All part of growing up…

Shawn Douglass
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2019

This week I dropped my son off on the east coast, sending him off to start his junior pro hockey career. I am very proud of who he has become, a strong, smart, witty young man.

It seems like just yesterday that he was only 2 years old. It turns out, raising a child is a big experiment… We were always balancing nurturing, exposure, encouraged risk-taking, discipline, developing grit and building a GSD attitude.

Talking about raising a child, we also just celebrated the 2 year anniversary of Amberdata. People say startup years are like dog years (1yr = 7yr), but in crypto, it feels more like 10x. Ha! Don’t I feel it!

When we started Amberdata 2 years ago, we set out to build core infrastructure for Web3. The Splunk, AppDynamics, and mixpanel for blockchain had not been built. We instrumented blockchain infrastructure, dApps, and transactions. We quickly realized we were too early and dApps had not developed sustainable business models yet that required the operational telemetry. However, with a combined market cap of $265 Billion, and a trading volume of tens of billions of dollars daily; crypto data is in high demand for traders, liquidity providers, exchanges, auditors, regulators and the developers of dApps. Everyone asked for blockchain and market data to gain an edge and build data-driven businesses.

Today our customers use our APIs to close the loop for Cryptoeconomics with blockchain and market data. We deliver a highly available, scalable service that relentlessly serves the data-hungry, across the globe, around the clock. We help our customers to remove operational complexity and reduce costs so they can focus on building their core business. With your help and support along the way, we have built an industry-leading brand and earned the trust of the smartest and best-positioned players in the space. Thank you! The past 2 years have been a blast and I am so proud of our awesome team! And if you want to join us, shoot us an email!

Last week we launched our new website! We have learned a lot over the past few years working with our customers and partners and have developed a series of use cases. We have also improved our documentation adding tutorials, code snippets, libraries, and even a postman collection to help you quickly integrate data into your businesses. Make sure to check out web3data.js which is a drop-in replacement for web3.js and ether.js but provides market price enriched blockchain data. This SDK allows anyone to build real-time blockchain applications in minutes. Watch for and join Webinars to learn more!

It was great to reconnect with everyone and meet new people at the Berlin blockchain week. Our team presented, mentored and participated in Web3summit, Dappcon, and EthBerlin. The crypto community continues to expand and is building momentum. This was one of the best blockchain weeks we have attended. There was a strong focus on Decentralized Finance (DeFi), UX to reduce friction and enable adoption and privacy.

Lastly, we have had many customers and prospects asking us to help them to identify fraudulent exchange data which may include fake volume and wash trading. CoinMarketCap, for example, has had issues with their data from less scrupulous exchanges causing their token rankings, volume, market cap, and exchange rankings to have been tainted. Bitwise has done great work summarizing this here (1, 2)

Our industry is unregulated and thus there are murky waters. Some actors are profiting from the chaos and confusion of these muddy waters. Therefore it is mission-critical to anyone running money that you don’t trade based upon fraudulent data.

We do not support any exchange that does not provide access to trade data and order-book data. We collect historical order-books, order-book-snapshots, trade, OHLCV time-Series data, and ticker data for all the exchanges we support. We do data integrity validations prior to adding any exchange to our APIs. The more data we collect from exchanges the harder it will be for them to fake what they are doing in the future. We are committed to providing transparency to the crypto market.

Please reach out to us, we would love to hear about what you are building and how we can help!

Next up, we will be hosting meetups in Portland and Chicago and presenting at Voice of Blockchain. Would love to connect if anyone is in the area!


