Collect Some Tips to Fight Against Shopping Addiction

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5 min readAug 5, 2019

Have you ever think that a hobby that you enjoy in free time can become a bad habit harming your daily life? This problem is possible. Some people who spend money above their salary on shopping can become addicted to purchasing which easily leads to a financial crisis. Because clothes, footwear, equipment, and other products can make people feel satisfied and sufficient which is an excuse for people who are addicted to shopping. Are you one of them? Are you finding a way to escape from that obsession? The following steps will show you how to spot signs of shopping addiction, promptly change your buying habits, and seek professional help if necessary. The content below is several steps you should follow step by step to change your shopping habit.

1.Fully understand your shopping problem

Do you know how much time do you spend on shopping both on and off every day or every week? Most people don’t often think about it so they have no idea how long have they spent on shopping which is a serious problem if it is a significant time.

There is a free application called RescueTime allowing you to track how much time you spent on each website and display a time table which is easy for you to analysis and reduce your shopping period.

Knowing exactly how much you spend on specific websites can be eye-opener awaking you from digging into shopping.

2. Make a shopping list and strictly follow

You should write down a list of necessary items and have a strong mind to only buy what are on the list. We know it’s hard since there is a bunch of attractive products or hot sales offering you whenever you go to shopping both on and off, but just try to focus merely on the list and keep reminding you to find what you really need.

3. Bring cash, leave the plastic

When you hang out or go shopping, leave your credit card at home and bring only cash (enough amount as your thinking) or a debit card (of course with a small balance). It helps reduce your desire for shopping cause there is a limit in your pocket.

4. Play mind games

For some people, money is not an emotional issue. They’re able to make logical choices and not be tempted to otherwise. That’s lucky for them but most of us don’t have that best luck. Though we can practice your mind through a game called 30 day-rule. This is how people play it: When you see something you want, instead of buying it right away, note it on your calendar for 30 days in the future. After a month if you still want it, then considering buying it. If you keep regularly following this challenge, your mind can be trained to be stronger and become emotionless in front of apparels, accessories,… even your favorite ones.

5. Cut up your credit cards

People often entered and saved credit card information on their favorite retailers’ sites so they can check out with just a single click. This makes more convenient for them to plop something in the shopping cart and check out before really think about the amount of purchase.

If your credit cards are deleted when you want to make a payment for a purchase, you have to wake up, get up your wallet or purse and fill in your shipping and billing information. Those few minutes and the following annoyance might make you change your mind whether to keep buying or not.

Another benefit when you deleted your credit cards is that it will reduce the risk of identify theft. Your retailing account is always in danger by hackers all the time and when a data breach occurs, you don’t have to so worry about your private information.

6. Keep calm when seeing sale tags

For some people, their problems come from their hunger for sale, not the use of those products. They buy things unconsciously to satisfy their conception that “ I bought the cheapest one”. This is such a serious problem cause lately you will find that you don’t need those items and quickly feel regretful for what you have bought. To avoid that situation, keep reminding yourself “ There will be more sales” and get your eyes out of that sale tag.

7. Ask for financial advice

If your shopping addiction has gotten you into serious financial trouble that you are unable to manage on your own, you may want to consider seeing a credit counselor. A credit counselor can help you deal with the massive debt that accrues as a result of shopping addiction. However, always try to keep calm and listen to what they say even if they go straight into your problem and make you feel shame sometimes.

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