An Interview with Asma Ben salah, DevOps Engineer

Getting to know the people building AMBOSS

Engineering, Product and Design at AMBOSS
3 min readOct 15, 2021


How did you end up working at AMBOSS?

I was looking for DevOps jobs on LinkedIn in Berlin and saw an opening at AMBOSS. I did some online research and was really impressed by the AMBOSS mission to provide a platform for medical students to learn, and for physicians to empower all doctors to provide the best possible care. I come from the IT world and had never seen this concept in other fields. I knew I wanted to be part of it. After talking with Kasia and the rest of the team, I was sold.

What has surprised you the most since joining AMBOSS?

How open and talented people are here. Not only are they amazing and welcoming, but the company has many great initiatives, such as purpose days, the AMBOSS diversity calendar, cooking classes, and many more.

What has been your favorite project at AMBOSS so far?

One of the things I love about working at AMBOSS is that your opinion matters, you feel heard here.

A favorite project of mine is working on secret management. I like this because it involves a lot of things I enjoy — working as a software engineer on security topics, architecture design, and coding.

What team do you work on and what’s your favorite thing about being part of the team?

I work for the awesome Platform team. My favorite thing? It’s hard to have just one, so I will share two.

First is the tech stack — working with technology that I like and being given the freedom and the means to test and build tools with it. Second, and I know this may sound cliché, but the team itself. I am blessed to work with people that I like.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve encountered in your role?

My biggest challenge is rallying and engaging people with a new solution that has been developed. There’s a French saying that says “L’homme résiste au changement” — people resist change.

Promoting a new solution or implementation can be hard, you need to coordinate with a lot of people, plan your schedule around theirs, think of the time element and many other factors. But I also think it is part of the fun.

What’s something else you’ve gotten involved with at AMBOSS?

I try to be involved as possible. I enjoy the writer’s hour, for example, because it’s a great place to think and work on writing and English skills.

I also love knowledge sharing (the quote “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it,” by Margaret Fuller is something that I live by) so I am involved in different guilds, workshops and other knowledge sharing initiatives.

Do you have any advice for someone thinking of applying to AMBOSS?

You won’t regret it.

