Unlocking the Power of Amazon Listing Optimization

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
11 min readMar 30, 2023

Amazon Listing Optimization is more than an opportunity to make your website user-friendly. It’s a vital method comprising a variety of components which can make your listing appear on the top of Amazon results. If you’re eager to make your product visible to the world, it requires to stand out from your competitors and make sales that follow If so, then you’re prepared to learn how to improve the visibility of your Amazon listing!

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of optimizing your listing on Amazon and the advantages of having a fully optimized listing, as well as the elements that make up an effective and high-converting Amazon listing.

What Is a Listing on Amazon?

An Amazon listing provides the page customers see after making the search results selection. A Amazon product listing will include the product’s title and a variety of featured images as well as a written description, bullet points, prices and dimensions, customer reviews and many more. Also, coupon availability as well as shipping options, questions and answers, and photographs submitted by users are shown to assist shoppers in making an informed purchase decision.

If you’re selling your product on Amazon Be aware that it’s not only your product’s information that is visible within the Amazon listing! With Amazon’s bid-based advertising system, products from competitors are also displayed in your listings. These include sections such as “Products related to this item,” “Add an additional item, “Frequently bought together,” or even simple advertisements throughout the listings.

What Is Listing Optimization on Amazon?

The process of optimizing listings for Amazon can be described as modifying your Amazon product page to include highly-demanding keywords, high-quality photos and a compelling description to help your product be more prominent in Amazon results for searches.

The purpose of Amazon’s algorithm for searching is matching the words users type into the search box and the best-suited items offered. The more relevant phrases and keywords Amazon recognize in the content of your page the more it will increase the visibility of your listing in the results of searches. Relevant keywords are the most effective when they are incorporated into the product’s title, description, descriptions, back-end search terms and subjects.

Optimization of your listing on Amazon is also a matter of adding images with high-quality quality on your Amazon listing, which:

  • Be precise in describing the issue your product addresses
  • It is important to clearly depict the dimensions and the size of the item to ensure that customers are not confused
  • Show the emotional value using the product.
  • Include an infographic that focuses on the benefits of sales language

Simply put, Amazon listing optimization is one of the most crucial aspects of maintaining and expanding an thriving Amazon company because it determines how your online “storefront” is perceived by the millions of customers on Amazon!

Why Is Amazon Product Listing Optimization Important?

Amazon Product Listing Optimization is crucial for sellers since it’s the best method to increase visibility of their products and, consequently the sales of your product. If you can optimize you Amazon listing, you’re distinguishing yourself from your competitors. Amazon SEO (search engine optimization) is the use of professional-looking photos for your product as well as making use of keywords research tools and the development of keywords-rich content for your listing to provide the Amazon search algorithm precisely what it requires to get your product’s listing up to the top of the list.

Optimization of listings for listings on Amazon is among the most lucrative investments any online retailer can undertake with a minimal investment in time and huge potential for ROI. The bottom line is no matter how good products you offer if no one is able to locate it. When you optimize the quality of your Amazon listing, you’re providing it with a prominent position in Amazon’s Prime marketplace.

Why Do Amazon Sellers Need Amazon Listing Optimization?

Amazon sellers require Amazon listing optimization in order to be visible to as many customers as they can. The majority of Amazon buyers do not move beyond page one of search results when searching for a particular item. Customers who search with longer or more specific phrases usually have a higher goal than someone who uses generic terms. For example, a person searching for the “case for AirPods” is far less likely to purchase immediately as opposed to someone looking for an “vintage leather case for AirPods.”

If you use relevant, precise keywords in your listing you’re demonstrating for the Amazon search engine that your listing is relevant to a specific category of keywords. Being found on page one improves sales of your products, brings more reviews for your product, and greatly increases awareness of your brand… with no cost of traditional advertising costs.

What Are the Benefits of Amazon Listing Optimization?

A well-designed Amazon listing optimization improves your brand’s visibility and visibility with little investment. It also increases organic conversion rates and rapidly brings high-purchase intent visitors to your page. Amazon listing optimization for product listings is a relatively low cost-saving option when compared with other strategies that are more intense to boost sales such as PPC advertising and marketing via email. While Amazon listing optimization involves an initial search for keywords and imaginative brainstorming, it needs very little to maintain. So long as you make sure that you update your description, keywords and images regularly it’s easy to keep your listing up to date with the latest sales.

How Do You Optimize an Amazon Product Listing?

Optimizing your Amazon product’s listing depends on more than one element. Each listing on Amazon is comprised of various sections that, if designed properly, will work to boost your conversion rates by making a couple of changes. The areas of the product listing you’ll need to concentrate on the most will include the product’s title bullet points, description of the product and enhanced brand content. products’ images Search terms, as well as the subject matter.

It is essential to stay clear of any shaky decisions when you are optimizing the performance of your Amazon listings for your products. Utilizing analytics-driven listings optimization software sellers will be able to determine the exact keywords they should use in their listings and where they should place them to maximize their search engine optimization. Amazon listing optimization tools such as listing analyzer as well as the Listing Builder provide sellers with the capability to not only evaluate the performance of their (and competing) listing, but to also utilize the most profitable keywords to their maximum potential.

In the final analysis, we’d like to help your listing grow. Our goal is to comprehend the wayAmazon listing optimization can help to convert your listings so that you can repeat the process for future products!

Watch the below video to know How to do Amazon Product Listing Optimization for Increasing Visibility & Conversions?

Product Title

Your product’s title is the storefront’s sign which must attract the attention of customers on the internet as well as the scrutiny of Amazon algorithms for searching. A great Amazon item title clearly represents the nature of the product using the use of descriptive language. Your title shouldn’t conflict with what consumers see in your primary image of the product.

In addition, the title of your product must include your main target keywords or phrases, at least at the beginning at the beginning of your title. It’s recommended to avoid “keyword stuffing,” meaning your title for your product must be easily accessible to people and not just one keyword linked with another.

Making a top-quality product name requires a balanced approach to sales language and knowing when to add appropriate keywords.

Amazon listing optimization tools such as Listing Builder let you add keywords and help you determine which ones you’re using in your listing. Not only that, Listing Builder lets you look at the search volume for every keyword to aid you in deciding which keywords to use.

Bullet Points

This is where you should begin to boast about the amazing aspects your product brings on the scene. The bullet points in your presentation are where you can promote the benefits your product offers customers by using emotional phrases with bite-sized highlights.

Don’t just inform customers that your product will make your life easier, but tell them why. Does your product offers a unique benefit that competitors don’t have? Be sure to draw your attention to it in this section. Also make sure that your Amazon listing bullet points must contain your desired keyword in the most organic manner you can.

Be careful not to overdo it. regardless of how many keywords you include in your page, your page will not be a success when it’s difficult for buyers to comprehend!


Make the most of your Amazon description of your product. It’s among the only places where you’ll be able to go detailed with your product’s features information. What makes your product stand out from your competitors? What do your products’ features translate to a buyer who hasn’t purchased from you previously? Do you have any questions to clarify about the dimensions of your product or the components that are included?

Your description of your product should leave no doubt (you probably already know this!) using your main keywords that will assist your Amazon page get more traffic.

Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)

The Enhanced Brand Content (now called A+ Content) is the name given to the enhanced content options available only to registered brands Amazon sellers. A+ Content, also known as enhanced brand content, permits sellers to include images with text, additional bullet points and comparison graphs… everything in the description of your product.

If you’re not registered as a Brand on Amazon You should be! It’s worth it just for A+ Content’s capabilities on their own. A product listing using A+ Content will almost always outsell listings that has a traditional description with limited features. Sellers should make the most of any additional advantage Amazon provides for listing optimization.

A+ Content also known as enhanced Brand Content, provides a professional brand image to your page and includes eye-catching imagery and a larger real estate area to promote your product. This is to say that If you’re looking to increase sales A+ Content will be your most trusted partner.


We are visual creatures by nature. And nowhere can be a better illustration of this than shopping online. Have you ever clicked an Amazon listing and not even read the description, because the main image was in line with what you were thinking of? Your product images may be the most crucial element in the Amazon marketing strategy since they create what you are given only the chance to see once in your role as you are an Amazon retailer: creating a positive first impression.

The Amazon listing should include no less than seven pictures. The images you choose will differ in design however this is the amount you must consider when creating an attractive product page. Your primary image will be the very first image customers will see when they visit your item, therefore ensure it’s high-quality and complies with Amazon’s conditions of service. A few tips:

  • Your primary image for your product should be set against a white background
  • Avoid using low-quality or artificially scaled up blurry or low-quality images
  • Do not use icons or badges.
  • Don’t include props — only what you’re providing

The remaining images will consist of lifestyle and infographics. Infographics are pictures that include written information, like images that show dimensions of the product and competitor comparison charts or just images of your product that has text that highlights the various features in an visually pleasing manner.

Lifestyle photos are images of your product taken in use every day, usually using models. These are images that are emotionally driven that show customers what they feel while using your product. Present it in various situations and settings, using every feature. Your listing is actively selling images of your products, so when you work on the process of Amazon optimizing your listing, you’ll need to spend lots on thinking about the visuals!

Search Terms

Do you have any leftover keywords that you’ve uncovered from your research but aren’t sure what to do with them or which ones to prioritize? What are the commonly mispelled variants of the most popular keywords, as well as Spanish version of the keyword? This Search Terms field is invisible to the general public but can be used to search for keywords. Make sure you fill it in!

Subject Matter

The Subject Matter field is a component of the Amazon listing’s backend (does not appear to buyers.) The field usually allows for some flexibility regarding the characters, allowing you five fields with 500 characters for each. Input this Subject Field with the top performing keywords to provide Amazon an understanding of how they can index your item, in terms of product categories, and for organic results from searches.


Review reviews are the vitality and social proof of every successful product sold on Amazon. Although they’re not typically considered a part of optimizing listings on Amazon but the value of reviews to your company’s image cannot be overstated. Follow-Up lets you set automated emails that are sent out to customers who have recently purchased from you using custom triggers, encouraging them to provide you with genuine, honest feedback.

Of course, you have to fulfill your obligations as an entrepreneur and provide an efficient, well-made product. However, you must always be in contact with your customers and asking them to write reviews. In addition when it comes to dealing with bad reviews…

Be proactive! Respond quickly, provide the best service or refunds or notify customers of discounts. The majority of Amazon customers rely on reviews from other buyers as a means of determining whether your product is up to the promises in your page. Be clear about the fact that you’re an online seller who cares for the product’s quality as well as the experience of customers overall.

What Are Other Factors That Impact Amazon Listing Performance?

Are Amazon listing optimization among the most effective methods to increase the effectiveness of your listing? Yes. It’s not the only method it is certainly not. Performance of your product is dependent on various variables, such as fulfillment method (FBA or. FBM) the speed of shipping (Prime as vs. non-Prime) and the amount of competition within your product’s niche.

Furthermore, Amazon PPC plays a significant role in the performance of your product. Listing optimization on Amazon plays an important role in increasing sales and organic traffic A well-constructed PPC advertising strategy makes sure that your product gets exposure during vulnerable times of time, for example, an upcoming product launch. It’s crucial Amazon sellers realize that ranking, marketing, and optimization of listings all require time and effort, bringing them all together to make the Amazon listing that customers can’t overlook.

Watch the below video to know Amazon Listing Optimization Process: Expert SEO Tips From Daniela Bolzmann | SellerSpeak

Optimize Your Amazon Listing, Drive Traffic, Increase Sales!

Making and selecting the ideal Amazon product is just the beginning. In order to truly be an Amazon success story, you need to make your product easily accessible, attractive to buyers with short focus spans and ideally designed to work with the Amazon search engine. Amazon product listing optimization can seem like a complicated procedure, but in reality it is a blend of imagination and research. It is also a clever wordplay.

When you conduct thorough keyword research and adding high-demand words to the description, title of your listing and the back-end search fields You are filling your listing with the energy required to propel it to the top of search results , and breaking records for sales in the process!



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.