Happy New Year from amberdata!

Shawn Douglass


Dear customers, partners, and friends,

We would like to thank you for your support and wish you a happy new year! May there be enough crypto market volatility for the traders, yet enough clarity on the path ahead that the best projects stay well funded, focused and #BUIDL!

At Amberdata we know getting real-time blockchain data and insights is hard. We also understand that digital assets are not like traditional financial instruments. Smart Contracts and Tokens are living pieces of software which transfer value, they thus require the operational monitoring of IT systems in addition to simple market data. Lastly, we know you need to make this data actionable to seize opportunities, manage risk and stay compliant.

We help our customers by providing core-infrastructure and services delivering real-time blockchain data, analytics, and monitoring. We empower developers, institutional investors, exchanges, auditors and regulators to increase their competitive edge.

We launched Amberata.io at EDCON-2018 on May 4th in Toronto, in a little over 7 months we now have almost 20k monthly users and have been growing at ~30% per month. We expect our API traffic will soon eclipse that of our analytics platform. In 2018 we also went global as a data company!

Now that’s pretty awesome given we started the year focused on enterprise adoption. It turned out that enterprises have a massive interest in blockchain but they did not have a lot in production yet in 2018, so we focused on where the action is at and have been instrumenting Web3.0! Thank you Denis @a16z for the “internet not Intranet” respite of clarity from the fog. Today we support 7 blockchain networks, that means full telemetry and price data on every tradable asset they transact. We will support every public chain with exchange-traded volume.

Complexity is the enemy. We overshot on complexity initially but we are distilling things down to what matters. We are focused on solving problems people are willing to pay for today and will continue taking on bigger challenges to meet our customer’s needs.

What did we do well? Discipline equals freedom. A highly disciplined product and engineering team allowed us to ship every day, moving quickly and punching above our weight. We will continue to remain capital efficient and scrappy in 2019.

This year we shipped:

  • Real-time infrastructure, dApp and transaction analytics
  • Real-time monitoring, alerts and anomaly detection
  • Open Sourced and launched our APIs and wb3.io making hard to get data easy!
  • >1M smart contract security scans

So what is next and who cares?

  • Advanced search — Simply triage issues, empower auditors and respond to regulators
  • APIs — Real-time validated blockchain data made easy
  • We are adding profession and enterprise tiers to our APIs
  • We are adding basic price data to all three tiers of our API, expect to see announcements and partnerships here
  • Monitoring and anomaly detection. Will will make your data more actionable to seize opportunities, manage risk and stay compliant
  • Preparing for Ethereum 2.0 and supporting other public chains
  • Partnering with Web3data Foundation

We want to thank our Investors, partners, and advisors. With your backing, this year has been monumental for us! Thank you: HWVP, Gary Morgenthaler, MSTATE, Molham Aref,Luis and Jason at xstarpartners, Scott Coleman, Rich and Bo, Barron and Eli, Ethereum,AION, Stellar, Polkadot, Coinbase, CMBI, Huobi, Monex Group, JPMorgan, AlphaWallet, AmberAI, Conor Svensson, Sam Chadwick, Graham Neray, Smith & Crown, Fenwick & West, SAP.io, Emma Channing, Web3data Foundation, Mythril and Trail of bits. The list is much longer than we can put in an email, so thank you to everyone else who has helped us!

In 2018 we endured a vicious crypto bear market with asset values evaporating by as much as 95%. We all felt it… but we kept our heads down, built and shipped. Though painful, the crypto irrational exuberance needed to get reeled in and things may still get worse before they get better. The parallels with the boom and bust of Internet 1.0 and crypto (web3.0) are evident. Now as then, the opportunity is larger post-bubble bursting, than ever before, but it will take time to play out. Today, more people share a vision of the path forward, are empowered and committed than ever before to building internet 3.0. Decentralization and tokenization will burgeon into a long-term secular trend that will impact everyone with an internet connected device.

Only funded projects will write history and we plan to continue leading this charge. In January, we will be ramping up our fundraising activities to increase our runway and stockpile dry powder. Please reach out to me if we should be talking with you, or someone in your network. We look forward to the breakthroughs we’ll make together in 2019.

Happy New Year from the Amberdata team!


Amberdata Team at DevCon4 in Prague

