2 Tested Ways to Remove Negative Feedback on Amazon

Amazon Seller Tips
Published in
8 min readJan 23, 2018

No one likes to receive negative feedback in life or ecommerce. Getting negative feedback on your Amazon seller account can impact on your sales, profits and Buy Box percentage. But what if we told you we can help you to get negative feedback removed in most instances.

Well, firstly, not all negative feedback can be removed.

Amazon will remove feedback where the reviewer has used “obscene language” or included “personally identifiable information”.

Transaction feedback that contains an Amazon product review can also be removed easily from your feedback profile, as according to Amazon guidelines, these should be added to the product review section.

Finally, Amazon will update feedback if the comment is solely about “fulfilment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon”. For example, if an order was delivered late or got lost in transit, a line will appear through the rating and the statement, “ This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfilment experience. “ will be added.

Amazon states that transaction feedback left by the buyer should only be about the services provided by the seller. If you think you may have received negative feedback which contains a product review, then it’s up to you to alert Amazon.

And it’s not just negative feedback you might want to ask to have removed — neutral feedback can also affect your seller metrics and feedback rating.

Having just a few negative or neutral comments removed can really help to give your feedback rating and sales a boost.

There are two ways of removing negative feedback on Amazon: contacting Amazon to remove it or contacting the buyer.

1. Contacting Amazon to Remove Feedback

Visit Seller Central and open a new support case.

Select Account Settings > Orders > Customer feedback problems.

Comment on why you believe the feedback should be removed, giving some details but keeping it concise — then send the message.

Here’s an example of a message,

I’ve received a comment from [buyer’s name] on [order number] and feel it is more suited to the product reviews section. Can you remove this from my feedback profile?

Here is the comment in question, [insert comment].

If you’re successful, you’ll get a response from Amazon which looks something like this.

Only feedback that is solely related to a product received is eligible for removal.

This is the case as long as the buyer did not leave a negative rating for “Arrived on Time”, “Item as Described” or “Customer Service”. If the reviewer leaves feedback for the product and the service then this won’t be eligible for removal.

2. Contacting a Customer to Remove Feedback

Buyers themselves can also remove negative feedback retrospectively.

However, you need to abide by Amazon’s rules when asking buyers to remove a negative comment.

This means you can’t offer them a full refund in exchange for them removing their comment.

If you do this, you run the risk of Amazon suspending your account.

Related reading: What to Do If Your Amazon Account Gets Suspended

You can contact the buyer and attempt to resolve the problem they encountered. If an order arrived late, you can apologise and offer a partial refund or a full refund for any shipping charges. If you hear back from the customer, you can politely ask them to remove the negative feedback.

However, you can’t connect the refund to the feedback removal.

Sellers shouldn’t pressure buyers into removing feedback. Feedback manipulation, harassment and quid-pro-quo agreements are all violations of Amazon’s policies.

If the feedback doesn’t break Amazon’s rules and if you don’t hear back from a buyer after a reasonable period of time, then you may want to consider responding to the negative comment.

You can apologise for not meeting their expectations on this occasion and explain anything you’re doing to stop it from happening again in the future.

An example message may look like this,

Dear John,

We hope we met your expectations on your recent order of [product name].

If you feel we have adequately addressed any concerns you may have had, then we kindly ask you to consider removing the negative feedback.

[insert link]


[Amazon Seller name]

Buyers have 90 days from their purchase date to leave feedback.

Feedback must be removed by Amazon or the buyer within 60 days of the date feedback is posted. After this period, feedback can no longer be removed.

You can find your current feedback rating in the “Manage your Rating and Feedback” within Reports.

Related reading: Amazon Feedback FAQs

Using FeedbackExpress to Remove Negative Feedback

Our Amazon feedback software is designed to proactively prevent negative feedback happening through the use of customer service campaigns.

However, on the occasions that you do receive a negative (or neutral feedback), we make it really easy for you to get it removed by Amazon or the customer, super quick — simply follow the six steps outlined below.

1. Turn on alerts

In order to react quickly to negative or neutral feedback, you should set up email/SMS alerts in FeedbackExpress.

You can do this for each marketplace under Settings > Preferences and choose when you want to receive alerts.

Seller tip: If you work in a team, add all applicable email addresses so you don’t miss a notification if someone is on annual leave or unwell.

2. Locate the feedback

You can find the negative (or neutral) feedback you received on your FeedbackExpress dashboard.

Click on “Negative Feedback” and this will take you to a screen where you can deal with it.

Once you’ve read the negative (or neutral) feedback, you’ll need to decide if it is against Amazon’s guidelines.

Here are some examples of feedback Amazon will remove and why.

Amazon will remove this feedback as it is an FBA order.

Amazon will remove this feedback as it is a product review.

Amazon will remove this feedback as it contains personally identifiable information.

3. Deal with it

So, you’ve been alerted about a negative (or neutral) feedback and upon checking it, you realise it is against Amazon’s guidelines.

Next, you need to select “Deal with this now” and then the option “I’m going to open a case with Amazon to get it removed”.

You’ll then have four options to choose from that are aligned to why Amazon should remove this feedback.

4. Contact Amazon

FeedbackExpress will create a template based on your response that you can copy and paste when you open a new case with Amazon.

And, if you don’t want to open a case right away, you can email yourself a reminder.

In most cases, Amazon will remove the feedback in 24 hours and you’ll receive confirmation from Amazon.

You’ll also be able to see confirmation of “Negative Feedback Removal” on the Feedback screen within FeedbackExpress.

5. Contact the buyer

In those cases where Amazon won’t remove the feedback, you can try to resolve the matter with the customer.

Typically, you might send two emails.

The first one will apologise and try to make amends for any issues — and if you manage to resolve the matter then you might send a second email using the “Ask Buyer to Remove Feedback” template which contains a link so the customer can revise or remove the feedback.

Reminder, sellers are not allowed to pressure buyers into removing feedback.

6. Ignore or respond to feedback

Most of the time, buyers will remove the feedback and your seller metrics will be unaffected.

However, if the buyer refuses to remove the negative (or neutral) feedback then you can ignore it or leave a public response on Amazon.

Here’s an example taken from Amazon which is polite and to the point.

The benefit of leaving a response is that potential buyers will see your side of the story and that you value customer service highly.

The Importance of Feedback

Feedback plays an important role when Amazon awards the Buy Box. Amazon calculates your average feedback rating based on the feedback received over the last 12 months.

If you have a feedback rating of over 95% (ideally over 98%), you’ll improve your chances of getting a share of the elusive Buy Box. If you have a feedback rating of less than 90%, then you may want to review your selling practices.

Sellers should have a formal process for collecting and managing feedback — even long-term sellers should continue to collect feedback.

Check out the seller below who has been using FeedbackExpress for the last 60 days — 570 positive feedback collected and 0 negative feedback.

Receiving negative feedback doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. It could be an opportunity for you to improve an area of your business that you could do better in and provide a better customer experience.

Preventing Negative Feedback on Amazon

As they say, prevention is better than a cure.

Here are three things you can do to help reduce negative feedback and product returns.

  1. Provide better product descriptions and images.
  2. Ensure you ship your items on time and respond to customers in a timely manner.
  3. When deciding on the condition of an item, round up-not down.

This seller pro-actively encourages customers to get in touch with them before leaving feedback if there is any problem.

Related reading: FBA seller Stephen Smotherman’s reveals his technique for removing negative feedback

Grab Your Share of the Buy Box

Feedback and price are two of the most important factors for your Amazon business and Buy Box eligibility. We’ve got you covered for both.

With FeedbackExpress, you can increase your Amazon seller feedback rating and remove negative feedback quickly. Sign up today and receive a 30-day free trial including 10,000 free messages.

And by using our sister company, RepricerExpress, Amazon repricing software to manage your pricing, you’ll experience increased sales, profits and Buy Box ownership. With a free 15-day trial, sign up today and see what all the fuss is about!

Originally published at https://www.feedbackexpress.com on January 23, 2018.



Amazon Seller Tips

FeedbackExpress is a cloud-based software solution that helps Amazon sellers manage their feedback communication with buyers.