Blockchain-Challenged Authorities Take Down Crypto’s Largest Dark Web

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1 min readJun 21, 2019

It appears safety standards for criminals on the dark web are shrinking quickly. Following a series of raids in both Germany and the United States, American and European officials have succeeded in taking down what they call one of the world’s “largest online criminal trafficking operations.” The problem is it took authorities two years to take down the bad guys, paving the way for millions in crypto funds to be stolen in the interim.

Three German citizens- who remain unnamed at press time - have been charged in both their home country and the United States with operating what’s known as the “Wall Street Market,” a dark net platform that allegedly hosted approximately 5,400 sellers of illegal drugs including cocaine and heroin. The men are also being charged with forging illegal documents for users, such as driver’s licenses and identity papers.

Please check this link below to know more about how this dark web being taken down:

