10 fall specialties in China

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4 min readSep 20, 2019

Mid-Autumn Festival is a chance for Chinese to come home and celebrate with their families. The full moon day of the Lunar August usually falls during the harvest season, so people have plenty of ingredients to cook for the moon celebration. Here are the most famous Mid-Autumn specialties in this billion people country.

Moon cake

This popular dish is often round, symbolizing the reunion day on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Favorite cakes include cereal, red bean, white lotus, salted egg, and some fruits.


Cinnamon flower is white, yellow or red, blooming at the Mid-Autumn Festival. Flower cinnamon is a high-class dish, with a sweet aroma from the cinnamon flower, the sweet taste of honey or malt sugar. The Chinese often use lotus root to marinate with cinnamon served in the reunion dinner.

Wine cinnamon

Soaking wine with flower cinnamon is a traditional custom originated from the Warring States period (475–221 BC). Wine cinnamon includes white wine marinated with cinnamon soaked in alum sugar, honey, red apple, longan, and ginseng … This wine has a sweet taste, symbolizing Chinese desire for a happy life.


Chinese believe that taro can help fight bad luck and evil spirits. In the dialects of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, taro has the same pronunciation as a blessing. Besides, people in Guangdong often peeled taro in the Mid-Autumn Festival with an expect to ward off evil spirits.

Chinese Crab

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also the season for this special crabs, so this specialty often appears on the full moon meals of families in southern China. The most famous crabs are raised in Taihu (Zhejiang), Yangcheng Lake (Jiangsu), Gucheng Lake (Shanghai) … which tasted the best when steamed.

River snail

In the fall, the snail is fat and is the most delicious ones. Chinese also believe that eating snails at the Mid-Autumn Festival is good for eyesight. This specialty is a traditional dish on the full moon day of Lunar August in Guangdong from the Qing Dynasty.

Duck meat

The Mulam in Yunnan province often eats duck meat at Middle of Autumn to commemorate a significant history when the Mulan efforted to fight back a group of outsiders at the end of the Yuan Dynasty (1271- 1368). Duck is the most delicious in autumn. When cinnamon flower bloom, duck meat absorbs the fragrance of flowers to produce a specialty called “flower cinnamon duck”.


The ripe pomegranate season falls at the Mid-Autumn Festival, giving a juicy and suitable fruit for the dry season. The Chinese compare the transparent pomegranate seeds as descendants. People often eat pomegranates, especially those who are married but have not had a baby yet. In addition, it is also one of the fruits on the Chinese altar to pray for long life, reunited family and blessing.


Grapefruit is one of the most important festive dishes during the Mid-Autumn Festival because its name has the same pronunciation as the word blessing in Chinese. Chinese people eat grapefruit on the full moon day of Lunar August to enjoy good things from the moon.


Pumpkin is a popular dish in southern China during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and carotene, which helps reduce sugar and fat in the blood, good for digestion and moisturizes skin in the dry, cold weather of autumn. This fruit balances Chinese greasy meals during the Middle of Autumn.

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