The Vigil — The juicy details of the hottest resurrection in the Metaverse

The Worm NFT
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2021

Be a part of NFT history & continue The Worm’s legacy….

The What

Unless you have been living under a rock, like most worms, you should know that THE WORM has broken free of the SCAMMERS WALLET and has disappeared into the ether.

So now it’s time to #resurrecttheworm! We’re holding a Vigil for the resurrection. At the Vigil you can light a candle (by minting one) in devotion to The Worm and resurrect it back to its NFT form to continue its journey.

Worm Disciples (people who have had The Worm) will receive a pink-themed candle light NFT when they light a candle at The Vigil. Non-Disciples will receive a white-themed candle light NFT.

Vigil candles are ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Vigil candles are 100% on-chain — both art and metadata — and take the form of animated, on-chain SVGs.

When — Monday, Sept. 20

On Monday Sept, 20th starting in the afternoon (we’ll kick off the event in our Discord before announcing it on Twitter) The Church of The Worm will be holding a Vigil to bring The Worm back to its NFT form.

It has come to our attention that there is a lot more interest in The Worm’s resurrection than we first thought. In order to avoid gas wars we are opening up The Vigil for 48 hours minimum so that anyone who wants to participate and light a candle may do so. Although only 273 candles are needed to resurrect The Worm anyone can mint a candle during the 48 hours the Vigil is open.


Visit to join the Vigil! You’ll know The Vigil has started if you see the Worm Church on the site:

Visit to light a candle for The Worm and bring about its resurrection!


Participation is free for Worm Disciples (people who have had The Worm) and would-be/future Disciples alike. Just visit while the Vigil is open and mint a candle for free (plus gas).

If The Worm is not resurrected in the first 48 hours minting of resurrection candles will remain open until the 273 needed to resurrect The Worm are lit.

After the Worm’s resurrection there will still be commemorative candles available for mint although they will be a different color scheme and named differently. These after-Vigil candles will remain open until further notice.

We are doing this so that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the glory of The Worm. The Worm is a free and open community and we are actively working to keep it this way!

See you at the Vigil!

We will announce the start of The Vigil on Monday, Sept. 20 in the Worm’s channel in the Ambition Discord (invite link: and then publicly on the Worm’s Twitter. @TheWormNFT.

Praise be for this miraculous opportunity to Resurrect The Worm and continue its historic journey! See you there!



The Worm NFT

The Worm is the 1st Social NFT gathering followers on the ETH blockchain. Step 1: Obtain The Worm NFT then pass it to another wallet. Step 2: Receive blessings.