Hand it over.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Poppy Permata
The Amber Chamber
2 min readMay 26, 2020


2020 caught us by surprise with covid-19. We took a detour, set aside our plans, and for the first time in centuries the whole world entered a moment of stillness.

When we stumble into challenges and painful moments, it is tempting to declare that life is unfair, or we are not supposed to be treated like that, and so on. We act like THE judge for everything and everyone, including ourselves. Especially when the world we live in glamorizes self-help with the “you do you, boo” and the “suck it up, man-up!” We took it as the truth, we measure life with it, and all these things cloud our judgment. And there it goes, the confusion strikes as it tells us that we are alone and nobody can help us but ourselves. It is exhausting to live by your own rules! — been there, done that!

We live, we breathe. We love, we hurt. We learn to love life and keep loving.

No, it is not easy.
No, we don’t deserve to be treated wrongly by anyone.
No, we don’t always know why things had to happen.
But when you stumble into hardship, you hand it over. Hand it over to God. We are never meant to hold it. He will settle it, protect you from it, bring Light into it. Isn’t it liberating to live like we are supposed to be? Freely and fully without holding any baggage!

I hope in this covid season where life gets tough, we can choose to hand it over to God. Hand over your doubts, your fears and burdens. Hold on to the truth, and the truth will set you free.



Poppy Permata
The Amber Chamber

Wordsmith. Warrior. | Bloom Rooms page now becomes medium.com/amberisthecolor | Instagram : poppyps_