The E-Commerce Clash: Amazon FBA vs. Walmart

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
5 min readDec 12, 2023

In the ever-evolving arena of e-commerce, two giants stand tall — Amazon and Walmart. The battle for supremacy between Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and Walmart is more than just a competition; it’s a clash of titans. In this comprehensive analysis, we’ll dissect the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of both platforms to determine who is truly winning the e-commerce battle.

Amazon FBA: The Fulfillment Powerhouse

1. Unraveling Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA revolutionized e-commerce by offering sellers a comprehensive fulfillment solution. Sellers store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and the e-commerce giant takes care of the entire order fulfillment process. From picking and packing to shipping and customer service, Amazon FBA allows sellers to focus on scaling their businesses.

a. Strengths of Amazon FBA:

  • Global Reach: Amazon FBA boasts a network of fulfillment centers worldwide, facilitating global shipping and enabling sellers to tap into a vast international market.
  • Prime Eligibility: Products enrolled in FBA gain the coveted Prime badge, providing sellers access to Amazon Prime’s loyal customer base, known for its preference for expedited shipping.

b. Amazon Advertising:

  • Sponsored Products: Amazon offers a robust advertising platform, allowing sellers to promote their products at the top of search results. Sponsored Products help increase visibility and drive sales.
  • Sponsored Brands: With Sponsored Brands, sellers can showcase their brand and multiple products in a visually compelling format, enhancing brand visibility and recognition.

Read More : Amazon Sponsored Products vs. Amazon Sponsored Brands

  • Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform): Amazon DSP enables sellers to reach their target audience across the web, not just on Amazon. This programmatic advertising solution enhances brand awareness and drives customer engagement.

2. Challenges of Amazon FBA:

  • Fees Structure: While the convenience of FBA is undeniable, the associated fees can cut into sellers’ profit margins, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Intense Competition: The sheer volume of sellers on Amazon can lead to fierce competition, making it challenging for new entrants to gain visibility and sales traction.

Walmart: The Retail Giant’s E-Commerce Ascent

1. Walmart Marketplace: A Growing Contender

Walmart, traditionally a brick-and-mortar retail giant, entered the e-commerce arena with Walmart Marketplace. This platform allows third-party sellers to reach Walmart’s extensive customer base, mirroring the model pioneered by Amazon.

a. Strengths of Walmart:

  • Omnichannel Presence: Walmart seamlessly integrates online and offline channels, offering customers the flexibility to shop in physical stores or online, providing a unique shopping experience.
  • Competitive Fees: Walmart Marketplace is known for its competitive fee structure, potentially providing sellers a more cost-effective platform compared to Amazon.

b. Selling on Walmart Strategies:

  • Content Quality: Walmart places a significant emphasis on product content quality. Optimizing product listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions is crucial for success.
  • Pricing Strategy: Implementing a competitive pricing strategy is vital on Walmart. The platform encourages sellers to offer competitive prices to attract and retain customers.
  • Adoption of Technology: Embracing technology and leveraging tools provided by Walmart for better analytics and performance tracking is essential for sellers to stay competitive.

2. Challenges of Walmart:

  • Smaller Customer Base: While Walmart has a substantial customer base, it currently falls short of Amazon’s audience, impacting potential reach for sellers.
  • Tech and Innovation: Walmart is in the process of establishing itself as a tech-driven e-commerce powerhouse, but it still needs to catch up with the technological advancements pioneered by Amazon.

The Battle Unfolds: Key Comparisons

1. Product Visibility and Competition

Amazon FBA:

  • Pro: Amazon’s vast customer base provides unparalleled visibility, but the competition is intense.
  • Con: New sellers may find it challenging to stand out.


  • Pro: Less intense competition may offer new sellers a chance to gain visibility.
  • Con: The customer base is not as extensive as Amazon.

2. Fulfillment and Logistics

Amazon FBA:

  • Pro: Streamlined fulfillment process with global reach.
  • Con: Fees associated with FBA can impact profit margins.


  • Pro: Competitive fees might attract sellers seeking cost-effective fulfillment.
  • Con: The fulfillment network may not match the scale of Amazon FBA.

3. Customer Trust and Loyalty

Amazon FBA:

  • Pro: Prime eligibility and Amazon’s reputation foster trust.
  • Con: Increased competition may lead to price-focused loyalty.


  • Pro: Walmart’s legacy brand and commitment to customer satisfaction build trust.
  • Con: The transition to e-commerce may require time to establish digital trust.

4. Global Presence

Amazon FBA:

  • Pro: Extensive global presence with fulfillment centers in key regions.
  • Con: Sellers need to navigate international regulations.


  • Pro: Growing international presence, but still expanding.
  • Con: Limited compared to Amazon.

The Verdict: A Battle Without a Clear Victor

In the ongoing battle between Amazon FBA and Walmart, declaring a definitive winner is challenging. Each platform caters to different needs and priorities of sellers, making the choice subjective.

Choose Amazon FBA If:

  • You prioritize a vast and diverse customer base.
  • Expedited shipping through Prime is crucial for your products.
  • Global reach is a key component of your expansion strategy.
  • A comprehensive advertising platform is essential for your marketing strategy.

Choose Walmart If:

  • You seek a platform with competitive fees, especially for fulfillment.
  • Your target audience aligns with Walmart’s customer demographic.
  • You want to leverage a platform with slightly less competition.
  • Cost-effectiveness and simplified fees are crucial for your business.

Conclusion: The Battle Continues

In the dynamic realm of e-commerce, both Amazon FBA and Walmart are formidable players, each with its unique strengths and challenges. The battle for supremacy is ongoing, and the true victor depends on the goals and strategies of individual sellers.

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, sellers must adapt their strategies, leverage the strengths of each platform, and stay attuned to market dynamics. The battle between Amazon FBA and Walmart is not just a clash of platforms; it’s a reflection of the ever-changing preferences and expectations of online shoppers worldwide.

In this clash of e-commerce titans, the true winners are the sellers who strategically navigate the landscape, adapt to emerging trends, and harness the power of both Amazon FBA and Walmart to maximize their reach and success.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

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