Go to Amikom Computer Club
Amikom Computer Club
AMCC merupakan UKM yang bergerak dalam bidang keilmuan. Terdiri dari 5 divisi yaitu, divisi web programming, divisi mobile programming, divisi computer network, divisi desktop programing, dan divisi hardware software. AMCC memiliki visi “The Best IT Organization in Jogja”.
Note from the editor

AMCC merupakan UKM yang bergerak dalam bidang keilmuan. Seketariat AMCC beralamat di Gedung BSC Lantai 2 Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta jalan Ring Road Utara Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Go to the profile of Amikom Computer Club
Go to the profile of Yogadwisusena
Go to the profile of Claudio Hans Figo
Claudio Hans Figo
Harta Tahta Mamah Yuuka
Go to the profile of Ferry Febriansyah
Go to the profile of Kevin Arnandes
Kevin Arnandes
Seorang mahasiswa yang mau tulisannya dibaca banyak orang. Karena kesepian. Saya Kevin Arnandes tertarik pada Machine Learning, Food, and Love
Go to the profile of Deni Wijaya
Go to the profile of Hayya Rasykah
Go to the profile of DIFA DLYAUL HAQ
Go to the profile of user0
Yow gess
Go to the profile of Ferry Febriansyah
Go to the profile of Deni Wijaya
Go to the profile of Aul
Go to the profile of Ilham Mustaqiim
Go to the profile of yogiefani
Go to the profile of Shelawdya
Go to the profile of Muhammad Khosyi Nawwari
Go to the profile of Egidanuarta
Go to the profile of user0
Yow gess
Go to the profile of Nazla Dio Hevin
Nazla Dio Hevin
Siapapun orangnya bisa melakukan apapun, kenapa? karena ras manusia merupakan ras overpower di Bumi
Go to the profile of Ricki Darmawan
Ricki Darmawan
I wanna help her :(
Go to the profile of Fauzakhrn
Go to the profile of Muhammad Pandu Royyan
Go to the profile of imsyamsoel
Go to the profile of Mufidatul Ngazizah
Go to the profile of Shandika David Ardiansyah
Shandika David Ardiansyah
Love to share about technologies.
Go to the profile of Nicolastegar
Go to the profile of xicerya
Go to the profile of Dewa
Go to the profile of dindalolyta
Go to the profile of brliana
Go to the profile of mf.humam
Write for Data Science enthusiast
Go to the profile of Muhammad Ammar Afif
Muhammad Ammar Afif
Hello everyone 👋
Go to the profile of Whyuanang__
Go to the profile of MUHAMMAD ADIB NAJWAN