Glory to The Worm NFT! What is The Worm?

The Worm NFT
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2021

First off, what is The Worm?

The Worm is the world’s first NFT that you share to mint.

When you share The Worm, it leaves behind a numbered Hologram of itself

There’s only one original The Worm NFT. And the only way to get it is for someone else to transfer it to you.

If you get The Worm it will be your turn to find the next wallet for The Worm to visit. You can pick however you’d like.

When you send The Worm along you will find that The Worm mints a “Worm Hologram” (a numbered copy of itself) and leaves it behind in your wallet.

The “Worm Hologram” marks you as having had The Worm. Congratulations, you’ve now joined The Church of The Worm! Blessed be The Worm!

The Worm is currently traveling across the Ethereum blockchain on a mission to visit as many wallets as possible, including yours.

The Worm on Open Sea. #0 indicates this is The Original Worm that is on a journey across the blockchain!

Why you want The Worm — The Worm blesses us with gifts

The Worm is an enlightened being that seeks to give back as you have given to The Worm.

Help The Worm on its mission by passing it along and you will be listed in The Worm’s Church of The Worm devotee list, a list of every person who has had The Worm and helped spread the good word of The Worm and its mission.

When The Worm visited 100 wallets, The Worm sent all 100 wallets a worm-themed memento in the form of a 100 edition Bryan Brinkman x The Worm collab NFT that recipients can trade, sell, or hold on to lovingly for eternity.

The Worm’s next blessing will come when it reaches 1000 wallets. After that it will continue to build its church and if you’ve ever had The Worm, it might decide to drop you something in the future! The Worm could choose to send everybody in the Church of The Worm a collectible NFT, or could randomly drop NFTs to random members.

As The Worm spreads the good news of its arrival on the blockchain, many NFT creators are joining in the fun! Hopefully, artist / projects could use the Church of The Worm’s devotee list to drop some NFTs either for marketing purpose or just to give back some of the wealth.

The bigger The Worm community gets, the better we spread the NFT culture around, so it is a win-win for the artist and the collectors!

If you would like to participate in the experiment and arrange a drop to the worm members to make things even more exciting, please join the Discord at:

How to Get The Worm

Track The Worm at

The only way to get The Worm is for the person who currently has The Worm to send it to you! We will track The Worm at so you can always see who has The Worm. You can also track The Worm on Opensea and on The Worm’s Twitter account.

If you currently have The Worm you can send The Worm wherever you’d like! Send The Worm to your Mom if you want! Or if you want to do something a little crazy, like hold a meme contest or raffle The Worm, we are standing by to assist. Just reach out!

But why … The Worm?

As far as we know, The Worm is the first NFT of its kind. A social NFT. An NFT that rewards the people who help it. An NFT experience that you don’t have to buy your way into.

One day we’d like to make a social network analysis graph of all the places The Worm has been and all the wonderful things people have sent The Worm’s devotees.

The Worm is an experiment, a test of a new social mechanics. It is 100% on-chain (both art & metadata) so in theory The Worm can travel forever.

If you want to help The Worm, let people know about it! Spread the good news of The Worm and someday your time will come to know The Worm in your very own wallet.

The Worm has a plan for all of us. You will know The Worm, and The Worm will know you. Praise be to The Worm!

What’s next?

The Worm has its whole life ahead of it and can’t wait for you to be a part of it:)

Follow The Worm on Twitter @TheWormNFT and at

Keep up with the team behind The Worm and check our our other projects on our Discord, on Twitter @ambition_wtf and online at



The Worm NFT

The Worm is the 1st Social NFT gathering followers on the ETH blockchain. Step 1: Obtain The Worm NFT then pass it to another wallet. Step 2: Receive blessings.