Forgiveness in the eyes of God- from a Course in Miracles

Alida McDaniel
Ambassador For Goodness
5 min readJun 27, 2018


Have you ever been drawn to meet someone from across the room having no clue why or how you may be connected? Then with other people you feel an instant sensation of needing to get as far away from them as humanly possible?

It’s as though our instincts tell us who to trust and who not to trust.

But wait…

If we are such good “judges of character,” why then is it that some people, maybe even you, still struggle by attracting people into their lives who are toxic and draining of their energy?

Instincts, while pure in infancy, tend to become tainted by our circumstances and programming throughout regular life.

The more we separate from the divine love that is God by focusing on lack and scarcity over time, the less we trust in people who embody this similar form of unconditional love.

It literally feels like we repel these people without even trying.

These errors of the mind are caused by a vibrational alignment (attraction to) with the physical manifestation of limit and lack (expressed in consciousness) such that our entire world vibrates more of the same.

We cannot escape what our mind focuses on daily.

For example:

You can take a person who’s adamant about NOT getting into the same type of relationship he/she has been in repeatedly in the past, put them in a room full of eligible candidates, and he/she will inevitably choose the SAME type of person because he/she is oblivious to the pattern running the choice.


Our instincts will draw us to those who feel like a match (because they ARE in vibration) or to those we think we can save, (which represents the parts of us that need to be saved) and we end up falling into the same destructive patterns we have done time and again.

To correct this error, we must go within and begin by accepting healing for ourselves.

A Course in Miracles states:

The Miracle Worker must, “Never confuse right- and wrong-mindedness. Responding to any form of error with anything except a desire to heal is an expression of this confusion.”

How many times have we ended a relationship on the basis that it was our partner’s fault, not ours, for all the grief we experienced?

How often do we actively seek fault in others in order to help THEM be better when we’re not willing to take our own advice?

I cannot begin to tell you HOW many new clients come to me with a desire to ‘save the world’ when they are the ones who need to be saved!

You see…

We get so wrapped up in our own baggage, oblivious to how it’s running the show, that we attract people into our lives who reflect the very things we don’t want to see in ourselves. Then, we point the finger in blame at them for being the cause of our suffering when in reality they are only a mirror to the part of US that caused the initial suffering.

And as a Course in Miracles tells us, we must seek ONLY the desire for healing…NOT focus on the cause for blame.

It’s also important to not go blaming ourselves from a place judgement or self-punishment. We need to be aware of what stance we are taking in the responsibility of our mistakes rather than beat ourselves down with guilt and shame.

I’ve often said to my clients that guilt is a belief that “I made a mistake,” while shame is a belief that “I AM the mistake.”

When we let guilt turn into shame, we go down in a very dark hole where no amount of forgiveness can reach us.

So riddled with pain, disconnected from God…the thought of forgiving ourselves seems inconceivable. We’ve become the judge and the jury of our own existence…guilty until proven innocent.

However, this is a perfectly packaged gift- the chance to practice absolute surrender.

“Miracle-minded forgiveness is ONLY correction. It has no element of judgement at all. The statement “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” in no way evaluates WHAT they do. It is an appeal to God to heal their minds. There is not reference to the outcome of the error. That does not matter.” -ACIM

How often have we prayed for God to fix someone, something or even us for being broken? Assuming we had some need for a very specific outcome, we tend to forgive based on blame rather than surrender.

Does this sound familiar?…

I forgive YOU for hurting ME.

The statement in and of itself is an error as we must pursue only the healing for their mind and our minds, not for the actions we try to blame them for.

We know when we’re looking to wrong others and ourselves to prove how broken we and they are.

In this way, we’re in a constant state of trying to fix the problems of the world and carry the burden of those around us as though by some chance this virtuous act will make us whole again and forgiven of all our wrongs.

So to practice forgiveness on an absolute surrender level allows us to correct our self belief and our vibrational magnetism by letting go of the judgement that things should have been a certain way. In turn, what we begin to attract matches more of what we truly want and who we believe we are.

It gives us a chance to release our need to dictate the flow of others’ lives and demanding control of the world around. Instead, we learn to take ownership of only how WE show up in life.

A Course in Miracles gives us a great affirmation to draw upon in these times:

I am here only to be truly helpful.

I am here to represent Him Who sent me.

I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.

I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.

I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.

What can you forgive within yourself to access this deep, soulful reconnection to healing? What shifts need to occur in your mind to allow yourself to be healed from the afflictions of self judgement?

About the author:

Alida is an Intuitive Life Strategist, student of comparative religions, and co-owner of Mind Soul Fit OC in Newport Beach, CA. Her coaching company, Ambassador for Goodness, hosts various workshops on mindfulness, spiritual entrepreneurship, intuitive eating, art therapy, and relationship success. This blog is also a podcast called Awakening Miracles and can be found on Anchor, Google Podcasts, Pocketcasts, Radio Public, Sticher and soon to be almost anywhere podcasts can be found!



Alida McDaniel
Ambassador For Goodness

Purveyor of quantum-level life hacks. Disciple of the great life. Transformational Life Coach. Designer of Eco-luxury fashion. Neuro-hacker.