Ways to Increase External Traffic to Your Amazon Listing

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
8 min readJun 23, 2022
Source: SellerApp

Are you looking to bring traffic from outside to Amazon? Our experts can help. Find out all you must be aware of.

We’re all caught in the race for PPC or organic search rankings. Today, we’ll concentrate on ways to bring visitors from outside towards Amazon listings.

Why do we need external traffic? There are many people buying from Amazon already, aren’t they? Sure but unless you’re looking to be limited to the limits that Amazon’s ecosystem imposes on you, it is necessary to look elsewhere.

This means you have to venture out into the vast world beyond your Amazon store, but it’s not as terrifying as you might think! This article will provide you with new methods to connect with potential customers to help you increase your sales and bring customers towards the Amazon store.

1: Why advertise off Amazon anyway?

If you’re here, you’re probably working to build your business. You’ve already created great ads and are generating a decent number of sales as well as your Amazon PPC campaigns are all up to date.

It’s all good and well as, according to an annual Statista research of Amazon customers, around 66% of their product research starts through Amazon. This is a lot!

This also means that 34% of the traffic to your website starts with Amazon. This is a huge chunk of potential that’s not fully explored in case you’ve limited your marketing and advertising efforts within Amazon. If you’re trying to increase your Amazon audience, SellerApp can help.

“Think about it, how often you’ve visited Amazon to buy one item and then include two, or even three additional items to your shopping cart? In addition, that’s the kind of traffic Amazon does not have the money to purchase. “

It’s like an option to share your social media posts on the top of each Amazon listing. Amazon demands users (and other users) to share your love beyond the borders of Amazon and increase traffic through other avenues.

Hope you’re having fun as it’s the time to step out of your familiar zone.

2: Perfect your SEO game on Amazon

Okay, I opened the discussion by advising you to search for Amazon traffic that is not on the storefront on Amazon however, please be patient in my explanation of the reason why search engine optimization on Amazon should be neat and well-polished first. It has to be related to external traffic I’m telling you that.

If you’ve ever looked up the product you’re looking for through Google, Bing, or websites from the past like Yahoo or Ask Jeeves, you’ve probably observed that Amazon results for the product are still showing on the page — and usually among of the top few result pages of the page.

It’s because Amazon has an abundance of authority in domains. More than us or any other individual likely ever will.

Google Bots are still crawling your Amazon listings just like every other site, so the more well-written your listing and the better it is, the more Google will love it.

It’s a good idea not to keyword-stuffed on your Amazon listing, but you should make sure that your listing’s copy is properly formatted and easy to read and has strategically placed keywords (just as the blog post you’re reading, isn’t that right? Google? RIGHT?). It is likely that the Google gods will smile at your listing in a favorable way.

In other words, your listing optimization matters both on Amazon AND off of Amazon.

Watch the below video to know about Amazon Listing Optimization 2022 — The Science Behind Amazon SEO & Product Listing Explained!

Amazon is also happy that your listings attract buyers from other Amazon regardless of whether or not they buy your item or not.

For instance, someone Google is searching for a particular product , and then clicks on the Google results page for your product’s listing however, he or she then moves from your page to an Amazon product page and purchases the product instead.

According to some reports, Amazon recognizes that you brought customers to their site and grants your product a little Amazon selling rank.

3: Choose the right traffic sources

I’m no expert in social media, by any means however, every social media platform will always attract diverse users. Based on the product you are selling and market you intend to target you must pick the right one.

For instance advertisements for Life Alert products on TikTok or Instagram will probably not do quite as well as advertising through Google Ads or Facebook. In contrast, you wouldn’t make use of Pinterest to promote anything that’s not visually appealing since Pinterest is really an array of images that is designed to take over the cones and rods within your eyes.

In addition, Pinterest is an overlooked platform. It is a great way to drive traffic through images. It’s gorgeous and simple to consume.

Most advertisements are, in fact regardless of whether they’re through social media platforms or on a search engine, do not convert viewers first time they encounter them. It is common for people be shown the similar ad multiple many times (an an average of around XYZ, according to the source) before finally deciding to go ahead by making the purchase.

4: Build an email list and Remarket

This tried and true method hasn’t been relegated into the realm of dinosaurs just yet. Making an email list for marketing and making use of that list to remarket to specific groups is a proven method to not just communicate with your customers but also categorize them according to their interest.

There are many methods to get shopper email addresses. The most typical Amazon seller method is to insert a package that contains an “product registration” link. The insert must include the benefits for customers to register their item — the warranty, a complimentary gift, a discount coupon or other incentive.

The registration link for the product leads users to a landing page (attached to your site in the event that there is one) where they can enter the information that identifies them with the purchase, like your Amazon Order ID# and the email addresses they use. It’s as simple as this, or you could include additional demographic data to help you remarket by the gender of your customer or their age. As a minimum, you should be sure to capture an email address for them.

The ability to capture this information allows you to create a database of customer email addresses that are interested in your particular product. If you offer multiple products and services, you’ll be able to divide your customers according to the type of product they bought.

If you are able to identify your target market quite well, you could take a look at Amazon to create your own email list for marketing.

5: Avoid these common mistakes

There are some common mistakes that novices to the world of social media marketing could make. Beware of them right from the beginning and you’ll save yourself lots of time, money and frustration.


Low quality images. Eyes are the primary way we eat (that’s why the portion size on boxes appears big on the packaging but small to our eyes when we take it to the scale). If your pictures aren’t of good quality, they appear unprofessional and isn’t interesting enough to keep our attention.

Talking about professional Amazon product photography, it is all about alluring the customers and making them make a purchase.

Poor creative. It doesn’t matter if it’s poor copy, bad video content, or even poor photography I’m sure you’ve seen ads which have failed to meet expectations and caused you to wonder who would be willing to cut on their budget for creative only to create that embarrassing mess (you pay what you for — I’m thinking of you Fiverr, Upwork, and). With social media becoming accessible to everyone so you can be sure it’s open season for your creative shortcomings on the comment section.

Speak in terms that are not understood. Social media advertisements target wide audience. Do not use jargon that is specific to your industry. At best , it could look as if you’re trying too hard and at worst, you’ll turn people away. Be friendly and approachable.

Becoming too aggressive. Don’t talk in a rambling manner, and do not sound like a used-car salesman in the 1980s (mullet as well). Remember, you must be personable, approachable and concise. Be concise Attention is dropping to an alarming level.


The overcomplicated post that you write with lengthy content. While scrolling through your feed on Facebook are you focusing on every post or just skimming over anything that catches your attention?

One of the biggest mistakes with Facebook marketing is trying to pack too much information in your post. Make your copy brief and succinct enough to draw users to click.

Don’t diversify your content. Your stream of content must include diverse amounts of video as well as photos and text. Limiting yourself to one kind of content can be boring for viewers.


Inscribing a non-clickable link into the caption. This is a typical way to be unintentionally naïve and you should be careful with for it in your IG posts! Keep in mind that Instagram doesn’t allow hyperlinks on your posts, only on the profile (and stories in the case of greater than 10k subscribers).

I, for one, am a victim of an unhealthy online shopping habit. The magic algorithms are influencing the ads I see are right on target and they’re aware. But many businesses fall into the trap of grabbing the attention of a customer by presenting a captivating image and an ad, and then they add hyperlinks in the caption which isn’t able to click.

Not tagging on Instagram stories. IG stories are able to be displayed on your profile on top, or above your photo feed. It’s an excellent way to highlight highlights in an easier to access and “permanent” way that won’t be lost in your feed.

However, as you scroll through these posts it is important to utilize tags like hashtags, geotags and other accounts, etc. to be able to find them, otherwise you’re missing out on one of the biggest benefits that comes with IG stories.

Do not use hashtags that are relevant to your post. It’s fine when you’re writing your article and hashtag suggestions are automatically displayed — but ensure that the hashtags you choose are appropriate to the intended audience and don’t refer to something or something else that is commonly used.

On the other hand, be sure you are using hashtags with both low and high post volume, just as you’d target longtail keywords that are more relevant even if they’ve got less of an audience.


Sometimes Amazon sellers are longer than they should inside their Amazon echo room, searching their way through Amazon Seller Help and forums, speaking only to other people within the same space. Explore the world and expand your horizons. There’s a entire world waiting to be explored.



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.