What to Sell on Amazon FBA: The Definitive Guide (2022)

Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies
9 min readApr 11, 2022

When you are running a successful online enterprise selecting what you will sell through Amazon FBA is among the most crucial factors to take into taking into consideration. It is crucial for your business’s future success. It is not easy to pick an unrelated product to market since a product you believe will be successful via Amazon FBA could not appeal to the other customers.

It’s true that you may be able to have an odd perception of taste or fashion! With more than 400 million items sold on Amazon and counting, how do you know which items are most likely to earn you the most return from your money? That’s why the research process and analyzing product specifications is crucial.

The primary thing you need to be aware of when choosing what to advertise for sale on Amazon FBA is it’s a ‘price-driven marketplace. This means that people go to the site with the intention of find the lowest price on the products they purchase.

It means that the products you are planning to sell via Amazon FBA must be attractive to the people you want to reach and, often, within a specific price range, therefore you need to know the guidelines to be following when deciding which products to offer through Amazon FBA.

Since FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) was first introduced in 2008, it’s become a major game changer to Amazon sellers. Therefore, it’s no surprise that many sellers who have made it big are ardent supporters of the program.

FBA permits Amazon sellers to hold huge quantities of inventory and manage all their order-picking packaging and shipping issues managed online from Amazon’s warehouses.

In addition, it lets business owners focus on the various aspects of their businesses rather than dealing with daily administration.

The question is, when you sell on Amazon FBA what items you list differ from what you could choose to sell when you were in charge of managing and shipping your own orders?

The short answer is that no! Amazon FBA simplifies the process easy, however the criteria for what you can be able to sell through Amazon remain the same.

What to Sell on Amazon FBA: Product Criteria

It’s possible that you don’t realize it but there are specific guidelines you must adhere to to ensure that you do your do your research and pick the top products for selling through Amazon FBA. While it’s tempting to do so, it’s not advisable to sell popular or designer-branded items.

Amazon isn’t the best place to do this! Amazon is, obviously the most popular platform and allows for the selling of its own brand products at reasonable price.

The majority of Amazon customers aren’t keen on buying big brand items, they are more looking for a quality product that is branded and is at a lower cost.

However, this strategy can mean that you’ll likely be competing up against other sellers who offer similar items and that’s why as well as specific criteria for product You should also consider the 'similar but superior option.

Also you can sell the same item but ensure you list it under your own brand and that you provide that is a bit extra. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount and could be anything as simple as speedier shipping or a better listing of the product and overall customer service. Let’s take an overview of the top aspects to take into consideration when deciding what to sell on Amazon FBA.

Watch the below video to know What to Sell On Amazon in 2022? Learn How to Do Product Research On Amazon | Advanced FBA Guide

Choose a Selling Price Between £10 and £50

Anything you put on the market and sell for less than those that are below the PS10 mark is not likely to yield any sort of a decent profit. It is necessary to sell in massive quantities but that’s not an issue when you use Amazon FBA, as your storage, packaging and shipping are dealt by Amazon however, actually making sure you can make a profit on a large scale is an entirely different issue.

You’ll have to be a master at promoting your product and for that it’s likely that you won’t have an original product, which means there will be a lot of competition.

However when you offer your product at PS50 it has the possibility of making more money provided you’ve researched and obtained the correct product and that you are able to sell less.

The great thing is that anything sold at lower than PS50 is in the ‘impulse buy’ price bracket! That’s right, your customer won’t have to think long about the purchase.

Between PS10 between PS10 and PS50 is a minimal quantity for buyers to make an informed decision. This is exactly what you want because it can mean that you will make more sales!

Choose a Small and Lightweight Product

The more bulkier and heavier your product, the more complicated the shipping. This is the case to selling your product on Amazon FBA. While they’ll store your product on their behalf however, the space it occupies at their facility is a significant factor, particularly if you opt for a slower-selling product because you’ll be charged additional storage costs.

It is also important to think about shipping charges, initially from the manufacturer , and after the product is shipped through Amazon FBA. The heavier and larger the item, the greater these cost will be. Be aware that many customers will get free shipping even if they’re not Prime members.

Your ideal product must be light and compact and you should stay clear of items that can be damaged easily and therefore avoid products with glass or fragile parts.

Private Label Your Product

The days of generic and unbranded items were available through Amazon FBA! The most profitable choice is to privately label your product that is to label them as your own.

Products that are private labeled items created by a single company and then branded and sold by a different business. The typical procedure is to have your branding completed in the manufacturing phase however, you can also choose to purchase unbranded items and then mark them with your personal branding This is the cheapest (but not as professional) alternative.

Watch the below video to know How to Find Your Perfect Private Label Supplier on Amazon FBA.

Choose a Non-Seasonal Product

It is sensible to make year-round steady profit when selling through Amazon FBA therefore, make sure to avoid seasonal items whenever possible. For instance you shouldn’t choose to offer lighting for Christmas, Valentine’s Day gifts or items that are only utilized during one time of the year like paddling pools, ski-related accessories and the like.

If you’ve got a huge product inventory you can include seasonal items to make an increase in sales, but these should not be your primary line of business because seasonal fluctuations can happen.

Choose an Uncomplicated Product

If you’re thinking about what products to offer in Amazon FBA, a popular choice is Electronics. The reason is that it is popular with customers looking to purchase goods and is therefore considered to be an extremely profitable segment. However, the electronics industry can be a great source of customer problems too. They can be damaged and contain restricted items like batteries and create problems if you select the wrong item.

It’s the same regarding footwear and clothing items which may require you to carry various sizes, colors and colors. Also, you should stay away from certain toys, foods batteries, cosmetics and other items since they often require certificates or documents that can be difficult and time-consuming to acquire.

Choose a Product that Solves a Problem or Fulfils a Need

The simple facts are that if the products you choose to sell do not meet a need or address a need and aren’t able to solve a problem, they’ll be more difficult to sell! When people browse Amazon however, it’s very rare that they’re not looking for a specific kind of product.

For instance:

  • The shy teenager seeking an acne treatment
  • The worried parent in search of an affordable baby monitor for their child.
  • The new artist seeks affordable pencils
  • The fashionable woman trying to find the perfect handbag that is fashionable

If you look at different kinds and types of items, you’ll discover that nearly all of them can be classified within the problem solving or satisfying needs category however, sometimes it’s fragile and requires you to think outside the box.

Source a Quality Product from a Reliable Supplier

Each product you choose to sell through Amazon FBA should be sampled through, inspected and tested by you. Selecting an experienced supplier and ensuring they’re of top quality is an important component of the process of research and source when you decide what to offer through Amazon FBA. Therefore, you should get acquainted with the supplier you are working with and establish a relationship as the products you offer will be your obligation!

To know How to Unlock the Best Ways to Find Reliable Amazon FBA Suppliers in 2022 Click here

Choose to Sell a Niche Product

This is the most important aspect you need to follow when selling your products via Amazon FBA. Your products should be niche-specific. It’s not just about category-specific!

Once you’ve decided on the niche you’ll sell in Amazon FBA, for example Amazon FBA, let’s say pets, for instance then you must look deeper into the niche, then further and deeper until you discover a particular product doing very well but has little competition.

Watch the below video to know How to Find Your Profitable Niche on Amazon FBA? 5 Tips For Sellers to Research their Niche Ideas

What Products Should You Sell on Amazon FBA?

The first thing to consider is what are the top lucrative categories. It’s a difficult question However, the most popular categories include:

  • Apparel (Clothing and Accessories)
  • Beauty
  • Baby
  • Books
  • Electronics
  • Fitness
  • Garden & Outdoors
  • Health
  • Home & Kitchen
  • Jewellery
  • Toys

Should You Sell in Popular Categories?

Yes! They are among the most competitive categories and you’re probably thinking it’s going to be difficult to succeed in selling within these categories. That’s true which is why that you have to follow the guidelines previously discussed.

The way to do this is to narrow your research down to an extent that your product that you intend to offer is so unique that competition is significantly decreased, and you can only get serious buyers seeking to purchase the product as soon as possible.

In addition to avoiding products that need certification, are not regulated or have multiple sizes/styles you are welcome to investigate products within these categories. Be aware that customers don’t simply browse through Amazon. They’re usually looking for something particular which is why you provide that item to buyers!

Examples of Products to Sell on Amazon FBA:

Each of these final potential niche products is a highly specific product that also fits all the criteria.

Niche Product #1

Image Credit : Amazon

Main Category: Pet Supplies
Sub-Category product: Dogs
Sub-Sub-Category Product: Training & Behavior Aids
Sub-sub-sub-category Product: Training Clickers
Niche Product: Training Clickers with Wrist Strap

Final Thoughts

Deciding what products to offer to customers via Amazon FBA can be a major decision that has significant consequences to you and your Amazon business. It is essential to conduct your study and then offer affordable products that are targeted at a particular target market to ensure success.

Making sure you offer products that are valuable is now more essential than ever, and using the principles laid out in this article to improve your product concepts and discover certain niche products, you’ll be better placed to allow your Amazon company to grow and become profitable.

It is also important to keep in mind that regardless of the changes Amazon implements, and no matter what changes in the market the requirements for determining what products to sell via Amazon FBA will be the same!



Joel Lazrado
Amazon Selling Strategies

Developing SEO strategies to maximise performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients & Implementing and managing SEO campaigns.