I am from…

Amber Listerud
Amber Listerud
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2015

I am from a small town. I am from the railroads and farms that surround us. I am from Friday night football games and Sunday morning mass. I am from swimming in the creek and laughing with my friends.

I am from freshly caught fish and freshly hunted deer. I am from grilled steak and hamburgers. I am from the famous Kegger’s wings. I am from hot chocolate every day in the chilly winter, and lemonade every day in the scorning sun.

I am from, “it’s not all about good times,” and “work hard now, so you don’t have to when your old.” I am from “I’m proud of you and I love you.” I am from “Go MACCRAY,” and the chanting of M.D.T.

I am from my mother and father who have taught me everything. I am from my brother and sister who always keep me on my toes. I am from my best friends who always stay by my side, and my boyfriend, my true best friend. I am from MACCRAY dance team. I am from Kappa Alpha Theta.

