5 Ticket Industry Trends to Watch in 2019

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3 min readOct 2, 2019

When speaking about trends, as in any industry, there’s always big names seeking to maintain their reputation by trying to adapt new trends. In the ticketing space, most companies have been monitoring and discussing the innovations that are moving towards being a trend, but the result is not always good as their expectation.

In the following, we bring you the top 5 trends in the ticketing industry which most enterprise is currently following up.

Trend 1- Smart tickets

Most tickets are getting smarter, more personal and more mobile. It is predicted that some of the technology- oriented trends will include an accelerated adoption of sophisticated mobile tickets- thanks to a range of new technologies, the number of paper tickets is decreasing, other than just a small number of uses in specific and special cases.

A study conducted by Juniper shows that mobile tickets market will increase to 64%, from $14 billion to $23 billion by 2023

In addition, the use of smart ticket in general will surge 73% by 2023

Trend 2- Increased regulation

Both smart ticket trend and increased — regulation one will expedite the move towards de- anoymized tickets. There will be a shift towards the growth of Unique Individual (UI) tickets and Known Individual (KI) tickets. This will power an explosion in the value of data services as a wealth of meta- information, making business- insights available in a non- invasive and secure way.

In the UK, the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) has found irregularities on various secondary markets websites, without naming them, and mentioned it will take legal action if the companies operating these sites don’t comply

There are an organization in Euro has been formed to help tightening rules around resellers in UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Trend 3- More desired control from right holders

Brand, money, data will be the key points to touch when it comes to having more control over and promoters, venues, artists and event managers are definitely showing more and more interest towards to.

A recent survey by Aventus of concert-goers in the USA showed that a bad experience while purchasing online tickets and denial of access at the venue due to ticket fraud, has a significant negative impact over the artist’s reputation. To be more precise, 54% of the respondents consider that ticket scams interfere with fans’ perception of the brand.

Trend 4- Biometrics

Developments around biometrics and security and a shift towards mobile means interoperability based on an open standard is not just a possibility but a feasible value proposition.

For example, Ticketmaster has publicly stated that they are working on a facial recognition identification system in collaboration with Blink Identity.

“Our revolutionary identity in motion product identifies people as they walk past a sensor at full walking speed, enabling frictionless identification,” — Ticketmaster.

In December 2018, Clear announced a partnership with Major League Baseball and Tickets.com. Fans now have the option to choose a ticketing/verification method using fingerprints for some ballparks.

Trend 5 — New technology in town

One of the buzzwords of 2017 and 2018 was BLOCKCHAIN. Many don’t understand the technology or have yet to determine a use-case but it remains a hot topic and there are visible efforts to abstract the concept and present its advantages in ways people can digest and assimilate.

Blockchain technology isn’t new, however, it has become increasingly popular since the birth of the Bitcoin in 2009. A type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), Blockchain lends itself best to an open network in a low trust environment, where both transparency and privacy can co-exist, due to encryption.

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