The benefits of 30 minutes workouts during work

Kristina Böing
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2019

Germany is the country of poets and thinkers. The body and mind have been clearly separated from each other for a long time. This duality has influenced our culture and working environment. Nowadays the topics of work-life-balance, yoga, nutrition and mindfulness have been approached by many different organisation, places and people. It becomes more and more natural, that these are important parts of our daily life.

We have secure knowledge that every human is more than a physical body and a mind. Both parts are connected in an enormous energy field. Which means in real-world language that it has an effect on our mind if and how we move our body. Our body posture influences our mind for better or worse.

Our body made to move and is more than a simple tool that carries us from meeting to meeting. But in reality, a lot of people are sitting more or less the whole day. It is no secret that this is a bad idea. Side effects are a higher risk for heart diseases, diabetes, shortness in the backside of the legs, pain in the lower back, shoulders and much more.

Creating space in the shoulders

At Ambient Innovation we have adopted a regular practice of office workouts as a core part of our company culture.

A thirty-minute workout break during working time has amazing variety of benefits. Not only for the body. Countless studies indicate that physical education causes new brain cells to grow, increases thinking ability and reduces stress. Scientists have proven that different brain regions from physical active people have an enhanced connectivity. Especially the frontal brain lobe which is responsible for planning, analysing and decision making benefits from that.

But what is the real cause for physical activities having a beneficial influence on the intellectual performance? We do not know exactly up to now. But what matters more from my point of view is, that we directly feel the benefits. An exercise break brings an immediately noticeable positive body feedback. We feel more grounded in our body. Beyond that, we feel more aware, present, fresher and more creative.

What’s the secret?

You can just workout or you can combine movement with breathing. This combination forces the mind to be in a present state. Because when you are focused on the breath and the movement, your mind can’t be anywhere else. It is impossible.

As a yoga teacher I have experienced a million of times and I have designed an effective minimalist workout on the basis of yoga, functional training, calisthenics and animal movements that does not need any special clothes or equipment and works in nearly any environment.

Every workout at Ambient Innovation starts with some mobility work for all joints with a slight focus on the muscles of the shoulders and neck. Additionally, every session contains the three major basic movements of the spine: forward bending, backbending and twisting. Also core exercises like for instance plank positions and dynamic push-ups are an important part of every well-rounded workout sessions. They do not only strengthen the core, they also support the strengthening of the shoulders and chest.

Intense wall workout

Workout time is a time that gives something back. Especially in stressful situations and when it seems that there is no time to exercise, is even more important just doing it. It works like a reset and gives fresh insights and perspectives.

As a software engineering company, we are always on the road to improvement. Our workout time is a complete contrast to that concept. It is not our intention that our team continually increase the intensity of their workouts with the hope their bodies “function better”. We think integrated. Workout time is an invest to feel empowered, refreshed and to feel connected with colleagues — even across teams.

Would you like to have that in your company as well?

A special thanks goes out to my awesome team!

