OKRbot becomes Amby

Nikhil Nanu
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2020

A year back when we decided to work on software about OKRs (Objective Key Results), we had a simple idea in mind. We aimed at building a very utilitarian tool, something that would work into our existing workflow, clear cut, and focused on doing one thing i.e. tracking OKRs. We decided this would be best served in the form of a Slack integration. With this intention, it made sense to keep its name clear and simple, OKRbot.

To those unfamiliar with the concept of OKRs, it is put to simply, a goal-setting framework. One which has a proven track record in how it has enabled many companies to scale and grow all with bringing in people within it together working towards a common goal. **

For further reading, I would recommend the book by John Doerr “Measure What Matters”.

Now almost 6 months later, we have outgrown our tool, and with a better understanding and a firmer grasp on OKRs than when we started, we knew we had to evolve our product. Not just having it function as a slack bot, but also work as a web app with the right implementation of how we work with and track OKRs as how it was originally intended to.

With our new version of the product, the name OKRbot no longer served the purpose. With a bigger scope and vision, we had to come up with a brand name that matched the new direction we wanted to move in. So we all put our heads together to come up with a recognizable identity that also conveyed what we were trying to do.

Searching for a name

We soon learned how difficult it was to get good names because they were already claimed, or their domains came at soul-draining prices 😅. But amongst the concepts we ran through there was one sentence that kept coming up when we were discussing OKRs. The phrase “as measured by”. It seemed to truly capture the essence of the OKR. Not only that but it could be applied to a broader scale to measure success from Company to individuals.

We knew there was something here. But we needed a name. And that’s what made us go, well…”Why not shorten it?” and Voila! we get “Amby”. Fortunately, we found a domain too. We checked with our team and some of our mentors and they too checked off on it and finally, we were all set to go. OKRbot was now going to be Amby.

The logo

We quickly got to making an updated logo for the new name, running through several concepts from our team, within 3 days, ultimately deciding on one.

With an overall theme of journey and growth, we found our tool forming the role of a digital Cairn (markers on the trail) that would help guide people and companies on their journey towards the top.

So with our new logo, we are hoping to communicate what our core purpose is, helping teams build towards reaching their full potential one piece at a time, making their life a little better.

