Ultimate Guide to Amazon Vine Program

Vidyullatha Matcha
Amazon Selling Strategies
5 min readNov 21, 2022
amazon vine program

It’s no secret that the basis of Amazon’s platform is customer reviews. Sellers who need a push can utilize Amazon Vine to leverage the advantages of customer feedback to strengthen their brand.

We’ll go through some of Amazon Vine’s most crucial features in this piece and dispel any myths you may have about it. Let’s start now!

What Is Amazon Vine?

The online consumer of today is among the most knowledgeable in history. They take the time to learn about a product’s characteristics and how it stacks up against competing options before actually making a purchase.

The majority of that investigation and the choice to make the buy are greatly impacted by customer reviews. Amazon has undoubtedly taken note of this.

To assist potential customers in making an informed decision, Amazon invites dependable reviewers to join the Amazon Vine program as “Vine Voices” and leave comments on new items as well as items that have not yet been released.

Naturally, it benefits all platform users for new products to have a sufficient number of reviews. However, it also enables vendors to highlight their recently launched goods and give their online presence the attention it merits.

The Amazon Vine program operates as follows: vendors and sellers submit their products to the program, and a reviewer from Amazon Vine Voices receives the product for free to review it and give their honest comments.

Of course, merchants and vendors have no power to alter or influence the reviews in any manner. Additionally, the review won’t be changed as long as it complies with the relevant rules.

The Advantages of the Amazon Vine Program

Vendors with few reviews as well as those who have registered a trademark with Amazon and want to highlight their brand might benefit greatly from having their products listed on Amazon Vine.

Some benefits of the program include:

  • Increased sales
  • Greater awareness of newly released
  • The higher number of reviews
  • Trustworthy reviews

The reviews from the Amazon Vine Program are of such high caliber that they frequently transform into recommendations that customers can rely on, which can increase sales.

What Has Changed on Amazon Vine?

To make it simpler for Amazon companies to engage, some changes were made to Amazon Vine in 2021.

For instance, more things are acceptable. Sellers can now register products they may already have in stock at an Amazon warehouse according to Amazon. Therefore, the product may be submitted to the program if it is already a part of the Amazon fulfillment network.

Although direct fulfillment is not yet supported, this improves the environment for heavy-bulky and hazardous units.

Let’s take a look at some of the new features.

Greater usability

The platform has been enhanced to make it easier to use. One of the key goals is to give crucial information via tooltips that describe each field. Newly designed pages that improve the user experience and make it easier to use can be found there.

Capacity for active enrolment

You are currently allowed to actively participate in the Amazon Vine program with up to 5 separate ASINs.

Items will stay active for 90 days following the date of enrollment or the scheduled commencement date, whichever comes first, or until they are canceled with no orders.

Parent ASINs

A parent ASIN can now have up to 30 units enrolled. The key objective is to make your product readily available for evaluation in all of its colors and sizes, ensuring that the reviewer has access to the item that best suits them.

Fees for enrollment

No matter how many variations are submitted, only one parent ASIN will be charged the enrollment fee.

This implies that none of the adjustments will cost you anything. Additionally, the cost is uniform for all categories.

There has been improved fulfillment

One benefit of this 2021 upgrade is that Amazon will use items from the stock in their warehouses, as was already announced.

This implies that since Amazon will handle this, you don’t need to worry about sending your products to the participants in the Amazon Vine program.

This means that delays, lost things, and Vine labeling will all be eliminated.

How can I be sure that the reviews of my product will be fair?

It makes sense to be concerned about the outcome of remarks made about your product.

Because Amazon Vine is an invitation-only platform, not just anybody can comment on your new listings.

Only those with an exceptional track record of publishing reviews receive invitations. Based on the reviewer’s input from other customers, Amazon decides on eligibility.

When reading reviews on the platform, you may give them a helpful rating or even flag them as offensive or deceptive; Amazon analyses this customer feedback to decide which reviewers are deserving of being accepted into the program.

You can rely on receiving a frank and thorough assessment of your product. This does not, however, guarantee that it will be a favorable review, as it does with any review.


As with the majority of Amazon programs, there are several requirements that suppliers and sellers must fulfill for Amazon to guarantee the greatest caliber of purchasing experiences.

The item must:

  • Be new and fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)
  • Have a product information page with fewer than 30 reviews.
  • A listing that includes an image and a description
  • Launched and available.

You also need to be registered with the Amazon Brand Registry with a trademarked brand. And here’s something crucial: the item can’t be an adult product.

Check out this video to get trusted reviews for your products & boost sales:

Exist any particular limitations?

For your submissions to Amazon Vine, you should bear the following in mind:

  • The items must be the same as those listed on FBA.
  • Products that Amazon must bundle for shipping or review are ineligible.
  • A product that needs another product to be tested cannot be enrolled. A product like a printer ink, for instance, would not be acceptable because testing it would require a printer.

Final Thoughts

Users that invest their time in writing reviews, growing communities, and making the Amazon platform a worthwhile resource for all customers are rewarded by Amazon Vine.

Through this service, both vendors and sellers can have their products suggested to customers by a person chosen by Amazon who has used the product and is familiar with its functionality.

Reviews are the modern digital iteration of personal recommendations, which has long been considered one of the most effective forms of advertising.

When reading a regular review, it frequently becomes obvious that the author is writing from a place of annoyance, is describing a circumstance that is particularly unique to that particular customer, or is just posting another internet rant.

The fact that the reviewers who take part in Vine Voices are genuinely objective and carefully selected is what distinguishes the Amazon Vine Program as a useful tool.

Giving potential consumers the assurance that a positive review offers will increase your sales and give your store the boost it needs to keep expanding.

