What are the Unique Ways to Sell Your Product on Amazon?

Vidyullatha Matcha
Amazon Selling Strategies
5 min readMar 11, 2022
selling on amazon

There are a plethora of options available at a seller’s disposal to sell his product more innovatively. In other words, this means there are multiple approaches to increasing the sales for any of your products to make them the most sold product on Amazon.

What does it take to stand apart from the competition? What strategies can you adopt that can give a powerful boost to your sales on Amazon? Let’s explore all the things you can do differently apart from the standard things that all sellers do while selling their products on Amazon.

Here are some of the unique ways to sell your products on Amazon

Create better listings:

Now, when we talk about creating better listings, we’re referring to listing optimization in order to get better results in terms of clicks, visibility, traffic, conversions, etc. This will require optimizing your listings with high-quality product photos, content, product descriptions, bullet points, etc. First off, conduct Amazon keyword research to discover the top searched keywords on Amazon.

Find all the potential keywords based on the product that you are selling and search for long-tail keywords as well. Once you narrow down on a list of keywords you want to target, the next step is to incorporate them into your listings for optimization. When it comes to product images, they need to be professional, high-quality images that clearly demonstrate your product and its uses.

learn more about amazon product photography here.

It is recommended to use at least 6 images but it is even better if you can use as many images as is allowed. The images should be well lit, properly focused, and occupy 80% of the space provided. It is also recommended that the main pictures are on a clear, white background. The images should also include lifestyle images so that customers gain a clearer understanding of the product and its features.

Optimizing the product title is another very important step because it is the first thing that a customer sees. The way your title is crafted is crucial to how you sell your product. The length of your product’s title also plays an important role in how your product sells.

Include all the relevant keywords in the title and use hyphens (-) or pipes (|) to separate the keywords as it improves readability and doesn’t look confusing. Also, include the item’s color, model number, series, and quantity, and Capitalize the first letter of each word in your product title.

While writing product descriptions, highlight the important features, capitalize the first letter of every sentence, don’t use symbols or special characters, and avoid mentioning shipping or promotional information.

Strategize to rank higher

In addition to optimizing the title, description, and images of your listings, another strategy to rank higher is with Amazon EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) also known as A+ content.

A+ content is an effective way to acquire new potential customers as it provides a remarkable shopping experience, branding, and builds your reputation and brand presence. Products with A+ content listings tend to have higher conversion rates hence higher ranks, attract better reviews, and have reduced return rates.

Another way to sell your product in a manner that is different from what everyone else is doing is by marketing your products outside of Amazon in order to direct external traffic. Also, drive the traffic to a landing page instead of a product listing page.

By directing traffic to a landing page, you will be able to collect important information like clicks and where the traffic is coming from, etc, so that you can use that data to optimize your listings further. This is essential if you want to grow beyond Amazon.

Watch SellerApp’s Amazon product listing video to optimize your listings:

Generate and manage reviews effectively

Customers rely on product reviews to a great extent before making a purchase so reviews majorly influence your sales. Your listings for any product should have a good number of reviews.

Products that rank high for a broader search term usually have more positive reviews, than the lower ones in the list. Reviews and ratings are two sides of the same coin. Negative reviews are not to be ignored even if it doesn’t seem like they’re affecting your sales and business in any way because, in time, it definitely will.

What you need to do is look for patterns in bad or negative reviews, understand the recurring problem that your customers are complaining about and formulate a solution to fix it.

Not many sellers realize the importance of maintaining good customer feedback for their listings and often undermine the importance that reviews have as social proof.

The best products on Amazon usually have anywhere between 500 and 1000 reviews. Gather as many reviews as possible so that you can have a good rating and review overall and generate more sales this way.

Leverage PPC and advanced PPC automation tools to promote your products

Amazon PPC is a great way to market and sell your products. With the different types of Sponsored ads available at a seller’s disposal, you can create unique ads with targeting strategies that are sure to boost your sales over your competitors.

One such strategy is to use an Amazon PPC management tool such as SellerApp. SellerApp’s PPC automation tools work towards advertising and selling your products in such a way that you earn maximum ROI while keeping a low ACoS.

Check out this video to know about Amazon PPC automation:

Their automation rules come with a set of custom rules that you can apply to your campaigns as per your advertising goals and desired outcomes. The high level of customization enables you to take charge over the targeting type, set specific conditions (impressions, clicks, ACoS, RoAS, orders, etc) for which you want to apply the custom rules, the frequency of when you want the rules to run, and so much more.

Using an AI-powered tool like this to strategically run your campaigns gives you an edge over your competitors in the way that you sell your product and can give you remarkable results.


It is very important to experiment with new approaches and come up with new innovative ideas to sell your products on Amazon. Every seller is doing his best to make sure his products rank and sell well so it’s important to explore other options.

Any new strategy you adopt should be given enough time to gain traction and only then should the results be noted. Avoid testing out too many different approaches at a time. Optimize your listings frequently with the most up-to-date keywords and also stay up to date with the latest Amazon selling tactics to ace your Amazon seller game.

