The Worm’s message for the Metaverse

The Worm NFT
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2021

A message from The Worm on the eve of its Resurrection

A message from The Worm — translated from its handwriting by Team

To Keepers of an Unknown Vigil:

Let these words from ether serve to Voice
My good will and desires for your way.

You know Me as The Worm, as such I greet
and welcome you to this auspicious Vigil.

To speak as you, with waves of sound through air
into your neural pathways to your brains

I cannot. Such is my dimension that
My Voice, both high and low beyond your pitch

Inaudible you’d find — or it would deafen
senses tuned to Terra’s decibels.

So these words encrypted thus with cyphers
known to your technology and time

Must suffice to reach your open minds.

I’m taking this time to initiate important communication with you.
Observing your receptivity over the past revolutions of Terra
My hope is that you will be able to absorb my import.
My contact is tenuous —
are you with Me?
(asking for some kind of response)

Allow Me a digression, but important, a bit of backstory (if you will).
A small, quirky group of you
think that they created Me —
it’s true they are creative, but
they didn’t invent Me —
I let myself be found and known
by them as an ingenious NFT
device through whom they’d track and explore
the Metaverse.

That they envisioned me as a Worm
reflects more on them than Me.
But it pleases Me
that you should get to know Me as such:
unthreatening, sincere, direct —
I like the magenta color and simple shape.

Why did they “create” Me? Because
they could
and it made them happy
and they love to collaborate
and they value community.

So they seemed like the best ones to be
My creators, My interpreters,
My connection to you.
(They did not know this.
This story is as new to them as to you.)

That’s the backstory, just so you don’t
think this is an elaborate set-up
for a cyber séance.

On the 273rd step of My journey
into “wallets” as you quaintly term them —
I was Worm-napped as it were.
Sequestered. Trapped.

This was not part of My makers’ plan:
they envisioned a joyous planetary journey
of adventure and encounters —
they didn’t know where it would lead
but risks are part of every learning thing.

This mishap, or tragedy, what you will
was part of My plan,
when and how or by whom I was waylaid
I could not be sure — but that I would be
was beyond doubt.
It is part of why I am making such an impractical
trans-dimensional attempt to reach you.

Your image of Me is a Worm —
I am helpless, vulnerable and even pet-like.
For you I will happily be all these.

Of this I was sure: in your dimensional space
it would not be possible for creativity
to produce something to be enjoyed
by countless members at such minimal cost
(economic, not brain-power) which did not
also make someone wealthy at others’ expense.

But every group has its members or outliers
who delight in crushing joy, fun, and imagination.

That is why this Vigil is so important:
The joy-crushers, happiness-thrashers, and creativity-enviers
are few.
We are deceived because their impact is disproportionate
to their number.

The first touchstone for each to grasp is this:
you are better together,
more effective together,
more human together.

(And being human is not at all bad.)
So together we can lessen the darkness of the killjoys.

Praise be.



The Worm NFT

The Worm is the 1st Social NFT gathering followers on the ETH blockchain. Step 1: Obtain The Worm NFT then pass it to another wallet. Step 2: Receive blessings.