5 Mysterious Facts in Airplane That Can Blow Your Mind

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3 min readSep 26, 2019

Have you ever wondered how people can operate a plane fly safely during a long process? If your mind sticks the same thing, you can jump into our list of 5 unique facts in a flight in the following to discover more.

Pilots must not have a beard

Most airline brands oblige their pilots not to grow beards. The reason is that if you grow a beard, especially a cone-shaped beard, in an emergency, you can not wear an oxygen tank because it does not fit with your beard. That leads to the exhaust of oxygen which endangers the pilot. Pilot’s health always comes first because he holds the lives of hundreds of people, so this rule is very strict to every pilot.

The aircraft does not fly in a straight line

Many people think that the plane will fly straightly like a bird but it is not, especially when looking at the flight map. Mostly its flight is an arc, sometimes also zigzag. Because our earth is spherical and the plane follows the Earth’s surface, while the map is flat, so the image shown will usually be curved or zigzag. In addition, due to weather, flight, safety, aviation security reasons for each area, the aircraft will fly on its own trajectory.

How the pilot goes to the toilet

When one of the pilots needs to use the toilet, flight attendant will go into the cockpit and wait until he comes back. This prevents the case that a pilot remaining in the cockpit locking the doors and controlling the aircraft.

Food on the plane is “tasteless”

This is a scientific comment, not by subjective. And this is not the service’s fault, but because at high pressure, our taste, smell will be reduced, so we can not smell or feel exactly food’s taste. When the airplane flies lower, this situation will improve and food’s taste will be better.

Oxygen bottle is only enough to breathe in 15 minutes

This fact makes many people feel scared and surprised because they always suppose that oxygen tanks are a safe solution to maintain air for hours. But do not worry too much because 15 minutes is enough for pilots to lower the plane to a place with better pressure so you can breathe normally without oxygen bottle.

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