Top Amazon Advertising Strategies to Enhance Organic Visibility

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
13 min readMar 27, 2024

As an Amazon seller, you know that organic visibility is essential for driving product sales. With millions of products listed on Amazon, standing out takes strategy and effort. By leveraging Amazon Advertising, you can complement and amplify your organic ranking efforts to reach more shoppers. In this article, we will explore five of the top proven Amazon Advertising strategies that savvy sellers use to enhance organic visibility.

From sponsored products to sponsored brands, these targeted tactics will help you get your listings in front of high-intent buyers. Read on to learn actionable tips to drive more impressions and clicks leading to sales through strategic advertising optimization. Whether launching new products or maximizing existing ones, these advertising best practices will propel your organic presence and profitability on Amazon.

How Amazon’s A9 Algorithm Works

Ranking Factors

To rank products, Amazon’s A9 algorithm considers many factors. Relevance to the search query is key, determined by exact and partial keyword matches in the product listing. Product information like titles, bullet points, and descriptions provide the algorithm with semantic content to match searches.

###Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings significantly impact rank. Products with more reviews, especially recent, positive reviews will rank higher. The algorithm also evaluates the quality and credibility of reviews. Verified reviews from purchasers carry more weight.

Sales and Conversion Rates

A9 favors products that sell well and convert visitors into customers. When shoppers click and buy, it indicates a product satisfies the search intent. Amazon tracks sales, conversion rates, and other metrics to determine rank.

Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads allow brands to bid for top placement in search results. Winning the auction for a sponsored ad spot can temporarily boost a product to the first page of results. However, for sustained, organic rank improvement, a product still needs to perform well based on the other ranking factors.

Optimizing for A9

To optimize for Amazon’s algorithm, focus on perfecting your product listings with relevant keywords, a compelling title and bullet points, high-quality images, and detailed descriptions. Build a base of verified customer reviews. Run promotions and ads to increase sales and conversions. Optimize for on-page and off-page SEO. The A9 algorithm rewards products that best satisfy customers and their search intent. With ongoing optimization, you can improve organic visibility in Amazon’s competitive marketplace.

Optimizing Content for Relevance and Quality

To rank well organically on Amazon, you must optimize your product listings and content for maximum relevance and quality.

###Ensuring Accuracy and Usefulness

First, provide accurate and useful information about your product that helps customers make an informed buying decision. Include details about key features, specifications, dimensions, and materials. Explain how the product works and list any included accessories. Compare your item to competitors to highlight unique selling points. Keep descriptions up to date with the latest details about your offerings.

Using Keyword-Rich and Compelling Copy

Optimize your copy by placing relevant keywords and phrases in strategic locations, such as the title, bullet points, and product description. Aim for a keyword density of 1–2% for the best results. Write compelling copy that tells a story and highlights the key benefits and value propositions of your products to capture interest. Keep sentences concise while varying structure for the best flow and cadence.

Including High-Quality Multimedia

Include eye-catching photos and videos to enhance your listings. Add a minimum of three high-quality images showing the product from different angles. Videos demonstrating how the product works or its key features can significantly boost conversions and ranking. Ensure all multimedia is optimized for search with relevant file names, alt text for images, and transcripts for videos.

Maintaining a Positive Customer Experience

Provide good customer service and prompt support to build a positive brand reputation and customer loyalty. Quickly respond to questions and address any issues or concerns. Continuously monitor product reviews and make improvements to better meet customer needs over time. A positive customer experience translates to higher ratings and more word-of-mouth promotion, both of which help boost your organic rankings.

With optimized and compelling content, multimedia, and a dedication to customer satisfaction, you can achieve and maintain a top organic position on Amazon. Continuous optimization and monitoring are key to long-term success.

Building a Strong Backlink Profile

Building high-quality backlinks to your product listings and store homepage is crucial for improving organic visibility on Amazon.

###Identify Relevant Sites

Focus your efforts on earning backlinks from authoritative sites and influencers in your industry. These sites and influencers should have a high domain authority and page authority, as links from these sites carry more weight with search engines. Some options to consider include:

Niche blogs and media sites. Build relationships with bloggers and journalists in your space to earn high-value do-follow backlinks in roundups, reviews, and guest posts.

Industry associations and organizations. Many associations provide member directories or resource pages where you can get a link back to your store. Some may allow sponsored content or advertising.

Product review and comparison sites. Pitch relevant product review sites to get your items included in product roundups, reviews, and comparisons. Ask for a do-follow link to your product listing or store in return.

Social influencers. Work with influencers on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook to promote your products. In exchange, ask influencers to link back to your listings or store homepage.

Build High-Quality Links

The quality of your backlinks matters just as much as the quantity. Focus on earning dofollow links from authoritative sites, as these links pass link equity to your Amazon store, which helps with rankings. Some tips for building high-quality backlinks include:

•Vary anchor text. Use your main keyword, product name, and brand name as anchor text for links. But also build some links with generic anchor text like “click here” or your store name. Over-optimizing anchor text looks unnatural to search engines.

•Earn diverse links. Build a mix of links from product reviews, roundups, blog posts, directories, and more. Don’t rely too heavily on any single link type.

•Keep links natural. Avoid buying or exchanging links, as this violates Amazon’s policies and looks spammy to search engines. Only build links that would naturally occur as part of a high-quality content promotion or outreach strategy.

•Monitor new links. Regularly check backlink analysis tools to monitor your new links. Make sure all links comply with Amazon’s guidelines and look natural. Disavow any spammy links to avoid penalties.

Building a strong yet natural-looking backlink profile takes time and effort. But high-quality backlinks are one of the most effective ways to enhance organic visibility and rankings on Amazon. With an effective link building strategy in place, you can organically drive more traffic and sales to your Amazon store.

Leveraging Amazon Advertising Campaigns

To enhance organic visibility on Amazon, utilizing their advertising platform is key.

### Sponsored Products Campaigns

Sponsored Products campaigns allow you to promote individual product listings by targeting related keywords and product interests. You bid on keywords to have your listing ranked higher in search results and on product detail pages. Carefully select keywords based on your product title, bullets, and description to target shoppers actively searching for items like yours. Place increased bids on high-performing keywords to improve your ad’s position.

Sponsored Brands Campaigns

Sponsored Brands campaigns raise brand awareness and drive traffic to your product listings. They showcase your brand logo and a selection of your products at the top of search results. To launch a Sponsored Brands campaign, provide your brand logo and choose products to feature that represent your brand well. Select keywords based on your brand and products. This campaign type works best for established brands with a range of products.

Product Display Ads

Product Display ads feature one of your products in a highly visual ad format. They appear at the top of search results and on product detail pages. To create Product Display ads, provide eye-catching product images and a short headline. Select keywords focused on your specific product. These ads stand out on the page, so choose a product with strong visual appeal. They work well for new product launches or promotions.

Always-On Campaigns

For the best results, run campaigns continuously rather than launching short-term promotions. Always-on campaigns build momentum over time as Amazon’s algorithm optimizes your ads to target the most relevant shoppers. Keep a close eye on your campaign performance and make adjustments to bids and keywords to improve results. With an always-on advertising strategy, organic and paid visibility will work together to drive more traffic and increase sales. Continuous optimization and expansion into new campaign types will help strengthen your presence and brand on Amazon.

In summary, leveraging Amazon’s advertising options in an always-on, optimized fashion can significantly boost your organic rankings and product visibility. Carefully targeting keywords and audiences for your brand and products will lead to greater long term success on the platform.

Watch the below video to know how toAccelerate Your Advertising Strategy with Amazon Sponsored Display Datasets on AMS

Using Amazon SEO Tools Like SellerApp

To optimize your product listings and increase organic visibility on Amazon, utilize their suite of SEO tools. SellerApp allows you to research relevant search terms to include in your listing titles, descriptions, and back-end keywords. Performing keyword research helps determine terms with high search volume and low competition, which can drive more traffic to your listings.

Selecting Target Keywords

With SellerApp, enter broad search phrases related to your product and the tool will provide suggested keywords and metrics to help determine viable targets. Look for terms with at least 1,000 monthly searches, a relevance score over 50, and competition scores under 70. These indicate good search volume, high relevance to your product, and less competitive terms which your listing can potentially rank for.

Optimizing Your Listing

Once you identify target keywords, incorporate them into your product listing. Place the primary keyword in your product title, using a compelling title that includes the product name and key features. Repeat your target keywords 3–5 times in the listing description, focusing on product benefits and specifications. The description should be concise yet descriptive, around 2 to 3 sentences or 125 to 250 characters.

Back-End Keywords

Don’t forget to also include target keywords as back-end search terms. On the “Add a Product” page, scroll down to “Search Terms” and enter your keywords, separated by commas. These back-end keywords are not visible to customers but help Amazon understand your product offering and improve its visibility in search results.

Monitoring & Optimizing

Continually check your listing’s performance and make changes to improve rankings for your target keywords. Monitor your keywords in SellerApp to see if search volume or competition changes over time. You may need to replace less effective keywords with new terms. Also, update your listing content frequently to keep it fresh for both customers and search engines. With ongoing optimization of SEO, your product can gain greater visibility and higher rankings on Amazon.

The key to success with Amazon SEO is researching your options, selecting the right keywords, optimizing your product listing, and monitoring performance over time. By following these best practices, you can enhance your product’s organic visibility and drive more sales on Amazon.

Monitoring Your Keyword Rankings

To determine the success and impact of your Amazon advertising strategies, you must consistently monitor your keyword rankings. As you optimize your product listings and ad campaigns over time, you should see steady improvements in your rankings for targeted keywords.

### Track Your Keyword Rankings

Use tools like SellerApp to check where your product ranks for key terms. Compare your rankings week-over-week and month-over-month to determine overall trends. If your rankings are declining or staying flat, you may need to re-evaluate your advertising approach.

Check Rankings for Different Keywords

In addition to monitoring your top priority keywords, check rankings for secondary terms and long-tail keywords as well. These less competitive phrases can be easier to rank for, and strong performance here indicates that your advertising efforts are effectively improving visibility across search queries.

Consider Seasonal Effects

Keep in mind that keyword rankings can fluctuate based on seasonal shopping trends. Monitor rankings year-round to determine if changes are due to normal seasonal variations or if adjustments need to be made to your advertising campaigns.

Make Changes as Needed

If your product rankings are not improving for important keywords, make changes to your advertising strategies. You may need to increase your advertising budget, refine product listings to better match keywords, improve ad copy, or expand into new advertising channels like Amazon DSP or video ads. Continuous optimization and experimentation are key to achieving and maintaining strong organic rankings on Amazon.

Persistent monitoring of your keyword rankings provides critical insights into the health and performance of your Amazon advertising efforts. By regularly checking rankings and making data-driven changes to campaigns when needed, you can ensure steady progress towards improved visibility and higher sales. Consistent optimization will help you gain ground on competitors and establish a commanding presence across high-value search terms on the platform.

Improving Conversion Rates With Enhanced Content

To increase sales and optimize your product page’s conversion rate, utilize Amazon’s enhanced content features. These include:

A+ Content

The A+ Content tool allows you to add visually engaging details about your product, including images, videos, and enhanced text descriptions. Using Amazon A+ Content on your product page gives customers a more complete understanding of your product and can improve click-through rates and conversions. To create A+ Content, sign in to Seller Central and select the product you want to enhance. Then, choose from options like lifestyle images, product images, product details, product descriptions, and product details. Provide as much detail as possible to increase interest and build trust in your brand.

Enhanced images

High-quality images are essential for capturing customer attention and conveying important product details. Amazon allows sellers to upload multiple professional images for each product. Be sure to include eye-catching lifestyle photos in addition to standard product shots. Lifestyle images help customers visualize how they can use and benefit from your product. They create an emotional connection and encourage potential buyers to click “Add to Cart.”

Customer reviews

Customer reviews are one of the most influential factors in a customer’s purchasing decision. Encourage buyers to leave reviews on your product page by following up with an email after purchase. Let them know their feedback will help other customers and is greatly appreciated. Reviews build social proof and trust in your brand, especially if the feedback is positive. Strive for at least 50 high-star reviews to significantly impact your conversion rate.

Utilizing these advanced tools and resources will optimize your product page and improve the customer experience, leading to higher sales and return visits. An enhanced product page that provides a complete, compelling view of your product is essential for standing out from competitors and converting curious browsers into loyal customers.

Analyzing Competitor Strategies

As an Amazon seller, monitoring your competitors and their product advertising strategies is key to optimizing your own visibility. By analyzing what other sellers in your niche are doing, you can determine what is working well and model their successful approaches, as well as identify areas where you may have a competitive advantage.

Carefully scrutinize competitor product listings and note the specific advertising types they are utilizing, such as sponsored product ads, product display ads, and video ads. Examine the content and positioning of these ads to discern possible trends, like targeting certain keywords or promoting lifestyle benefits. You may also gain insight into their potential conversion rates and return on investment by estimating their ad spend.

Check if competitors are advertising on other platforms and social media to increase brand awareness and drive traffic back to their Amazon product pages. Analyze the messaging and visuals they are using across channels to better understand their overarching marketing strategy. See if there are any gaps you can fill or ways you can set yourself apart.

Study product reviews and questions on competitor listings to identify common customer interests, values, and pain points. Look for opportunities to improve the customer experience in ways your competitors have not. Build a customer persona and map the customer journey to determine how you can make the buying process as seamless as possible for potential clients.

By methodically evaluating what rival sellers are doing well and not so well, you gain valuable data to enhance your own visibility on Amazon. Leverage these insights to strengthen your product listings, select impactful advertising types, refine your brand message, and improve the overall customer experience. Continuous analysis of competitor strategies, combined with testing and optimization of your own tactics, will lead to increased organic and paid traffic over time.

FAQ: Answering Common Amazon SEO Questions

Amazon SEO can seem complicated, but many advertisers have similar questions. Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions to provide clarification.

What keywords should I target? Focus on keywords that accurately describe your product and that potential customers would search for. Include product names, categories, attributes, and synonyms. Long-tail keywords, with 3–5 words, often convert well.

How many keywords should I target? There is no set number, but aim for 10–20 well-chosen keywords to start. You can then optimize and expand from there based on performance. Too many keywords can dilute your efforts.

Should I do keyword research? Yes, thorough keyword research is essential for an effective Amazon SEO campaign. Use tools like Amazon’s Keyword Tool, Google Trends, and Google’s Keyword Planner to find popular, high-volume search terms in your category that your product is well suited for. This helps ensure you are targeting terms that will actually drive traffic and conversions.

How often should I update my listings? You should update your product listings regularly to keep the content and experience fresh for potential customers. Focus on updating:

  • Product images: Swap out main images and add new lifestyle images every 3–6 months.
  • Product descriptions: Refine descriptions by rephrasing content, adding details, emphasizing key features and benefits. Review and update every 1–2 months.
  • Product titles: As needed, tweak titles to better highlight your product’s key selling points. Test different variations to see which one converts best.
  • Search terms: Add and remove search terms based on their performance and popularity. Review reports monthly and update as needed.

Optimizing your Amazon product listings and targeting the right keywords is an ongoing process. By frequently updating your content and monitoring how customers interact with your products, you can make small improvements over time that significantly enhance your organic visibility and increase sales.


You now have a strong foundation for implementing effective Amazon advertising strategies to boost your product’s organic visibility. With a thoughtful approach to sponsored ads, insightful keyword targeting, and strategic campaign management, you can gain tremendous exposure and click-throughs to your listings.

The key is consistency — keep optimizing your ads, measure what resonates with customers, and double down on what works. Amazon advertising takes dedication, but the rewards for your organic rank make the effort worthwhile. Approach it systematically, track results, and continue honing your strategy. By leveraging these proven techniques, you’ll see your product rise in the search results for your most coveted keywords.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.