and simplest option for a customer to purchase is through the Buy Box, which is visible on specific product pages.

Customers can purchase a product by clicking on the “Buy Box” on the product detail page. Multiple vendors who are selling the same item may be able to compete for the Buy Box. Which seller is the best candidate to receive the Buy Box will be determined by an algorithm used by Amazon.
The battle for the buy box is influenced by a variety of things. These are what they are:

  1. Method of fulfilment
  2. Pricing
  3. Rate of refund
  4. Rate of order defects (ODR)
  5. Stock accessibility
  6. Response from the seller
  7. Delivery time
  8. Reviews

CPC Strategy provides the ideal formula with all the components that help in achieving the buy box.

The primary factors that influence sellers getting the buy box are:

1. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

This enables sellers to transport their products to the fulfilment centre, where Amazon will ship them when a customer places an order, speeding up the selling process. Additionally, buyers will be purchasing through Prime, which Amazon frequently advertises.

2. Competitive pricing

This considers both the cost of shipping and the cost of the item. It’s vital to remember that while having the lowest price is a major contributing factor, it does not guarantee winning the buy box.

3. Reviews

Customers and Amazon both want to know how reliable you are as a merchant. Amazon will look for a low rate of negative feedback in addition to your prior account performance.

The “Other Sellers on Amazon” option is not present on mobile sites, and the buy box is located beneath the product image, hiding the offer listings.

If your clients prefer to purchase on mobile devices over desktop, you must dominate the buy box. It becomes even more crucial as the number of mobile shoppers rises quickly.

Another factor to consider is the launch of Amazon Echo. Customers are shown the item with the Buy Box when they make a purchase using Amazon Echo.

Winning the Buy Box is more important than ever as Amazon Echo gains in popularity. You cannot use Echo to make sales if you don’t have the Buy Box.

Final thoughts

When it comes to getting the Buy Box or succeeding on Amazon, there are no short cuts. Time and some trial-and-error will be required. The benefits of obtaining the Buy Box, the holy grail of Amazon sales, are, however, well worth the effort.

Be sure to take into account the many approaches discussed above and select the best one for your products, brand, and overall business. Success is never far away with the appropriate plan in place.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

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