Developer Challenge: Now Collaborating with 1 Million Devs

Trevor Clarke
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2020

Last week we launched a new developer challenge bounty to continue the growth of the Ethereum ecosystem & onboard new developers to blockchain. This week, we’ve partnered with 1 Million Devs to open up a join effort in reaching developers that haven’t yet built blockchain tech!

Developer Challenge: New collaboration with 1 Million Developers

Collaboration with 1 Million Devs

Our goal with the Developer Challenge is simple and properly aligns with the initiative provided by 1 Million Devs:


They are building initiatives, bounties, documentation & tutorials related to helping any developer start building with Ethereum. They are helping onboard new developers, pushing ecosystem momentum and driving others to create more blockchain developers like you!

We’re collaborating with 1 Million Devs as a joint effort to reach more developers and give practical opportunities for joining the blockchain revolution!

Help us start a movement

ETHLondon ended a few days ago, with many exciting new dApps showing the power of DeFi and Ethereum. We believe the momentum and development of digital asset applications is thriving and we want to continue the success stories.

The future of the world needs developers like you! We were thrilled to see so many great ideas come to life at ETH London & ETH Denver, and are looking for projects that want to take it to the next level. We want to see what you build!

Here’s our ask:

Share this movement with a developer you think would benefit by building their first dApp.

Ways to share and get the word out:

Let’s all win together

The saying “A rising tide lifts all boats” could not be more true for what we hope to accomplish. This bounty is meant for all developers to grow by building blockchain applications, exploring digital assets and scaling current projects. As the Ethereum ecosystem is growing, we want to help push this growth even more with an easily achievable reward.

I’m In, but help me with ideas

Here’s a quick laundry list of things we’d love to see.

  • Hackathon starter kit — Integrate your favorite frameworks & use web3data.js
  • TradingView chart + web3data.js = embeddable widget
  • Digital assets embeddable widgets — Realtime price, activity alerts
  • ethers.js plugin — Create a plugin that uses amberdata RPC
  • web3data-py — Create web3data.js in python

The Reward

We’re offering 500 DAI to any project that complete the following rules. No strings attached, just straight up stable coins to fuel your project. Any project that successfully completes the rules between February 28th and March 31st is eligible. This reward will be sent 7 business days upon completion of all rules pending review by the Amberdata team. Use Digital Assets APIs and get 500 DAI. It’s that simple. Starting today through the end of March, we are opening a new type of bounty, where developers can earn DAI for adapting, upgrading or building new projects connected to APIs.

View Rules & Submission Form

Need Help or Have Questions?

We’re happy to help! Send us an email at, and we can help you with any integration or service questions.

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Trevor Clarke

VP of Product -, Passionate Software Engineer 🤓, Hobbyist in 3D Design & Robotics