9 Global Universities Offering Crypto and Blockchain Courses

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6 min readJul 8, 2019

Coming to the 4th industrial technology revolution, the digital assets become more valuable and people will look into blockchain more. But the fact that this distributed ledger technology is still mainly blur as it is new and not easy to capture all its operating systems.

Therefore, there are above 50 universities offering the crypto and blockchain courses to support those who intend to fully understand how this growing system works worldwide. And AMC Group hereby make a list of 9 universities for your consideration where you can learn about crypto and blockchain technology. Do you want to learn about blockchain technology? Please feel free to check them out with us.

1. New York University (NYU) - USA

In 2014 New York University started offering blockchain classes, the first course opened was “The Law and Business of Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies.” This course is still available and explains Bitcoin and other alternative payments mechanisms.

In 2018, NYU begins offering students a major in blockchain technology which is provided by the NYU Stern School of Business. The program will become the country’s first business school to offer an MBA in fintech.

NYU’s finance department chair, David Yermack says that when the college’s first course on blockchain and financial services was offered in 2014, just 35 students signed up, a figure that climbed to 230 students by spring 2018, forcing the school to move the class to an auditorium and begin offering it both semesters.

2. Stanford University - USA

Another institution in USA, Stanford University also offers a special course about blockchain. It has a various courses offered by Computer Science Department, Law School, Business School, Economics Department, and Public Policy programs. After this course, students will have not only a solid foundation of blockchain technology, but also have the conceptual foundations to apply software in cryptocurrency networks which can integrate cryptocurrency ideas into their own projects.

Furthermore, Stanford University has a Center of Blockchain Research which brings together engineering, law, and economics faculty, post-docs, students, and visitors to work on this field. The center’s primary mission is to support the thriving ecosystem by developing new technologies needed to advance the field. Then, students can learn much knowledge.

3. University of Cumbria - UK

The University of Cumbria in the UK accepted bitcoin payments for two new programmes linked to the study of cryptocurrencies and complementary currencies in 2014, and becoming the first public university in the world to do it.

Addition to it, the university has recently launched a free Master-level online course that focuses on the future of money. During the course, students reportedly explore the assumption somewhat prevalent in the Bitcoin community that money is best understood as an asset with an intrinsic value.

4. IT University of Copenhagen - Denmark

IT University of Copenhagen has organised the Blockchain Summer School. The Summer School is an initiative of the European Blockchain Center and run jointly for the fourth year by faculty members from IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School and Copenhagen University.

The participants will learn how blockchain technology is disrupting existing business models and will gain insights in paradigmatic changes occurring from economic, organisational and computer science viewpoints with topics such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology related to its foundations, tools, and platforms.

5. University of Nicosia - Cyprus

The University of Nicosia (UNIC), the largest independent university of Cyprus, is one of the leading universities globally in the digital currency and blockchain field which started in 2013. UNIC has long considered blockchain technology to be a fundamental technological breakthrough with significant financial and societal implications and selected it as one of its three interdisciplinary priorities across all schools and departments of the university.

This leading role in academia has been recognized by blockchain industry publications in their evaluation of UNIC’s position among universities involved in the field. In 2018, UNIC was awarded the Biggest Contributor to the blockchain development by the Blocks Awards.

6. Universidad Europea de Madrid - Spain

The Bitcoin and Blockchain course opening in the Universidad Europea will provide students with solid knowledge of the way cryptocurrencies work as payment mechanisms and the obligations associated with their custody; the knowledge of the way blockchains work in their different modalities with the aim to explore different options offered by this technology; the solid knowledge of the different legal and economic aspects associated with managing and using different technology.

When you finish this course you will be able to analyze in a critical way the technical and legal viability of solutions based on blockchain technologies and to develop integral projects related to cryptocurrency amongst others.

7. National University of Singapore - Singapore

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has its own blockchain laboratory and several courses on blockchain for long training time such as “Cryptography Theory and Practice” offered by the Information Security Department, “Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies” by the Computing in Information Systems Department … Students will learn the key concepts underlying these technologies and how it has evolved. The course also illustrates the real-life use cases, the major DLT platforms including Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda …

Furthermore, NUS has also the short courses such as “Introduction to Blockchain and DLT for Executives” which is a one-day course by the NUS Institute of Systems Science. The course provides an overview of blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) meant for executives. It is designed to enable executives to explore the potential uses for blockchain and DLT, for better business decision-making in the adoption of these technologies.

8. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zuerich - Switzerland

The Blockchain and the Internet of Things School (BIOTs) under the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has annual course explores the potential of these two technologies with a specific focus on sustainable development, and provides opportunities to gain fundamental understanding of promising new technologies as well as develop creative decentralized solutions for societal challenges using these technologies.

There is also the annual Blockchain Security Seminar introduces students to the latest research trends in the field of blockchain. The seminar covers the basics of blockchain technology, including motivation for decentralized currency, establishing trust between multiple parties using consensus algorithms, and smart contracts as a means to establish decentralized computation.

9. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) - Australia

RMIT is the first university in Australia to offer a course in blockchain technology in 2018.

The 8-week course, entitled “Developing Blockchain Strategy”, was designed by RMIT’s Blockchain Innovation Hub and partners with consulting firm Accenture and fintech hub Stone & Chalk. The online course promises a practical program that goes beyond the conceptual aspect of Blockchain, which is designed not only to teach students about the technology of the blockchain, but also support as an assistance to professionals who are willing to learn how to use blockchain technology to grow their business.


The growing demand for blockchain skills needs a huge support from global universities and training centers. As the more our social life is developing, the more IT knowledge should be captured. AMC Group hopes the above information can contribute a bit to your consideration in searching and studying about the new cryptocurrency and blockchain trend.

If you have any other interest in our news on blockchain technology, feel free to find out more at our website:

http://bit.ly/amcworld_ (www.amcworld.io)

